
[One Piece]: Sea Devil⭕️

A young man eager to set out to the world to explore every inch and have life-long adventures............ The young man decided to become a pirate along with his two brothers and set out to sea only to encounter more than they asked for................. But without budging they were determined to stand at the top............ I do not own anything rather than my own characters.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Plans Ahead

A month and some weeks later...

Alex was now sitting at the [Overlook] looking out into the ocean, his wounds from previous battles had healed and turned into scars.

After just a month he didn't feel the pain anymore so he started his training again not wanting to be left out by the others.

The big "X" Alex found on one of his grandfathers letters was a place no one would know but him, he had an idea on where all this "belonging's" were but he didn't wanna dig it out, not just yet.

When Alex met up with the village leaders a while ago he thought right about why they wanted to meet, they were worried and the only protector they had, Abner, was gone.

But his grandson Alex was still alive, and he along with his close friends were the strongest the villagers knew in the island, fighting ferocious beasts left and right every day.

They heard of what Alex did to free the villagers from the slavers, and with no choice they turn to a 9 year old boy for advice on what to do.

The more scared ones that was there blamed Alex for worsening the situation and making them a more focused target.

But the smarter ones and mostly the villagers Alex and the others helped freed knew blaming Alex wouldn't achieve anything and spoke to their village leaders, and so they gathered to the mountains to talk about a plan on what to do, but they had to turn back as Alex was injured and needed rest.

But after meeting at Ringles village they showed the trio (Alex, Viktor, Markus) their gratitude for saving the villagers before getting to the point.

The village leaders spoke of how Abner was able to protect the island with the Marines, he was gone and he was only able to protect so much after retiring but now he has passed and the island is left to the trio, the village leaders said.

They asked Alex what they should do and how they can prevent or minimize the upcoming dangers.

Alex sat there with them and didn't say them much other than the fact that the [Reaper Merchants] were if anything an army themselves, and the few numbers in the island isn't in any position to deal with a force that big.

In the end Alex asked them questions instead about how many villagers are there in all other than the bandits, how many males, how many females, and other questions.

After that he just told the old leaders not to worry and give him time to think.

Alex never intended to stay in the island long and even after his grandfather died his plans didn't change, but he couldn't turn a blind eye to these people in need.

His grandfathers resting place is also in this island, and is both their homeland.

The least he could do was help the villagers, he knew he couldn't protect the island alone, even with his friends.

And so it brings us to today, where one of Alex's plan on helping this island depends on.

Today he planned to thin out the bandits slowly until the last man, and if he finds what he thinks he could find from these bandits then he could help the villagers save themselves.

Alex walked back to the wooden house and saw Viktor and Markus waiting for him as the sun starts to set and the skies darken.

"Almost lights out, ready?" Alex asked the two who just nodded.

"T- take me with you! I can help!" A small young voice sounded out.

They looked to the side seeing Noma staring at the three intently, he always wanted to go on serious quest with these guys, but he only ever went out to hunt with them.

"Naaah, you're too weak, give it a few more years." Viktor said teasing Noma.

"Shut up!! You're not too older than me!" Noma screamed out to Viktor.

Noma was only 4 at 1.2 meters (4 foot) while Viktor the tallest was 1.7 meters (5.6 foot), Alex and Markus are 1.6 (5.4).

They looked a bit too tall for their age but the world of One Piece was already out of common sense so Alex didn't pay attention to it.

"Heh, even then you are only useful for non-moving targets, why don't you go fight that tree, Rahahahahah!" Viktor teased.

"You!! I'll show yo-" Noma twitched in anger but Alex interrupted.

"Stay for now, maybe when you get older you will get a chance." Alex said without looking at Noma.

"A- alright." Noma reluctantly backed down.

But his anger immediately came back when he saw Viktor's mocking face.

"Let's go."

At the base of the bandit's mountain...


Hermes dived down before slowly flapping down onto Alex's hand.

They went back and forth conversing, when in air Hermes was Alex's eyes and ears scanning the area and scouting possible paths and activities.


Hermes left flying up as Alex looked at his two partners in crime.

"Alright you got the plan right?" Alex asked.


"I think so..."

"Just silence, find the ones alone and swiped their throats with the daggers." Alex said.

"No noise, start from the outside and work your way in, and remember, at least 10 bodies.

You don't have to go too far, there are 200 of these bandits up there, all we gotta do is continue this for a few nights until we can count the ones alive with our fingers." Alex said.

"Okay." x2

"Alright, Markus you got that side, Viktor got that side and I will be on the mid side, maybe I can get a sneak peak on the bandit leader myself." Alex said.

And soon they started moving, they didn't follow the path and instead entered the sides of the mountain.

Markus entered on the right side while Viktor and Alex entered from the left, Alex trusted Markus enough not to mess up but Viktor? He went with him just in case.

Viktor didn't like the sneaking idea, he suggested that they do a frontal assault and take out all the bandits, which was not very idiotic knowing there are more than 200 of these guys.

And so Alex accompanied him in case he does something stupid and gives them away too quickly.

There is only three of them and Alex set the records to 10 or more bandits for each of them, even though ten is not many but if they reach that goal on each night they sneak attack than that would be 30 bandits every night.

After a few minutes Alex and Viktor finally got in position at the side of the bandits mountain and waited for Hermes signal.

*SCREE* x2

Up in the air Hermes screeched three times as the signal, which means Markus was also in position.

The loud eagle got the attention of the bandits but they didn't think much of it.

Alex left Viktor on the left side of the bandit residents and head up the the middle side of the place where the bandit leader would most likely stay at.

The place is pretty big, more than a mile wide and wooden houses lined the path up the mountains onto the center where it was more than a mile wide and at the center was a fireplace.

As Alex made it to the back of a long wooden hall house he looked out onto the area, the bandits were living lavishly with food, liquor, and berries.

Alex looked up to the circling Hermes and gave a nod.


Hermes screamed out loud enough for the trio to hear him as the signal of starting the operation.

"Someones shit that damn bird up!!" A bandit slurred out, but had no idea that this damn bird would only be the start of their extinction.

Some drunks went peeing which was really bad timing as the trio were hiding out on the bushes planning out for lone targets.


A bandit started pissing and moaned from finally letting the tank empty, but when he opened his eyes to look out onto the deep forest he barely saw a young kid on a tree looking down at him with blue predatorial eyes.

"Wha- yo- y- y- yo- whaa- wha-!!" The bandit stuttered as his piss stopped from nervousness.

It was a bit creepy to find a kid looking at you in the dark with only his blue eyes and no facial expressions, before he can do anything Markus jumped at him and covered the bandits mouth and swung to the back of the bandits back and slitting his throat with the dagger he had.

"Smells nasty." Markus held his nose looking at the stinky bandit.

Over at Viktor he was doing things a little too quickly...

As another bandit was peeing in the dark a shadow creeped up behind the bandit and a cold sharp blade touched the frozen bandit.

When the bandit was shaking in fear and dragged his eyes sideways looking behind him he saw bright teeth and the white of a young boys eyes.

The bandit gulped and he also froze and stopped pissing, but before any more thoughts could go out his throat was already cut, he tried breathing and screaming but the blood that flooded his throat stopped him.

Viktor grabbed him to a nearby tree and sat the dead down like he was sleeping on the tree, then Viktor jumped onto the tree and looked out onto the small bandit village looking for his next target with a smile.

Not long lucky for him another bandit who was also drunk and walked clumsily to his hunting area, and when the bandit saw the dead bandit sitting and "sleeping" on the tree he walked to him before hitting him telling him to wake up.

A shadow above him did some acrobats and collided with the bandit as they were forced onto the bushes.

Moments later Viktor came out of the bush with a bloody dagger and looked at the dead bandit leaning on the tree.

"Good for trapping." He said with a smile.

Alex on the other hand wasn't exactly focusing on thinning the numbers, he already killed 4 distracted bandits and was sneakily roaming the houses where leaders of the bandits would reside.

He was looking through cracks to see anything, if he finds the leaders and is able to take at least one of them then the whole group would become unstable.

Alex easily killed a few bandits that walked out to do their business and hid them after losing their lives, he only saw them as bugs to kill, he didn't have time to care or have stupid morals.

The moment these people decided to be bandits was the day Alex saw them as nothing but trouble, he wouldn't care if they became a bandit from a tragic reason he would swing his weapon killing anyone calling themselves a bandit.

Just like how someone would kill him from being a pirate, they should know the consequences of the choices they choose.

Finally through a hole he saw a fat bandit on the bed of a room lying on a pile of gold berries, the fat slob looked like a leader and was enjoying some fine liquor with an ecstatic expression.

Alex backed up and jumped silently onto the wooden house walls, the house has roofs, but no ceiling or roof walls.

So Alex perched on top of the wall looking down on the fat bandit throwing berries at himself.

Alex raised an eyebrow at this fatty and thought of why they loved berries so much, of course he knew the value of it and what it could get them but berries are useless if you just save them up just to die and not use them.

Just like this fat bandit...

Alex slowly tilt his body forward before he started falling, without warning the fatty found a kid on top of him covering his mouth and with the other held a dagger to his throat.

*Muffled Mumbling*

The fat bandit tried to speak but Alex had a firm hand grip on his mouth not letting him talk, the bandit thought about how a young boy like this wouldn't kill since he was too young and probably haven't even shed blood, but how wrong he was.

He also started to doubt it since Alex was just looking down at him with cold eyes, Alex looked around the room before passing the sharp dagger across the fatties throat.

The room was luxurious had many bags full of different kinds of resources and most of all lots of berries, gold and silver berries.

Alex looked at the dead bandit and saw his shocked expression, the fatty died with shock.

Alex flicked his dagger ridding the blood and walked near the wooden door and closed his eyes using [Observation Haki] to sense out the area.

He was in the long house hall where many rooms were in, and most likely bandit leaders resided in.

He sensed only a few people around and others were most likely out partying bit with the other bandits.


He heard a scream and focused his senses more on where the noise came from, he was able to feel two people in one of the far rooms.

Alex jumped onto the wall top and jumped across a few rooms before landing on the room.

He saw a young woman screaming as she was tied up with ropes, a bandit was sitting down a but far away slowly taking his clothings off.

Even an idiot would know what is going on in this situation.

Alex watched as the bandit was half naked and slowly walked towards the young woman, the bandit crouched down and reached for her cheek when he noticed that she wasn't looking at him but behind him.

He turned around just to see Alex standing behind him.

"Who are y-"

Before he could make anymore noise his throat was slit and he fell backwards onto the screaming girl.

Nobody came since they thought the screaming was due to the bandit violating the girl.

Alex looked at the blonde girl who looked to be around her early 20's who is now stained by the blood of the bandit.

She stopped screaming as Alex put his finger on his mouth telling her to be quiet, Alex pushed the man off of her and helped her up, then he pointed at the top of the wall where they can see the outside.

"Climb, and go." Alex said simply before turning around and crouched to step out of the room.

"B- but-"

"Go or don't, up to you." Alex said without looking back.

"I hurt my leg." The young woman said.


Alex sigh before he gave her a boost jumping over the wall, he then sensed her running into the forest before he turned around.

He then spent a few more minutes going through the longhouse quietly killing the "important" bandits in the place, there weren't anymore unfortunate victims like the girl, there were many treasure such as berries and weapons but he didn't tale them as they weren't significantly important or better.

In the end he was gonna obtain them all if he and the others take this big group down.

And soon enough all three heard of Hermes screech again, it was the signal of their operation being discovered and so they retreated back down the mountains as the bandits were on edge.

On the first night all three of them achieved the goal of 10 bandits killed, more than that as Viktor had the most kills.

Viktor had 27 bodies on their first op, Markus had 21, and Alex had 17 since he wasn't really keeping score and was looking around curiously then killing.

Kids killing this much people isn't a normal thing, it could turn hearts black and haunt them, but Alex didn't think of it like that.

He thought of these guilty feelings as part of his past life, he was in a new world and he can't bring the common sense he had into this new world.

Because in this world it doesn't follow any, at least not much, humans in here could be as big as giants or normal size, Whitebeard for example is human but was freakishly tall.

After giving out their numbers Viktor laughed at the two saying how pathetic they were, Alex didn't care but Markus was triggered.

In the end Viktor and Markus made it a competition which progressed their plans quickly as the next day they had more kills than the first day.

On the second days op, Alex took out 20 bandits, Viktor was still leading with now 37 bandits and Markus with 33.

On the first day the bandits were angered that someone sneak attacked and they vowed to take revenge.

As they were burying and burning the dead bandits on the second day they were struck again, a critical hit and the ones still alive were shaken up and fear reached their core as they prayed and hope they won't be the next victims of the night killings.

On that 2nd day was the worst attack they had as the mysterious attackers took out more than 3/4 of their forces that night, all by slitted throats or pierced hearts.

What they were more afraid of was an eagle, a flying golden eagle at night, when this eagle cries out onto the night it means that the killings would start.

They only realized this on the second day of the attack, now the more brave bandits were aiming to kill that eagle, most of the bandit leaders were also killed leaving the fodders left to be lost in what to do.

On the third day in the morning the big bandit boss who was angry sent the over 40 bandits left to go down the mountain to terrorize the villagers and look for who is responsible for the death of his men.

Unknown to him he sent his leftover men to their own deaths.

When the bandits built up some courage and arrogance, they walked down the mountain to the village of Nabashi.

When they walked down there there was no one outside, not even the early kids that would come out to play.

In the middle of the village was three young kids sitting there looking at the incoming bandits, Alex, Viktor and Markus.

Some of the more bandits were on guard as they knew who these three are, they were the beast hunters of the island, and grandkids of the marine captain Abner.

Seeing the three just sitting in the middle the bandit that lead walked with the rest in front of the boys.

"Where are the villagers?" The bandit in the lead asked.


But before anymore talk could be made an eagle flew down landing on the shoulder of Alex's.

"Y- it was you!!" Some of the bandits screamed at the three.

They aimed their weapons at the three ready to shoot.

"Yes, it was us, but you made a mistake... you walked into a village of angry people." Alex said.

*Bang* x30


And just then many doors flew open and out came the villagers, with pistols and rifles aiming it at the bandits left.

And like a few cowards the outnumbered bandits started screaming and raising white flags crying in fear.

But the villagers didn't care, they held many expressions from anger, to tears dripping down staining their faces.

These people were from each of the villages that came to Nabashi village according to Alex's plan, when they heard they would get a chance to kill the rest of the bandits hundreds of the villagers ran to sign up.

A lot of them had tragic stories that involved these sick cowardly bandits and now they finally had a chance to turn the tables.

At first they were scared because the bandits were many and had weapons, but when they heard that the trio took 3/4 of the bandits forces out and had weapons they could use all doubts were gone and they came on this day.

"W- wait.. m- maybe we can- t- t- talk th- is out!!" The bandits were begging pathetically, with tears and snots.

"There is nothing we have to talk about, if you want to know what your fates is then talk to the villagers who you preyed on for years." Alex said as they walked away with Hermes flying around them.

The bandit boss wasn't with them so there was only one place he would be, and the trio was going there.

As they walked they heard behind them many shots going off and heart wrenching screams along with other sounds.


A few hours on top of the bandit mountain there were five dead bandits around the center fireplace.

And kneeling in front of the trio was the bandit boss.

He had messy black long hair, brown eyes, a few missing teeth and some scars on the face.

He was fat, but not the fat fat type, his fat was more muscular than fat.

When the trio came up the mountain Viktor and Markus took care of the small fries and Alex took on the boss.

They thought it would be a challenge but they're strength is just like those strong beasts they have faced together, and so they finished quickly.

"So you punks were the ones who has been making my life hard." The bandit boss said.

He took out a bottle of liquor and downed it in one go.

"I also heard you fought off the traffickers out of the island, geheheheheh that would just bring more trouble to you lot." The bandit boss said.


And just like that his head fell, then his headless body.

Alex didn't like these small talks, it just wastes his time and he wanted to fast forward this life until when he finally set sail.

"Let's just gather up everything these bandits have and take it home, they will also be useful for the villagers soon." Alex said.

Hello all,

Just lettin ya know that I’m putting this Fanfic on pause to put a few chapters on my other Fanfic.

Go read em if you haven’t.

[Emerald] ❇️

Karstagcreators' thoughts