
My Bratty Wife

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[WSA 2024 ENTRY] [WARNING: MATURE CONTENTS AND SLOW BURN] Suzy, a 21st century real estate agent woman, finds herself inexplicably transported to a ruthless noble family in a bygone era. Thrust into the role of the ostracized Cassandra, Suzy grapples with navigating courtly intrigue and a loveless arranged marriage to a cold, by the book, calculating Duke, Ryan. As a mysterious figure surfaces, threatening the kingdom, Ryan is tasked on investigating the happenings around. Suzy uncovers a web of secrets that challenge everything she thought she knew about Cassandra. Can they solve the historical puzzle while facing their growing feelings for each other (the Duke who is already becoming head over heels for her) in a world determined to keep them apart? Dive into this captivating slow-burn romance woven with historical intrigue and suspenseful mystery. [SPOILER: He fell first, fell harder, fell madder and she fell later.]

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Chapter 1Chapter one

A chorus of singing, off-key but enthusiastic, jolted Suzy awake. Sunlight peeked through the curtains, painting stripes across her eyelids. Then came the unmistakable scent of pancakes, fluffy and dripping with maple syrup. It was her birthday!

Suzy threw off the covers to find herself surrounded by a sea of balloons in every color imaginable. Banners proclaiming "Happy Birthday, Suzy!" hung across the room, and nestled beside her pillow was a small, beautifully wrapped package. A wave of warmth washed over her. Her parents were the best.

"Happy birthday, sleepyhead!" Her mom, Sarah, burst into the room, a beaming smile on her face and a plate piled high with pancakes in her hand. Behind her, Dad peeked in, a goofy grin splitting his face. He held a single, perfect red rose.

Suzy scrambled out of bed and threw her arms around her parents in a giant hug. "Thank you," she mumbled, burying her nose in Sarah's flowery apron.

"Thirty whole years old today," Sarah teased, ruffling Suzy's hair. "Getting old, aren't you?"

Suzy swatted her playfully. "Ha ha, very funny. Thanks for the pancakes, Mom. They smell amazing."

"Your dad helped," Sarah admitted with a wink. "Actually, he did most of the work. I just flipped."

Dad puffed out his chest proudly. "I used to be a short-order cook, you know. Had a knack for the griddle."

Suzy laughed, knowing the only time her dad had ever been near a griddle was at a diner. But she appreciated his effort, and the burnt edges on the pancakes only added to the charm.

After a leisurely breakfast filled with laughter and reminiscing about past birthdays, Suzy headed to the kitchen to clean up. The phone rang, shattering the peaceful morning.

"Hello?" Suzy answered, wiping her soapy hands on a dish towel.

"Hey, Suzy, it's Michael," a familiar voice boomed through the receiver. "Happy birthday! Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Hey, Michael! Thanks! Not at all," Suzy replied, a smile spreading across her face. Michael was one of her most reliable clients, a successful architect with a knack for finding hidden gems.

"Great," Michael continued. "Listen, remember that plot of land I mentioned on the outskirts of town? The one with the old Victorian house?"

Suzy's memory clicked. "The one with the overgrown garden and the creepy rumors?"

"The very same," Michael chuckled. "Well, I finally got the owner to agree to sell. I was hoping you could head out there today and take a look."

Suzy hesitated. Birthday plans usually involved a movie with friends or a fancy dinner with her parents. But Michael's deals were always interesting, and the chance to explore a potentially historic property was too good to pass up.

"Sure, Michael," she finally said. "Give me the address and I'll be there in an hour."

"Perfect!" Michael exclaimed. "And hey, happy birthday again! Maybe we can celebrate with some celebratory paperwork after you see the place."

Suzy laughed. "Sounds like a plan. Talk to you soon."

She hung up the phone, feeling a surge of excitement. Birthdays could be fun and productive after all.

After a quick phone call to her parents explaining the situation, Suzy grabbed her laptop, camera, and a notebook filled with inspection checklists. She jumped into her car, humming a happy tune as she navigated the bustling city streets.

The drive to the outskirts of town took about forty minutes. The landscape gradually changed from towering skyscrapers to rolling hills dotted with quaint farmhouses. Finally, she found herself on a narrow dirt road, the GPS struggling to keep up.

A weathered sign pointed to the property - "Willow Creek Estate." Suzy followed the winding path, anticipation building with each turn.

The old Victorian house finally came into view, shrouded in a veil of mystery. It was indeed grand, but years of neglect had taken their toll. The paint was peeling, the windows were boarded up, and a wild tangle of overgrown vines crawled up the walls. The once-manicured garden was a chaotic mess of weeds and forgotten flowers.

Despite the neglect, Suzy felt a strange pull towards the house. It held a hidden beauty, whispers of a glorious past waiting to be unearthed. With a determined nod, she parked her car and steeled herself for an adventure.

Suzy carefully pushed open the creaky front door, a wave of stale air and dust greeting her. She switched on her phone's flashlight, illuminating the grand foyer with its cobweb-draped chandelier and a grand staircase that swept dramatically upwards.

"Wow, this place is incredible," Suzy whispered into her phone, her voice echoing eerily in the empty space. She held up her phone to the camera, showcasing the dusty grandeur for her live stream viewers. "Can you imagine this place after a renovation? It would be stunning!"

Comments flooded her screen: "Looks haunted!" and "Spooky vibes!" Suzy chuckled. A little creepy, sure, but nothing she couldn't handle.

Stepping further into the house, Suzy documented each room – the grand ballroom with its faded wallpaper, the library overflowing with dusty books, and the sprawling kitchens with long-abandoned cooking implements.

As she explored the back of the house, sunlight streamed through a broken window, illuminating a hidden doorway. Curiosity piqued, Suzy pushed open the creaky door to find a small courtyard overgrown with weeds. But what truly captured her attention was an ornately carved well positioned in the center.

"This is amazing!" Suzy exclaimed, crouching down to examine the well's intricate stonework. The well itself was unlike any she'd ever seen. Moss covered the bricks lining its rim, but the water below appeared clear and undisturbed. "This well seems to be in much better condition than the house itself," she spoke into her phone, zooming in on the well's details.

Suddenly, a twig snapped behind her. Suzy whipped around, heart hammering in her chest. The courtyard was empty. "Hello?" she called cautiously. Silence. Must have been a stray animal, she reassured herself, but a shiver ran down her spine nonetheless.

Unable to shake off the feeling of being watched, Suzy decided to wrap up her exploration. "Alright everyone," she announced to her viewers, "that concludes the tour for today. This place has serious potential, and with some TLC, it could be a real showstopper."

She backed away from the well, her eyes fixed on the camera. Then, in a flash, a gloved hand clamped over her mouth. A muffled scream escaped Suzy's lips as a strong arm yanked her backwards. She stumbled, the world tilting on its axis. With a final, terrified gasp, Suzy tumbled backwards and fell – not onto the ground, but into the inky blackness of the well.

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