
Chapter Fifty One

The world outside the carriage was a scene ripped straight from a horror movie. Ryan's sharp command echoed in her ears, his voice laced with a raw urgency that sent shivers down her spine.  She huddled on the floor, pressing herself as flat as possible against the cold leather, her heart hammering a frantic rhythm against her ribs.

Every creak of the carriage, every rustle of leaves in the wind, sent a jolt of terror through her.  Her mind conjured up horrifying images of shadowy figures lurking in the twilight, of masked bandits with cruel eyes and greedy intentions.  Tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision, making the sounds outside even more distorted and frightening.

The world outside the carriage was a blur of adrenaline and terror.  Ryan crouched low, his pistol aimed towards the source of the gunshot – a lone figure emerging from the shadows at the edge of the road.

"Who's there?" Ryan barked, his voice tight with command.  "Show yourself!"

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