
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasie
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28 Chs

A New World

When Ash woke up he was in another bed with new clothes and he felt very refreshed and strong. He felt he could lift a big boulder easily and he also felt very hungry.

As he got up and looked in the mirror he saw that he was changed, His skin became smooth and white but also strong. Generally, the process to unlock internal strength and then opening pores with internal energy takes a long time but he achieved it in such a short time because of the injection and pill.

He hurriedly checked his stats in Digi-x.


Strength: 15

Constitution: 14

Agility: 14

Without even training with internal energy his stats already increase by 10 each, Ash was shocked and excited.

*knock knock*

Ash heard the knocks and hurriedly opened the door.

Behind the door was the same man who came to pick him up at the dorm. Ash later knew his name was Martin.

" Hello Ash, So how was your sleep? do you feel different? " Martin Asked.

" I never felt this good before. It's like I'm reborn. " Ash said with a smile.

" Well since you are not feeling any discomfort then let's go it's time for you to depart to the Area-0 " Saying this Martin started walking and Ash followed behind.

After Existing the place where Ash was resting Martin took Ash to the cafeteria eat then they went to the headquarter of the academy.

The headquarters of the academy was shaped like a turtle whose belly was facing the sky. Four Big buildings in four corners and in the middle of four buildings a big dome with various transportation lines connected to it.

Soon martin drove the car to the big dome.

After entering the dome Ash really broaden his horizon. Ash followed martin as he took various routes and finally after 7-8 min they stood before a Big metal door.

After Martin Sent a massage to someone with his Digi-x, the big mental door opened slowly.

As Ash entered the hall behind the big door he was flabbergasted by the thing which was in the middle of the hall.

It's a Wormhole Portal!!

Ash was greatly astonished by this sight. He then asked Martin, " Did Academy create this wormhole ? ".

Martin laughed as he answered, " Of course not we still don't have a solid grasp on the tech of wormhole yet tho we are working on it since we can finally research and analyze a wormhole. This wormhole was already here before the academy even established. You can even say that the reason academy was established here was because of this wormhole, And there is more than one wormhole in the earth but this one is the most unique of them because only those whose spirit is not awakened and below the age of 18 can enter."

" Take things with you and use them carefully after you enter. " Said Martin while giving Ash a backpack and few other things like a tool belt but instead of tools there were some gadgets.

" The 50 kids we gathered already entered before you and if you meet them inside they will listen to you so work together to solve various problems you encounter there. " Said, Martin.

After preparing and getting familiar with his newfound strength for 2 hours Ash finally entered the wormhole under the gaze of the vice-dean and martin.

As soon as he entered he subconsciously closed his eyes and felt like vomiting but not being able to vomit and his whole body felt uncomfortable but it only lasted for 1 sec and when he opened his eyes after 1 second the scenery in front of him was different.

There were trees everywhere and in front of him was a small lake which was filled with flowers.

" Welcome to the Trial of Duke Reinary of The Steel Flood Empire. "

" Please select one weapon and one profound Art from the list and head towards the Central Tower for the first stage of the trial, you have only 2 days to reach the central tower, After two days official Trial will start. "

Ash was startled by the voice which was directly transmitted into his brain. In front of him was a hologram with two sections, One section had various kind of weapons but it seemed like all weapons were made with the same material and the second section was filled with a list of profound Art like Lesser Water Art, Lesser Fire Art, Lesser Earth Art, Lesser lighting Art, etc.

" All these profound arts seem like very low versions and all have the term 'Lesser' before a simple name. " Ash muttered silently while looking at the various profound arts.

" Yes, these arts are the most common but most solid arts to lay the foundation because after cultivating Lesser Versions you can cultivate a complete version Profound Art corresponding to the Lesser Art you've selected if you can pass the 2nd Trial Stage."

Ash was startled when he heard the voice in his brain again and asked panicky, " Who are you ?"

Nobody answered him.

Since nobody answered him he focused on the hologram in front of him. First, he chose Lesser Fire Art from the profound arts section and as for weapon...he is in a dilemma since he never used any type of weapon before and don't know which one would suit him.

After looking at all kinds of weapons in the section he found a small Blank box at the end with " Random " written on it.

" What is this "Random" box ?" muttered Ash.

" If you choose this box you will be given a random weapon from the list. "

After hearing this sound again he was sure that he can only ask questions and some basic inquiries from the one who is answering him.

After sorting his thoughts he chooses the " Random " box and after 1 second a big box materializes in front of him.

He opened the box and found a scroll-like thing and two mental gauntlets.

After wearing gauntlets he picked up the scroll and as soon as he opened it he felt pain in his head which lasted for 2 minutes.

After the pain was gone he slowly came to his senses and when he looked at the scroll it was empty, But the Fire lesser art was already imprinted inside his brain.

And finally, he noticed something very bad, His Digi-x and all the gadgets he had on him disappeared.

" Where are my things ?" Ash asked because he knew he would get the answer from the mysterious voice.

" All things brought by Trialists will be confiscated and will be given back to trialists after the trial ends. "

Ash was rummaging through Lesser Fire Art when he heard sounds of footsteps.

" Hey bro where are you from? "

Ash was startled and he turned around only to see there was a boy of the same age as him standing there with a smile but his clothes were a bit weird.

" Who are you ?" Ash asked warily because this boy doesn't seem like someone sent by the Academy.

" Me? You don't recognize me? Look at this symbol! " The boy said while pointing to the symbol on his cloth.

Ash was confused ' wtf...'

Seeing his expression the other boy understood, " You must be from some backward place since you don't even recognize this symbol." The boy then Introduces himself, " I am Delano Rostrich from Rostrich Dynasty".

Ash said, " I am Ash Alvin From Earth."

" Earth ?" Delano was confused as he had never heard of this place. " Which Galaxy ?" Delano asked Ash.

" Milky Way Galaxy " Ash answered as he was also curious about things outside of earth and one of the missions he got was to collect information.

" Oh, so you are from that backward Galaxy which started evolving in the last 100 years. My father talked about it a few months ago. " Said Delano with a surprised expression.

" Oh..." Ash 'It seems that from the perspective of this boy, Earth or rather Milky way is a backward place just like villages in earth'

" How did you enter this trial? The Steel Flood empire can't be bothered to arrange a trial portal in a backward place like the milky way galaxy which only recently evolved since I doubt anyone from milky way has the power of Warlord. "

" Warlord ?"

" Yep Warlord, When you reach a certain level of strength you can have Warlord Title before your name, And My Father is a Warlord! " Delano Said proudly.

" Oh.."

" Anyway let's go to the Central Tower, That's where the real trial starts. " Delano said as he started walking, " By the way which profound art did you choose ? ".

" Lesser Fire profound art " Answered Ash' i think I should follow him to gather information since he knows a lot of things.'

Ash followed Delano to the Central Tower and Ash got to know a lot of things during their short journey.

Ash's horizon was broadened. The milky Way and even Vemostrek Star Sector is considered backward when compared to the Center of the universe. The Rostrich Dynasty is merely C Grade State and The Steel Flood Empire which rules this Vemostrek Star Sector together with the Oak Republic are considered the B Grade States.

He also found about this trial which was held by Duke Reinary of the steel flood empire. This Duke Reinary was a Legendary Figure in Vemostrek Star Sector 200 years ago, She was considered Youngest Warlord in this star Sector and to become more powerful she went to the center of The Universe and she came back to Vemostrek star sector for a short period of time to arrange this trial and then went back, Since then there's no news of her for last 50 years.

Finally, After walking for 2 hours they reached the so-called Central Tower. It's really a tower but Ash has never seen a Tower this big. It is longer and bigger than than the longest building on the earth.

I will only release daily one chapter for now.

Don't hesitate to point out mistakes and write them in Paragraph comments. Thank you

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