
4 Paths Of The Multiverse(MotalKombat,GreekGods,???,???)

WORLDS~~~ Jaquel - Greek World(Maybe God Of War) Mira - Mortal Kombat Zuko - ??? Shika - ??? ************* This is my original Novel and fanfic....I know that doesn't make sense at all but give it a try and maybe you'll like it, if not that's okay. This is my first attempt at making one of these so your feedback is appreciated and maybe a review will be nice even if it's 1 star I'll take it. This story is about 4 boys from Osaka, Japan, they were on a camping trip with their classmates when they decided to explore the wilderness and eventually they got lost and tried to find their way back when suddenly they came across 4 red doors in the middle of and open area in the forest, each of them were skeptical but curious so they all made a decision to inspect the doors. They all ended up opening and entering the doors and well.....they all end up stranded in a different world....in a different universe..... :)

Joyboy2023 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

"Shut up, all of you! We need to find a way out of this damn forest!" Zuko said, his frustration mounting.

"Hey guys...." Shika said as he was staring into the distance.

"What is it, man?" Jaquel asks.

"There's something over there...." Shika says while pointing to a open land in the distance.

The group quickly huddled together, their eyes wide with fear. They knew they had to make a decision, but they didn't know what to do.

"Is it just me or is their 4 red doors just standing in the middle of an open field?" Zuko whispered, his voice shaking slightly.

"No, I see them too," Mira replied, his eyes glued to the strange sight.

"What do we do?" Shika asked, his body tense.

"Let's go check it out," Jaquel said, a determined look on his face.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Mira warned. "We don't know what's out there."

"If we stay here, we'll be stuck in this forest forever," Jaquel reasoned. "Besides, we have no choice. It's the only way we'll get out of here."

"Going to supernatural shit like that?? Hell nah!!" Shika retorted.

"Stop being a pussy, man! It's the only way we'll get outta this damn forest!" Jaquel exclaimed.

"I agree with Jaquel. We need to take a chance and try to find a way out," Zuko said, standing beside Jaquel.

"Fine, but if we die, I'm gonna haunt all of your asses," Shika muttered.

With a deep breath, the group steeled their nerves and slowly made their way towards the mysterious red doors.

"What should we do?" Zuko asks as the group inspects the doors.

"I guess we should try and open them," Mira suggests.

"Throw a rock at it first," Jaquel suggested, picking up a rock and throwing it at the door.

"That didn't do anything," Zuko said, unimpressed.

"Okay, well, let's try opening it," Mira said, taking a deep breath.

"Wait only one or individually?" Shika asks.

"On the same time," Jaquel suggested.

"Okay, ready?" Zuko asked, his hand hovering over the door handle.

"Ready," the others replied, their hands gripping the other door handles.

"On the count of three," Zuko said.

"I'm having second thoughts guys," Shika said nervously.

"Just do it, Shika!" Jaquel snapped.

"One," Zuko counted.

"Two," the group said in unison.

"Three!" they shouted, pulling the doors open.

As the doors swung open, the group was greeted by a blinding light. They shielded their eyes, trying to make out what was in front of them.

"What the hell?" Jaquel muttered, squinting into the light.

"I can't see anything," Mira said, blinking rapidly.

"Me neither," Zuko said.

"This isn't real," Shika said, his voice trembling.

Suddenly all four of them began to be sucked in the light. They screamed and struggled, but it was no use. The light was too strong, and it was pulling them in.

"This can't be happening," Zuko yelled as the light consumed them.

"Hold on to the door knob!!" Mira shouted as everyone attempted to hang on to the doorknobs.

But the light was too powerful, and soon, the group was completely enveloped in its blinding brightness. Their screams echoed throughout the forest, their last cries of terror cut off as the doors slammed shut, leaving only silence behind.

*****JAQUEL'S POV*****

"Dang what the fuck just happened"

I looked around and realized I was in a giant hot bath, surrounded by magnificent stone pillars that looked extremely expensive and beautiful quartz tiles that were glowing and reflecting the light.

"You mortal scum!!! How dare you defile this sacred place with your disgusting bodies!!!" A woman's voice boomed out behind me.

"Huh?" I look behind me and see what I can only describe is a MILF!!!!

She's tall, about 6'10 feet, with a slender but curvy build. Her skin is a beautiful bronze color, and her hair is long, black, and wavy. Her eyes are a deep green, and her lips are full and luscious.

"You mortal vermin!!" She says angrily as she glares at me.

"Uh, sorry ma'am, I was just lost and trying to find my way out" I say, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Liar!! You were spying on me, weren't you?!" She says accusingly.

"Uh, no ma'am, I swear I was just trying to find my way outta here" I reply, confused.

"Don't lie to me, mortal! I can smell your perverted thoughts from a mile away!" She shouts, her voice echoing throughout the chamber.

"I swear, I'm not lying, ma'am, I was just trying to find my way out of this place," I say, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Your pathetic lies won't fool me, mortal," she says, narrowing her eyes at me.

"But I...."

"Enough!! Even if your words are true you have seen this Goddesses holy body, you shall be punished!!"

"Wait a minute!! Is that why your naked right now?? So I can be punished??" I asked incredulously.

"Silence, mortal!!" She shouts, her voice shaking the very ground we stand on.

"Yes, ma'am," I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Now, let's see...what punishment should I give you..." she says, her voice taking on a sadistic tone.

"Uhh...how about you let me on my merry way an you won't ever see me again?" I ask with an innocent smile.

"Oh, no, mortal. You've seen my sacred form, and now, you must pay the price," she says, a smirk forming on her lips.


"Now, I shall bestow upon you the punishment you deserve. Be grateful, mortal, for this is a once in a lifetime opportunity," she says, her voice dripping with malice.

"Wait a minute.....there is the clan head of the Chin Chong Dynasty!!" I say as I point behind her

"What??" She asks confused as she looks behind her.

After she sees nothing behind her she looks towards the mortal and sees that his gone.

"Where did he go?! He was just here!! How did he escape?!! Damn it!! How dare you fool me mortal!!!!"

She screams out of anger as pink flames burst around her body, scorching everything around her in to nothing.

"Sabrina!!!" She calls out

"Yes, Lady Aphrodite, how may I serve you?"

"Bring me that mortal at all costs!!"

"Umm...what mortal ma'am"

The servant girl known as Sabrina ask as she is confused of what Lady Aphrodite is speaking about.