
Chapter Fifteen

Suzy pushed open the heavy dining room doors, the feeling of hunger bubbling in her stomach. The room was grand, decorated with ornate furniture and gleaming silverware. A long table, laden with an array of delectable dishes, dominated the center of the space.

Across from the head of the table, Ryan sat rigidly, already halfway through his breakfast. His face was an unreadable mask, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Suzy, feeling a flicker of self-consciousness under the watchful gaze of the several servants and guards lining the room, cleared her throat. "Good morning" she greeted cautiously.

Ryan's response was a curt nod and a barely audible "Hmm," his eyes never leaving his plate. Suzy, slightly deflated, took a seat opposite him, the distance between them vast and uncomfortable.

She cast a nervous glance around the room, the heavy silence broken only by the clinking of silverware. Servants glided silently around the table, their movements uncomfortable.

"Isn't this a bit… much?" Suzy muttered under her breath, gesturing towards the watchful guards. "It's like they're expecting me to run away."

Ryan finally tore his gaze from his plate, his eyes flickering across her face with a hint of annoyance. "These are my guards," he replied curtly, his voice devoid of warmth. "Their presence is for your safety."

Suzy felt a surge of defiance rising within her. "Safety from what?" she retorted, her voice barely above a whisper. "A rogue scone?"

Ryan's jaw clenched. He despised her constant need to challenge him, to question him. Wouldn't she just accept her position and behave like a proper Duchess for once?

Ignoring her witty remark, he focused on his food, hoping to avoid further conversation. Suzy, sensing his disapproval, bit back a retort and decided to focus on the more pressing matter – the delicious food that awaited her.

The aroma of fresh pastries and savory sausages filled the air, making her stomach grumble. Suzy eagerly reached for a flaky croissant, her mouth watering in anticipation. As she did so, a jolt of clumsiness struck. Her napkin, caught between her chair and the table, snagged and slid to the floor.

A young servant sprang forward, his eyes wide with eagerness.

"Allow me, your Grace " he stammered, reaching for the napkin.

Suzy smiled politely. "Thank you, but I can manage," she replied.

Before the servant could react, she bent down to retrieve the napkin, her movement momentarily placing her in an awkward position. As she straightened up, she miscalculated the distance to the table, bumping her head with a soft thud. A surprised gasp escaped her lips, followed by a muttered "Fuck" that echoed through the silent room.

Ryan's head snapped up, his eyes widening momentarily before returning to their usual stoic expression. He stared at her for a bit, as if processing the unexpected outburst, before resuming his breakfast as if nothing had happened.

Suzy sat back in her chair, her hand instinctively reaching up to rub the sore spot on her head. The servants, who had witnessed the entire scene, exchanged shocked glances. Never before had they seen a Duchess behave in such an… unorthodox manner.

Ryan, however, remained unfazed. He simply finished his breakfast in a composed manner, then pushed his chair back from the table with a grating noise.

"I'll be away for two days," he announced, his voice cold and emotionless. "Urgent business requires my attention. Mr. Bradford," he turned towards a stern-faced man standing by the door, "will familiarize the you with the staff and the castle." With that, he turned on his heel and strode out of the room, leaving Suzy alone amidst the stunned silence of the assembled staff.

Suzy stared at the untouched portion of her breakfast, the appetite she'd possessed moments ago completely vanished. Ryan's annoying face and abrupt departure had left a bitter taste in her mouth, worse than the sting of her bumped head.

Before she could dwell further on the awkward encounter, Mr Bradford stood beside her chair. He was impeccably dressed in a butler's uniform, his posture conveying a quiet confidence.

"Duchess," the man began, his voice warm and respectful, "I am Bradford, the castle steward. May I inquire if the food met with your satisfaction?"

Suzy forced a smile, the memory of Ryan's icy stare still fresh in her mind. "It was… adequate, Mr. Bradford," she replied, using the title she assumed was appropriate.

"Adequate, hmm," he murmured, his bushy eyebrows furrowing for a moment. Then, his expression cleared. "Perhaps if you let me know your preferences, I can see to it that your future meals are more to your liking."

Suzy nodded her thanks, a flicker of appreciation for his concern softening her initial apprehension.

"Now then," Mr. Bradford continued, "His Grace did mention you might be interested in a tour of the castle. Would you care to join me after you've finished here?"

"Absolutely!" she exclaimed, a genuine smile gracing her lips for the first time that morning. "I'd love to see it all."

As Suzy finished her breakfast, Mr. Bradford patiently waited by her side, engaging her in light conversation about her journey and her impressions of the castle so far. He listened attentively, his occasional smile and thoughtful nods putting Suzy at ease.

Once she was finished, Mr. Bradford led her out of the grand dining room and into the sprawling heart of the castle. The hallways were lined with beautifully patterned curtains. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the polished stone floors.

"This is the Great Hall," Mr. Bradford announced, ushering Suzy into a vast chamber. "It's used for official ceremonies, balls and court gatherings."

Suzy gazed around in awe, taking in the towering stone walls, the chandeliers, and the majestic aura of the hall. Images of grand balls and royal pronouncements danced in her head.

Mr. Bradford continued the tour, leading her through libraries filled with leather-bound volumes, past elegant drawing rooms, and up grand staircases. With each step, Suzy learned more about the castle's history, its hidden nooks and crannies, and the dedicated staff who kept it running smoothly.

As they passed a group of gardeners tending to a vibrant flower bed, Mr. Bradford stopped to introduce them. "Your Grace," he greeted them warmly, "this is Thomas, and these are his assistants. They are responsible for maintaining the castle grounds."

Thomas, a weathered man with a kind smile, straightened his back and bowed respectfully. "Welcome to Carleton, Duchess," he greeted, his voice raspy from years of toil.

Suzy smiled back, a genuine warmth radiating from her. "Thank you," she replied. "The gardens are beautiful."

Mr. Bradford continued the tour in this manner, introducing Suzy to the cooks in the bustling kitchens, the maids who kept the rooms spotless, and the stablehands who cared for the horses. With each encounter, Suzy was struck by the kindness and dedication of the castle staff.

Mr. Bradford ushered Suzy out of the cool, stone embrace of the castle. A wave of fresh air washed over them, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming roses and the distant murmur of a running stream.

Suzy blinked in the sudden brightness, her eyes adjusting to the vast expanse before her. The castle grounds sprawled out in a breathtaking display of manicured lawns, vibrant flower beds, and towering trees that whispered secrets in the gentle breeze. In the distance, a glimmer of sunlight danced on the surface of a crystal-clear lake.

"This is magnificent," Suzy breathed, her voice filled with awe. She turned to Mr. Bradford, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "I had no idea the castle grounds were so beautiful."

Mr. Bradford chuckled softly, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Carleton Castle has a long and storied history, Duchess," he explained. "These gardens have been meticulously maintained for centuries, each bloom a proof of the hard work and dedication of our staff."

As they strolled along a winding path, dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves overhead, Suzy couldn't help but be drawn back to a memory, a fleeting image that flickered at the edge of her consciousness. A grand Victorian mansion. The image was faint, almost dreamlike, yet a strange sense of familiarity tugged at her followed by a sudden realization. This wasn't just any castle – it was the very same mansion she'd encountered during her last job!

"Oh shit! It was a castle not a mansion" she thought to herself.

"Mr. Bradford," Suzy interjected.

"Do you… by any chance…" she began hesitantly, then stopped, unsure how to phrase her question.

Mr. Bradford raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his gaze. "Do I… what, Duchess?"

Suzy took a deep breath. "Is there… a well… on the castle grounds?" she blurted out.

Mr. Bradford's smile widened. "Ah, the well," he said, his voice laced with amusement. "Yes, indeed. It's located in a secluded spot behind the west wing. Oh and the water is refreshingly cool, especially on a hot summer day."

Suzy's heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and a strange sense of foreboding. The well. It had to be the same one. The memory from before, though hazy, was undeniable. A cold shiver ran down her spine despite the warm sun.

"Would it be possible to see it?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Mr. Bradford's smile softened. "Of course, Duchess," he replied. "Follow me."

They reached a clearing, and Suzy gasped. There, nestled amidst the lush greenery, stood a structure that sent a jolt through her. It was a well, its weathered stone cap adorned with intricate carvings, a wrought-iron handle gleaming in the sunlight.

A wave of realization washed over her, so sudden and intense it almost knocked the breath out of her lungs. This well, this very well, was identical to the one she fell into, the one near the Victorian mansion she had surveyed weeks ago. The image, once fragmented and fleeting, now snapped into sharp focus. The mansion, the well – they were here, within the grounds of Carleton Castle!

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