
✔️ HÖRNY BOSS ‼️Her Ruthless Lover ‼️

whiteman_daniel · Fantasie
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10 Chs

chapter 3


‼️Her Ruthless Lover ‼️

<< Chapter 3 >>


🔞 VERA 🔞

"No, I didn't go to work, I suddenly feel gross… I mean, about yesterday… gosh, I already wrote a resignation letter, but I don't know how to face him and hand it in…" I blurted to Hannah on the phone.

She had left last night when I couldn't stop talking about what I did and what I wanted to do and… she thought I had completely gone crazy, so she went back to her beautiful family.

Hannah doesn't know how much I envy her. She has everything a woman would ever dream for. A rich, good-looking and understanding man for a husband, beautiful and amazing kids running around her garden.

She doesn't know that I crave for all that too, but I think the problem I have about trusting men is based on experience and what happened to my family. If love really existed, then why say it's over as if it means nothing at all?

"Whatever! Your father keeps calling me and I don't know what to say to him about you, that's why I called. If you like, fûck Nathan, your next door neighbor, it's your pûssy!" She said nauseously.

"Who told you I haven't fûcked him? Nathan is…"

"I'm not surprised… you were once a nymphomaniac, I think your last relationship which you were sex-starved is what you actually deserve to keep you in control. Stop dodging the important thing, what should I say to your father. I might get angry and send him your number or address!" She laughed.

"That's not funny. Nathan is a church boy, don't get thoughts into your head, he's dedicated to the Almighty, he has been trying to convert me." I laughed too.

"Anyways, you can choose to either block that old man or throw your phone away. Don't you ever give out my number to him or anyone else and definitely not my address! Get lost!!" I cut the call and threw the phone aside.

I drained the cup of coffee I made before Hannah's call interrupted and got myself busy trying to fix myself lunch since I stayed in bed all morning and didn't think about breakfast.

A knock came to my door while I sliced veggies for porridge. "Who?" I asked, going to check through the keyhole.

"It's me Nathan! I need a favor from you, Vera!!"

"Get your ass in. You didn't go to work?" I asked as he came in and hovered around my kitchen like his old puppy used to do before he sold it off.

"Being a vet is stressful sometimes. I don't want to breathe those horrible animals today, I think my neighbor's rice porridge smells better! You didn't go?" He laughed, sniffing around my cooking pot.

"What's up with you today? Anyway, I…"

His phone rang and he excused himself to take the call. He went outside for the first time to take a call. I smiled knowingly, he's started to do himself some good as a man.

If he was someone I fancy, I would have had it hard with him a long time ago, even with all his saintly behavior. I'm not just ready for men. The few men that have been into my life are all good for nothing scumbags!

"Why is he taking so much time to answer a call today? I was glad to have his company." I mumbled to myself.

I sat down when my food was ready to enjoy my lunch when another knock came. "Hey! Don't break my door, asshole!! If you are done with the call, come right in, you left the door open."

"Your doorbell isn't working?"

The food travelling to my mouth stopped halfway and fell back into the plate, the porridge sprinkled on my thighs. I choked even though I hadn't taken anything and I grabbed the glass of water on the table.

He came in and closed the door. He sat down beside me and used his handkerchief to wipe the porridge off my thighs.

"Uhm… sorry, how did you…"

"You are my employee, your address…"

"Oh, yeah. Only I didn't know you would come here. I think you should leave now, I don't want to work for you anymore, I will submit my resignation letter tomorrow." I got over the shock, or I thought I did.

He looked at me like a needy two years old boy. He wanted to say something, but he looked at my thighs as if that's the solution to all the problems he has or would ever have in his life.

"Please leave, Mr. J. T." I stood up abruptly and pointed at the door.

"Help me. You are the only person that can help me. You did it yesterday, please, do it again or I will just go crazy." He said, gazing into my eyes.

"Wha---what are you talking about? What is my business if you go crazy or stay sane?! Look, whatever happened yesterday, I acted on impulse… I mean, if you hadn't trapped me in there, it wouldn't have happened.

And you broke your promise and were acting indecent during the meeting and got me res… whatever, I will forget that ever happened, and we don't know each other and have never met, I hope you will do so too." I said everything in my mind.

"I can pay you if… I mean, sign a contract with me, be my sex doll for just ten days. I will pay you twenty million dollars."

I ceased to breathe, "what the fûck! What did you just say? What do I look like to you? Do I look like someone you can buy with your filthy money? How dare you come to my house and spill those rotten words to me!!" I gasped.

"I can double the amount for you… please, help me and…"

"Go to hell with your rotten money!!!" I pulled him up from the seat furiously.

My intention was to push him towards the door, but he was quick to push me into an armchair nearby and close my mouth with his when I wanted to shout. I found out that I made a huge mistake and he's determined to make me pay a high price.


"I can't take this anymore! I'm sorry, I hope you will forgive me." I rasped when I paused the kiss to take a breath.

I had suggested a contract that lasted ten days because I knew by then, my doctor would be back and he would make control pills available for me. If he had been around, all this wouldn't be happening. I have to do this because it's driving me nuts! And this lady is irresistible!!

I tore her polo shirt apart, and gasped at the beautiful sight before I took one of her breasts into my mouth. My hands slid into her bums and played with her ass.

"Oh fûck! You are dead!!" She shrieked, gripping my hair firmly.

That sound drove me wild, I sucked her breasts as if my life depended on it. I ran my tongue along her collar bone to her neck and gave her a love bite.

"Ouch!" Her loud moans filled the room.

"That's it, baby! You're driving me nuts!!" I shut her up with another deep and breathtaking kiss. The two of us were hungry for more and I loved it the more because she meets up with my cravings.

Just as my hands went down to her bums to open the button and unzip it, a bang came to her door accompanied by a loud voice and tore us apart.

"Vera?! Are you still there? Don't tell me you locked the door to eat that porridge alone! Aish!! I understand, I have an emergency, I will see you in the evening. Remember to keep some for me!!!"

I was kneeling on the floor, my eyes were fixed on hers as she clasped her mouth in shock when she thought the owner of the voice was already inside.

"It's a good thing… you locked the door. I didn't know… gosh!" She blew out a deep breath and shook her head.

I stood up reluctantly. "I… I'm such a jerk. I must look like a pervert to you now. I mean, how… when did it get to this… I'm so sorry. I think I have to go now. Who am I to trouble you with my own problems?" I took my suitcase and turned sharply to leave.

"What do you think you are about to do?"

Her voice stopped me in my tracks. My hand was already on the doorknob when she came to stand in front of me.

She removed my hand from the knob and pushed me over to the couch. I looked into her eyes and I saw that I had awakened the tigress in her. Those eyes burned with desire.

She came over and stood in front of me, shameless with only her bums short. I swallowed hard when my eyes caught her hot, round and pink nipples begging for a touch.

"You did this… yesterday! Do you know what you did to me? You make a girl wet and the next thing you want to go, just like that? I admit, I ran away yesterday because I knew it wasn't right, and I was afraid of your true intentions and your… penis' size. But I won't let you come here and do this and then go!" She pointed an angry finger at my face.

I sat up on the couch and forced my eyes off her nipples to look up at her face. "What exactly are you driving at? Please, go straight to the point. I…"

"To hell, you know what I am talking about, fool! Finish what you started or you are also trapped in here like you did to me yesterday, I always want to get even." She cut me off.

"I… well, I think you should read the contract conditions and see if you would really be able to meet my conditions before we…"

"What useless conditions? To hell with your contract and conditions or whatsoever! What I want now is you inside of me, hard, fast and furious!" She removed her shorts and stood naked in front of me.

"I… I really don't want to hurt you, or make you regret anything. I still think it would be better if you go through the…"

"What the fûck! I told you before that I don't want anything like that, I'm not that broke! It all ends today. Let's have that fun, then crazy and wild fûck that you so desperately desire. Maybe that will calm you down. It's just for today, you can get someone else to sign a contract with you for the rest of nine days."

Laughing mischievously, she goes back to the armchair and spreads her legs widely. That was her way of inviting me, and I couldn't run away from the tempting offer. Well, this endless craving for her would end after this deed is done.

I quickly stood up, tore away my t-shirt and flung it aside. I knelt down between her legs and lifted them up above my head and buried my face in her.

I threw control out of the window and ate her pūssy like a wild animal. She just awakened the beast in me and I am determined to unleash my harshness on her. I didn't really mean to do that to her, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't stop myself even when I heard her pleas.

She threw her head backwards and gripped the arms of the chair. Her glorious moans filled my head and I didn't hear the pain behind it.

When I trailed kisses back to her lips, I inserted two of my fingers into her vagina and fingered her fiercely. I bit her lower lip as I couldn't get enough of her.

"Oh, fûck!" She grunted in pain as I gripped her hair and lurched her towards the wall.

Her head hit the wall and she cried out. "Jack… no! You are hurting me!!"

I know, I saw the tears and the blood… but I couldn't stop. Her legs squeaked, but I pinned her against the wall and took her from behind.