
[One Piece]: Sea Devil⭕️

A young man eager to set out to the world to explore every inch and have life-long adventures............ The young man decided to become a pirate along with his two brothers and set out to sea only to encounter more than they asked for................. But without budging they were determined to stand at the top............ I do not own anything rather than my own characters.

Karstag · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Island Kings

On top of a certain greenly mountain called Mt. Beastland there are three young boys and a dead beheaded giant gorilla head that Alex was sitting on.

It's been a month, and after a month of rest the three immediately came to Mt. Beastland, and this fight with the gorilla was the hardest fight they had, even working together it felt impossible.

Its hide was hard, he was also fast and strong with a bit of smartness.

Alex was able to understand it's emotions in the beginning as it growled out roaring, Kali felt the gorilla yelling at them to get away from his territory but they didn't come far to turn back.

It proved hard as for 30 minutes they were thrown around like dirt without a real strategy until Alex thought up a plan.

He told Markus to run around in clockwise and counter-clockwise circles outside of the gorillas reach shooting at it randomly, as it is getting annoyed Viktor and Alex would run up to its legs and slash at it.

But that didn't end up well as the gorilla, which was named, Gork, kicked Viktor and Viktor flew onto Alex.

After a few more minutes they finally exhausted they're energy and limbs almost went dead, Alex thought of the weak points of the gorilla again and made another plan before they executed it, it was their last shot and they would either die or win, painfully.

Markus did the same and shot at Gork, but not just random shots as he aimed for the eyes until he finally hit one of the eyes.

Gork roared covering its eyes and behind them both Viktor and Alex pulled their sword back and put some power onto a strong thrust, sending it to Gork's joint critically striking him again.

They both jumped back as Gork went crazy going wild hitting anything around, with a small chance Viktor jumped up onto its shoulders and stabbed onto the back neck of Gork, yet it was still too hard, but with quick thinking, Alex used [Geppo] and jumped before kicking the sword Viktor had against the neck of Gork finally killing it.

After that, they cut the neck up to bring the head to the village soon and show proof they won against the most powerful force on the island.

But they took a few hours resting looking around the place, the other two looked for anything valuable while Alex laid on top of Gork's head.


A sudden blue display popped up in front of him where only he could see it, he looked close and a smile crept upon his face.

"No way, it's unlocked?" Alex muttered silently.

-Starter Pack:

-Haki and Rokushiki Training Method.

1.) Enchantment

a.) Random gift

2.) (Locked)

a.) Random gift

3.) (Locked)

a.) ?

b.) ?

He almost pressed on Enchantment but he saw that the one under it was also available, so he decided to save best for last, that is if it is the best.

He pressed onto the [Random Gift].

Then the words started randomizing like it's a dice, he couldn't get a clear view on what they were as they were too fast, until it stopped.

[Devil Fruit]

'Hmm, a devil fruit huh? But what kind?' Alex wondered because it wasn't showing what kind, and so he tried clicking it again and it rolled again.

'Oh, so it was still randomizing' Alex thought.

Then it showed what fruit it was:

[Size-Size Fruit]

"Size-Size fruit? I don't think I've ever... heard of this one... no, I haven't." Alex muttered.

He thought about it before looking out at the two.

"Mark! Vik!" Alex called them as they came closer.

"Would you be willing to take great power to get stronger?" Alex asked the two.

Viktor was silent while Markus looked up.

"What kind of power?" Markus asked.

Alex looked at the screen then back at Markus.

"If I'm not wrong then you could turn into a giant maybe as big as this mountain, or get smaller as tiny as a bug." Alex said.

"That can't be real, that's impossible." They denied.

"I never said they were real, I only asked if you would, but here is the thing if you take the power you would lose the ability to swim and be weak on water liable to die in the seas." Alex said.

"No." Viktor said.

"No, I wouldn't." Ever since Viktor started training with Alex he felt a sudden love for it, self-improvement, bring more observant, gaining strength by your own hard work.

He wants to believe that he could become strong on his own without foreign help of any kind, he was motivated by the stories of Ryuma Alex would tell them about, one man, one sword, one world.

The stories Alex tells on to them are what plants seeds inside him and it keeps on growing from stories to stories, and the legends are exciting him to the brink.

"Plus, we are gonna be pirates, what kind of pirates don't know how to swim?" Viktor said with a smile.

"Bah, you're one to talk, you can't even swim now." Markus mocked Viktor.

"And you? Mark?" Alex asked, he pressed on the screen as a fruit dropped in front of him catching it.

"N- no." Markus said as they were both surprised.

"Hmm, well maybe we could sell this for a few big digits, or I'll just keep it safe for now, it might come in handy." Alex muttered.


Hermes screeched as he flew down landing on Alex's shoulder.

"Aah, hello boy how have you been?" Alex asked.

Hermes helped find Gork and led them to him, after that he was just perched around the area watching the fight.


"Yeah, he was a hard best to fight, but we did it so..." Alex said looking at the body.

He suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Hermes.

"You are a little bird who doesn't like showering right?" Alex asked.

He raised the oranger pear-like fruit and moved it to Hermes to eat.

"Want it?" Alex asked.


Hermes was already sold and pecked at the fruit eating it, but then spit it out as it was nasty.

"How do you feel?" Alex asked.

Hermes tilted his head to the side as if asking what he is talking about.

"Okay stay over here." Alex said and sat him down on the side before backing away.

"Alright, Hermes... get bigger." Alex said nervously.

Hermes was just staring at Alex like he was crazy, but he still did it and raised its chest and head high in pride, but he wasn't getting any bigger.

That was until his body started enlarging and Hermes panicked and started flapping around, his reckless flapping made the air around them get chaotic, the other two was shocked for the fact that the golden eagle was getting bigger by the second and is still not stopping until he was around 3 times the size of a modern house.

Hermes was screeching and cawing around in panic while the two stared at him in apparent shock and fear, Alex ran up jumping on Hermes.

"What are you idiots waiting for?!" Alec called out jumping on the back of Hermes.

Without thinking the two also ran jumping up the back of Hermes with open eyes and mouth.

"Hold on to his feathers! Hermes, FLY!!" Alex said.

Hermes was still freaking out when Alex told him to fly and he did.




The loud flappings of Hermes' wings sounded as it made the trees and wind move back and forth.

"Wait, Hermes grab on that giant monkey head." Alex said pointing at the gorilla head on the floor, this was proof that they defeated Gork and achieve a few goals he has planned.

"H- how is this even possible?" Markus muttered unbelievably.

Viktor's mouth was wide open and his head was a blank not knowing what to say or do.


A deep screeching was heard as Hermes got low enough to grab the gorilla head that his talons were big enough to grab on.

"Good boy, now head for the mountains." Alex said.

And as they flew the other two was able to see the island on a higher point of view, they have seen it from atop the mountains but being on top of an eagle is a much more different experience, they could see the ocean from their position and was able to see a few of the villages.

Alex stood behind the back neck of Hermes and held onto his neck feathers looking around, he looked back to see the two's amazed and awe expressions.

"Guys... this is what it means to go on adventures, we'll be off this little island soon and you will experience the thrills of living a full life." Alex said to the two.

As the air passed touching them giving them a breeze and Alex talking made them feel anticipation for the future.

"But for now, we gotta train and get stronger." Alex said.


On the mountain...

Addilyn was sitting down on a log and in front of her was ingredients she was mincing or putting together for a few sauces she is trying out.

Noma was on the center of the area doing vertical sword strikes.


A sudden loud screech sounded out in the air and the two looked up to see Hermes coming.

Nothing seemed out of place at first... but Hermes seemed to keep getting bigger the more he gets closer.

The two's eyes widened and they clumsily got up and backed away.

Finally, Hermes got near the center of the place and got small enough to fit the place, when he landed flapping his wings it caused havoc as some weakened trees and stones flew back.

"Wha- Wha- wha- wha-" Addilyn stood there pointing at Hermes with a shocked face, Noma was beside her with wide eyes and his jaws opened fully in shock.

On top of Hermes, the trio popped their heads and saw the two.

"Addy!! Namo!!" Viktor said mispronouncing Noma's name.

"Guys! How?! What?! Is this Hermes?!" Addilyn let out a few questions in a second.

"We'd like to know that as well." Markus said.

They jumped off of Hermes who was looking at himself and the others and wondered if this was real.

Alex walked up to the front of Hermes and looked up at him.

"Hermes, can you get smaller?" Alex asked.

It is called the [Size-Size Fruit], if Hermes can get bigger he should be able to get smaller as well right? Alex wondered.

Hermes nodded, the first time Alex asked he raised an eyebrow thinking what Alex meant, but this time he knew something was going on, and Alex was the reason for this new phenomenon he was in.


A pssing noise sounded out as Hermes slowly returned to his normal size, and surprisingly more.

Hermes' original size was around 2 ft., now he was getting more smaller.

Hermes was looking around with a bit of panicking in his eyes as everyone got way bigger than him like giants, his giant size was a sight to see and felt more than he had in his original form.

When he got bigger he felt stronger and more brave feeling he could stand toe to toe with the mountain king Gork.

But as of now, he wasn't feeling any of it while getting smaller, he didn't feel the power and strength flowing in him.

By the time he finished, he was as small as a normal adult palm.

Alex smiled as he put his hand out for Hermes to hop on.


Hermes suddenly disappeared and he next appeared on top of Alex's palm.

Alex was surprised but not as much as Hermes who's eyes widened like crazy.

"So that's how it is... Hermes, do you feel more powerful when you get bigger?" Alex asked.

Hermes nodded his head with an open beak.

"I thought so... when you get bigger you gain more strength but most likely will lose speed, and when you get smaller you gain speed instead with strength receding." Alex muttered.

"Fly around in your small form as fast as you can." Alex said.

He threw his arm up as Hermes used it to blast off.





What they heard was the wind being cut as Hermes flew back and forth while the others barely able to keep their eyes on him, but using [Observation Haki] Alex was able to sense him, Addilyn can hear Hermes clearly as well.

Alex smiled as the others spoke of how cool and unbelievable it is.

Hermes went back and forth with his fastest and decided to go upwards zooming into the clouds and piercing them before doing zigzags and tricks in the air.

Alex saw that Hermes was gone wanting to test his new abilities like a little kid getting a new favorite toy and running to his room to play with it.

If Hermes doesn't run away and stay with them for future adventures then he would be a useful addition to the crew.

The way his Devil Fruit works could be their secondary transportation or his small form which can be used to do quick scoutings.

He suddenly remembered that there was one more and he hasn't checked what it was.


Something he was thinking could be a big cheat or totally useless.

"Hey." But before he can do anything a voice called out from behind him and looked back to the others who had expectations on their face waiting for him to give answers.

Noma, on the other hand, was frozen and blinking wondering what the hell happened.

He has seen many beasts and giant flying birds were some of them, but not the big kind Hermes just showed, and he also got smaller so he has to work things out in his mind to normalize things.

"Is that the... the power you were talking about?" Markus asked remembering what Alex said to them about the power that also gives you weakness to seawater.

"Yeah." Alex said looking up at the skies.

"How did you even get something like that?" Viktor asked.

"Secret..." Alex said before walking away leaving then frustrated.

"So are we supposed to just ignore the fact that it's... that it's.... that it's just not normal!" Addilyn asked the two.

"I doubt this would be the end of it." Markus let out.

"What do you mean?" Viktor asked.

"Well, we all know Alex is a little...different. I mean he can walk on air for one, and with him, we are able to become the strongest in the island, he even knows many about the outside of the island and I'm not an expert on reading but I doubt he got them all from the books because even grandpa Abner didn't seem to know that much." Markus said.


Alex went to his room and closed the doors before sitting on his bed and looked at the display in front of him.

He pressed on [Enchantment] and he froze as his consciousness took a hit and he almost fell unconscious, he felt his vision crack like how a screen would glitch out.

He frowned and blinked looking around making sure nothing out of the ordinary happened and went through his head.

Nothing felt out of place and he didn't feel he forgot anything, if he did then he wouldn't remember anyway.

Everything felt alright, but there was something new in his head.

A whole new language.

This language was nothing he had ever seen before and even from the many race in his past life, there is no similarities.

The new info is one-letter-word.

There is a word for every symbol, and Alex doesn't know anything about runes but this new language in his head is very similar to his old life's Runic language.

The symbols are simple lines and circles, it is simple in his head but complicated when explaining it.

And the way this [Enchantment] works is the same as he predicted, using this new ability he can give a weapon the power fire or an armor the ability to be fire-resistant.

There was so much in his head and more to be learned.

Alex grabbed onto a sword leaning on the wall and looked at it, in his head the way to enchant is to inscribe the symbol enchantment he wants on the object.

With the idea of how to do it, Alex used his index finger and pressed onto the sword blade and his fingertip glowed blue.

He dragged his fingers on the sword trying to inscribe the word symbol on the blade, but his fingers were too big to fit the rune on the blade.

He looked around trying to find a small point he can use to write on.

Finding a pen he used it in hopes it works.

Alex touched the pen point on the blade and it glowed like his fingers.

"Great." He whispered.

With the pen, he used it to inscribe the symbol for "fire."


He stood up from the bed and held the sword up.


And for more than 30 minutes he shook it, flicked it, struck it, spoke to it, and stared at the sword with the enchanted symbol of fire on it.

Yet nothing happened.

He started thinking it is a ripoff or that it was too good to begin with from the start, yet the only good thing that came of it was Hermes' ability to change size.

But he didn't wanna give up on it and sat down on the table where he study and reads book on and vowed to get to the bottom of it.

I had this chapter done for a while, and I had a plan of putting this on pause, but I ended up with a plan of rewriting this after some time.

So this will be the last chap you will see for a while.

Karstagcreators' thoughts