
✔️ HÖRNY BOSS ‼️Her Ruthless Lover ‼️

whiteman_daniel · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 4


‼️Her Ruthless Lover ‼️

<< Chapter 4 >>


🔞 VERA 🔞

His left hand was on my hair, his teeth were on my neck, his right hand was on my breast as he pushed his dîck inside me and I caught my breath.

That's what he tried to warn me about, but I was too adamant to listen. He's a beast. A sex freak! I thought I was going to die in his hands and I begged for mercy, but my pleas fell on deaf ears.

I didn't know what I felt, I can't tell if I was enjoying it or not. At one point, he thrusted deeply inside me and paused. His muscles creaked and I gnashed my teeth in pain as my vagina opened wider to accept the whole of him.

"Jackson! Please!! You are hurt–hurting me!!!" I cried and forcibly pulled at the wall.

He knew what I was trying to do, so he grabbed my two hands and twisted them to my back, he pinned it there as he started thrusting in and out again, fast and furious.

I tasted blood in my mouth and heard my joints screeching. When I cried out again, his right hand flew to my jaw and bent my head backwards, his lips crushed on mine immediately and I fainted.

When I regained consciousness again, he was on his knees stroking himself and groaning as his cum poured on the floor.

The whole room and his undaunted figure spinned in my eyes. I was seated on the floor and my back was against the wall. When everything became stable in my eyes and I saw the demonic look in his eyes, I flew upstairs to my room and locked myself up. It was with sheer luck that I didn't fall because I automatically flew up the stairs.

I looked at myself in the mirror, tears filled my eyes and blurred my vision. What have I gotten myself into? Why did I accept to even take him for today?

His nails had dug holes all over my body. My face was all red. Blood stains were visible on my lips, I sat down on my bed and wept. I felt as though he had set my whole body ablaze.

Why am I crying now? I wanted it too, right? If I hadn't wanted him so badly, I would have asked him to leave or called the security for one thing I know is that there's no way he would've forced me.

I was about to go into my bathroom for a hot bath when I heard him knock on my door.

"Vera, I'm very sorry. Did I hurt you? Please, open the door, I didn't mean to do that." He kept knocking at the door even when I told him to go away.

I angrily opened the door and glared at him. "What the fûck do you want now? Haven't you gotten enough? You know what, it's my mistake, I don't want to ever see you again. Get out of my house!"

He knelt down and shook his head. He tried to touch me, but I kicked his hands away. "I don't know what got into me, I would never hurt you intentionally."

I laughed fauxly. What's he talking about? This guy doesn't know me, does he? I can't tell how we got to be partners in crime while we only met yesterday.

"Like I said before, I will hand my resignation letter to the person who employed me. I don't want to cross paths with you again. Whatever we did is a spur of the moment for me and I hope you see it as so and stop bugging me." I warned him.

He stood up and ran his fingers over my neck where he had bitten me. He made eye contact with me and I looked dazed at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a disgusted look on my face. "Please, go! Leave me alone. What are you?!" I was stunned at myself for reacting in such a way.

"Every second that ticked by, I want you more and it's scaring me. I should ask you what you are doing to me. You are right, I should get far away from you, I can't bear to hurt you like this again, I won't forgive myself if I keep doing this to you." Desire flared in his eyes as he kept staring wonderingly at me.

He turned quickly and took to his heels. I didn't know what I should be doing, so I stood there until I heard the door open and close. I hesitantly went into my bathroom.

When I finally garnered enough strength to go downstairs to my kitchen, I decided to clean it and mop the whole house. I couldn't get over what happened between me and someone I barely know. It's dirty to even think about.

Someone I have never met before? He might not be a human being! Vera, what have you done? It wasn't that bad, was it? It's almost two years since I left home, and had a good sèx.

My father is doing everything in his power to get to me, but no one knows where I am except my best friend. I trust she would never give me out to him or my mother. They never wanted me, what exactly do they want from me now?

Which sounds better, my loveless, boring and sex-starving relationship back then or this out of the blues head spinning sex with a total stranger? I have gone crazy!

I can't believe the nonsense I am thinking about. "Snap out of it, Vera!" I shook my head.

I forgot I was standing on a stool trying to get a cobweb I noticed while cleaning, I took a step and fell on top of the bucket of dirty water and twisted my ankle.

"Aish! How can so much bad luck follow me in one day?!!" I winced as I watched the dirty water spill around the parlour.

Now I have to clean up the mess with a twisted ankle and find a doctor soon after. I didn't know where to start, so I just sat there as the dirty water made my skirt damper.


I couldn't go back to the office. I thought about going to the hospital, but I remembered that my doctor has not come back yet and there's no one I can trust there to ask the questions clouding my mind.

So I drove home sadly, knowing that I have done it again! Yes, I have scared another woman away like I did before.

Which woman in her right senses would accept to be fûcked by a sex freak who can hurt her in the process and only work on satisfying himself and not giving her pleasure.

I'm such a dîck! Monica, my ex-wife is right, I am a beast and I belong in the woods with wild animals. She had made it clear to me that no woman would agree to have a relationship with me and it's a prophecy that is coming to pass.

After parking my Royce Phantom inside the carport between my blue lamborghini and Bugatti Veyron, I thought about how perfect I had dreamt my life to be which this sickness has deprived me.

Stepping down from my car, I shoved my hands into my slacks, I shook my head at how unfortunate my life is right now. What did I do wrong? Was I too ambitious?

I worked hard to get where I am today. I am an infamous billionaire, though well known around here in Texas because I grew up here.

I do my best to hide myself, be an invisible competitor against business rivals and though I am never the egocentric type, I had to be mean, hostile and rude to everyone, including my own family.

I have an expensive and beautiful mansion, white exterior, pink interior, according to my wife's taste and black roof, my residency that doesn't feel like a home to me from the start. I had thought that I would be able to make it the home I dreamt of, but I failed woefully and she left.

What does a billionaire have that I don't have? Absolutely nothing! Then why can't my money treat my so-called sickness and save me this psychic trauma?!

I sighed weakly, "what went wrong? How can one wake up one day and face a tragic illness which has no decent cure like a virus? What am I supposed to do now!?!"

I lifted my head up slowly to look at the stainless white painted mansion fenced by long flowery trees other than the iron bands built around it for security purposes. The house stands alone, far from other residential areas or commercial buildings.

The plan was to settle here with my family and live a happy life. This is not what I bargained for and I don't know what my sudden obsession with Vera is all about.

As I walked into my parlour, I saw Tim crouched down beside one of the sofas playing with his different toys. What sort of father am I to this adorable child?

I must be the worst father on Earth! Tim must be so disappointed in me as his father, what if he hears about what I did today? What if he finds out that I am addicted to another woman?

He saw me when he threw up his paper aeroplane and it landed on my black shoe. He smiled, showing his perfect set of white teeth, his dimples reminded me of his mother.

I haven't been fair to her. Wasn't it my fault that she left? Why don't I think much about her ever since then while I can't get my mind off a lady I met yesterday?!

Tim ran over to me and hugged my long legs, his head barely touching my waist.

"Welcome, dad! Nanny Pamela came over and picked me up from school, she played with me too!"

I squatted down to his height and kissed his forehead. "I see that you had a lot of fun today. On the other hand, dad had a stressful day and wants to go inside, shower, eat and sleep!"

"Too bad! Don't worry, I learnt how to massage the shoulders and joints. Can I help you massage your body to ease your pain?" He asked, acting up like a big boy.

I smile proudly at him. "Tim, no matter what happens, remember that dad loves you and wants you to live a happy life. And so, don't bother yourself about me, I'm fine. A little rest will be all I'd need"

He smiles as well and hugs me again. When his soft little hands uncurled from the collar of my shirt, I eased him away and excused myself.

He happily went back to playing with his toys. I watched him for a few seconds before I ran up the stairs to my room. It felt more like I was running away from my responsibility.

Showering, eating and sleeping I said? Gosh, that didn't help at all! I tumbled around in bed till midnight and couldn't get to sleep.

I had to go into Tim's room and spent time there watching him snoring softly as he slept. When I became exhausted from sitting like a statue, I stood up and walked around until I found myself beside the big swimming pool in the middle of my compound.

I thought of her even when I had no reason to, whether I wanted to think about her or not, the thought of her always fills my head.

"What would she be doing now?" I thought out loud. I pondered about that and decided what she was doing was none of my business.

But I can't stop my mind from hoping that she might be thinking about what happened between them and reconsider my offer of the contract. I fantasized about how the next nine days would be if she eventually accepts.

"...just for today, you can get some other girl to sign the contract with you for the rest of nine days." Her strict warning replayed in my head.

"At least, you are calm now. Shouldn't you be more grateful to the young lady than expecting more?" I shunned my inner mind as I yearned for her closeness again.