
[One Piece]: Sea Devil⭕️

A young man eager to set out to the world to explore every inch and have life-long adventures............ The young man decided to become a pirate along with his two brothers and set out to sea only to encounter more than they asked for................. But without budging they were determined to stand at the top............ I do not own anything rather than my own characters.

Karstag · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Change Of Plans


An eagle screamed out up in the air, this eagle was flying in the air while observing below.

This eagle was Hermes, and right now Hermes was near the middle mountain where the bandits live at.

Hermes was told to find a path that wouldn't lead to any bandit camps or anything bandit related at all.

Of course, he could just change his mind and beat up all the bandits up if they can before going against the mountain king.

But he would rather they beat the mountain king and spread the news to all the villages and with a high chance of the bandits hearing it, before they target them making them wait in fear.

The mountain bandits are a terror to the island and are the second strongest force on the island, the first Strongest force is the beasts and their king which protects and watches over Mt. Beastland.

No one on the island is mad enough to go against the mountain king, of course, other than our very own three "heroes."

Even the strongest of the bandits rounded up his best men and lead them to Mt. Beastland only to come back with a missing left arm and %90 percent of his men dead.

In the end, they were only "strong" men who boosted their confidence and arrogance from hurting harmless civilians and most have likely never been in a fight where the enemies fight back.

It took a while to convince both Viktor and Markus to go and fight the mountain king, but after telling them about legendary stories and the sworn promise they made they finally agreed.

For Viktor it was easy, all Alex said was that this little mountain king was only a dog to what is outside this island and that most pirates out there -mostly in the [New World]- can take this beast out with one hand or without even touching it.

And with that Viktor took it as a challenge and said he would slay this beast with one strike using his sword.

The swords Viktor and Alex were using were just normal broadswords and not katanas, and the airhead Viktor doesn't even know there are other types of swords than the kind he is holding.

Alex thought of what stupid face Viktor would make when he first touches a katana, even he can't wait to hold a masterpiece like a katana, a true work of art, preferred sword class for most swordsman.

How he dreamed of the day he could grab hold on to it, but he is only still at the start of his journey, and the moment he touches the sea he will head straight for the strongest weapons he could find and battle with.

For Markus, all he had to mention was the sworn pact they made together, and he was in.

To Markus, the only people he had left in his life were the ones he spent in that mountain for 2 years, and this new brotherhood of his is something he would gladly fight for, or even die.

If these two were to go up against the beast with the goals of defeating it while accepting the consequences of dying and still going? Then Markus would not cower and fight beside his brothers.

The pact they made was more bigger to Markus than the two think, maybe it is more important to Markus than it is to the other two.

And when he heard the words Alex spoke of, he steeled them in his heart always remembering them.

To share each others blood.

Raise our weapons to protect another.

Slay our enemies to protecting our honor.

And walk the path of this new life as sworn brothers.

That's what made Markus agree to this crazy plan of Alex's, and this would be their real battle together.


Hermes screeched as he dived down into the greeny forest before perching on the arms of Alex.

"Well?" Alex asked Hermes.

*SCREE* x3

Hermes screeched a few times telling Alex what he has seen and the possible paths.

"Hmm, I see..." Alex said and went into thinking mode.

"What is it?" Markus asked.

"...well we got 2 choices." Alex said.

"Which is?" Viktor asked.

"We go that way? And it will be smooth sailing until we reach the base of Mt. Beastland." Alex said as he pointed to the left pathway.

"That one, what's so hard about choosing the easy way." Viktor said.

"And the second?" Markus asked, completely ignoring Viktor's comment.

"The second... is we go that way and we reach a movement of bandits." Alex said.

Viktor smiled like a maniac thinking of slicing some bandits, Markus frowned as his hatred of bandits sparked again.


"Well, change of plans, we're taking a detour, it seems the bandits are at it again and are holding a few ladies in ropes." Alex said looking out onto the bandit's location.

Markus' face immediately turned cold his hands already held his dual pistols.

Viktor on the other hand, his smile dropped and the only thing on his face was a frown.

If there is one something he hated the most other than his sister getting bullied, then it would be a capable fighter hurting harmless innocent weak people.

He despised the fact that someone strong or at least well equipped with weapons would turn to hurting the incapable villagers.

Of course, Viktor had beaten up a few village bullies and all but that was only because they needed a beating, plus it wasn't as bad as what these bandits do to their weak victims.

The things these bandits do is way over the top for him.


Alex lift up his arm as Hermes flew back up to the sky, and he looked back to his two brothers smiling.

"Ready to bring nightmares to these cowards?" Alex asked before turning forward and started walking.

Viktor and Markus didn't say anything as they just started walking with Alex, and Alex didn't need them to say anything neither since they all had one thing in mind.

Massacre these bandits.

A few minutes of running they spot some smoke going up, they crouched down and got close before getting behind some bushes.

What they saw was a camp and a put out fire that were smoking out, around the camp were around 30 bandits walking around.

Then in the middle of the camp a group of females from young around 10-12 to old around their 40's.

When the three saw it they didn't need a textbook to know what was going on, and what these sick bastards were planning.

A few important looking bandits which seem like the leaders of the group were standing near the ladies and looking at them as if they're berries or playthings.

Alex looked to his left to see Markus gripping hard on his pistols and is getting impatient.

Viktor on his right was already locating his targets and how he is gonna cut them up painfully.

"Mark, you have to be good with your eyes, so when we start, look for the ranged fighters and put a bullet in them before they can reach their weapons.

Vik, use your speed and try to be quick and swift taking the ones on the right and work your way to the leaders.

We have to be quick with this or the girls will get hurt." Alex said.

The two nodded.

"Alright on my signal." Alex said and disappeared into the forest.

"Wha?!- what signal-" before Markus could finish Alex was already gone.

Not knowing what to do since they were still young kids they just stayed crouching there looking at the bandits in anger.

As they were looking out at the bandits a loud voice in the air suddenly screamed out.


Markus and Viktor looked at each other before they sprung out onto action.

*Bang* x5


Immediately Markus started on his side shooting all he can, he was also working his eyes overtime scanning these bandits if there were any shooters, if there was he was already aiming at them before firing off.

Viktor on the other side was moving, the bandits were caught off guard, and Viktor was moving past each one of them as fast as he could, but he didn't pass them without leaving them a little slice and stab.

Over the years Alex taught Viktor the weakest spots a human could have, such as the throat, the heart, the spine, or the brains.

And that was all he aimed for.

The thing that made it easier for these two was that most of the bandits were drunk and had slow reaction resulting in being caught off guard.

"S- stop them!! They are only two brats!!" The leader screamed with anger.

"Shoot- just shoot!! Shoot them!! Why aren't you sh-" but the leader couldn't finish.

His neck felt cold as he sensed the cold steel sword cutting cells of his neck.

"You must be the leader of this little group." A child-like voice sounded behind the bandit leader.

The leader slowly turned around, besides him were 5 other bandits, on his right were three and on his left was two.

The three on the right had one bandit that doesn't look like he fights but looks like a skinny scrawny old assistant, the other two were bandits with guns.

On the leaders left the two were bandits with a rifle and pistol.

"You!!" The old skinny looking high class the nearest next to the bandit leader said.

"You are just a child!! Kill hi-" but before this scrawny man could finish, Alex raised his pistol up and aimed it at the man's face.

"You don't seem like a bandit, you're too scrawny, who are you?" Alex asked.

His sword on his right was on the neck of the bandit leader, and his gun on the left aiming at the scrawny man.

"TAKE YOUR BLADE OFF OF OUR BOSS!!" One of the bandits on the side said.

All four of them raised their weapons at Alex, while he had a sword on their leader's neck and a pistol on the face of a scrawny man.

"You're good." The leader said.

"Since we are in a stalemate how about we lower our weapons, as a matter of fact, how about you join me?" The leader said.

The bandit leader thought of this as a good chance, the kid looks to be around 9 or 10 yet he was already this strong, he didn't even hear him appear behind him.

If he could get this kid on his side then it would boost his progress on his plans of overtaking the bandits and lead them all himself.

He looked at the you kid and smiled crazily, the young boy had his head down seeming to think of this offer, soon he looked up and stared at the leader.

From stoic to a mocking smile, Alex spoke.

"Why would I join coward who only terrorize the weak but cower from the strong." Alex said.


They look to the right to see one of the bandits fall and in place of that bandit was Viktor extending his bloody sword onto the neck of the bandit aiming at Alex.

*Click* x2

Two clicks sounded on the left, they looked to the left just to see Markus behind them holding up two pistols to the head of the other two bandits.

Now all the bandits left standing had a weapon on their heads.

Markus had two bandits on the path of his barrels.

Viktor was lazily holding out his bloody sword on the neck of a bandit.

And Alex had a sword on the neck of the leader and a gun pointed at some scrawny man who didn't seem to be a bandit.

"Checkmate." Alex said.

From the start to finish he never left the face of the leader.

The leader side glanced behind him just to see all his men dead on the ground, and he was finally panicking greatly.

He thought about how 3 scrawny kids that doesn't even have chest hair, take almost 30 of his men out.

Alex was smiling at the leaders reaction, but deep inside he was a bit proud and surprised, these two Viktor and Markus were quicker than he thought.

'I guess the years spent fighting those beasts paid off' Alex thought.

"Drop your weapons." Alex said.

The bandits who had guns slowly dropped them and put their hands up in surrender.

"Good boys." Alex said.


Then with his gun aimed low and shot the thigh of the scrawny man and he kicked the balls of the bandit leader as he knelt down holding his privates.

Te scrawny man was letting out pathetic whimpering noise as he teared up.

Alex looked at Markus and Viktor and said.

"Tie them up." Alex said.

After a few minutes 5 of the remaining bandits were tied up and set aside.

"Ladies, please give us a moment as we talk to our new friends." Alex said.

The three untied the girls and helped them up and such.

Alex and the other two walked up to the tied up bandits and the scrawny man who dressed a little more cleanly than the bandits.

This scrawny man had black hair, with a pointy jawline and had a look of arrogance, and of course, the skinny scrawny body of his.

"So, who are you?" Alex asked.

The now scrawny man had tear stains and snots hanging around his big arrogant nose.

"YOU- YOU ARE DEAD!! You messed with the wrong people- argghhh!!" The scrawny man stopped to put pressure on his painfully stinging pain from the bullet hole.

"I don't give a shitt who you ar-... well actually I do that is why I am asking you.

"Um Mr.Fancy, can you please tell me the name of your... organization?" Alex asked.

"Ssss aaaahhhh sssss aaahhhh you-" the scrawny man was inhaling and exhaling heavily trying to rid the pain somehow.

"We- hahahaha, you will be the reason for this islands doom, boy, the group I am affiliated with will have your head and round these entire villag- KYAAAAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!" Mr.Scrawny screamed.

Alex with his sword poked the thigh where the bullet hole was on Mr.Scrawny.

"I don't need you monologuing your bullshitt, I asked what the name of your little organization is, are you guys pirates or something?" Alex asked.

"Ahh fine, the name of our organization is... THE REAPER MERCHANTS." The scrawny man yelled out as if it's a shocking thing.

Too bad the three boys were island shut-ins and never heard shitt about this so called Reaper Merchant.

But Alex had a plan on his own.

And so Alex GASPED... extremely exaggerated.

And the scrawny man who was a fool fell for it and wanted to spark more fear onto the poor boy.

"Yes!! Hahaha it is that Reaper Merchant! I see you have heard of us, all good things I hope." The scrawny man said with confidence thinking Alex was outright terrified.

"NO, not the Reaper Merchants!! Don't tell me they're on the island?!" Alex acted out afraid.

"Hahah yes, WE ARE!! And I am here as a representative myself hahaha." The scrawny man was head over heels loving the reaction the boy was having.

"No! No, they can't be, you're lying!!" Alex screamed out.

"I am not, hehehe, we are docked at the south side of the island near Roshak village, HAHAHA!!" The scrawny man laughed hysterically.

"Thank you, now that wasn't so hard was it." Alex said and raised his pistol up aiming at the forehead of the scrawny man.




Everyone was shocked, just like that the guy was gone, gone right after being played with like a fool.

Even the two boys next to Alex fell for his little play and was scared for a bit thinking this Reaper Merchant was something big.

"*Sigh* I hate when idiots waste my time like that, I just want them to answer my questions and not extend my time." Alex said sighing deeply.

Alex slowly turn his head to the bandit leader who gulped having a big sweat.

"Mr.Bandit leader, you wouldn't know anything about this organization do you?" Alex asked.

"I- I I I know." The bandit leader said.

"Well? I'm waiting." Alex said softly, but it felt like a needle touching the bandit leaders eyes.

"Th- they're a group from the under- erworl-"

"Stop stuttering you piece of shitt!!" Alex screamed out.

Alex doesn't care, these fuckers had the confidence to grab the villagers- even the girls that is still so young that have a full life ahead of them, but from these cowardly fucks, that life would turn into living nightmare hell.




Another gunshot sounded out on everyones ears, followed by an agonizing scream of pain.


"Sorry, but I didn't like what I hear." Alex said, thus shooting the leader on the thigh.


Another shot on the right shoulder followed by the same agonizing scream.

Alex grabbed the collar of this bandit leader and threw him to the girls.

"Alright ladies, what do you wanna do with him?" Alex asked.

Surprisingly the girls moved away from the man in pain, and they looked scared.

"I guess they're not into this kind of thing." Alex said.


Another shot went out, this time it was the head of the bandit leader as he finally breathed his last.

*BANG* x2

Alex turned around and shot two more times killing the other two bandits leaving one more left.

Deep inside Alex knew what he was doing was not right, but he didn't have time for these soft feelings to get in the way.

He walked up to the last bandit of the group and smiled, which was a devil's smile.

"Bandit, ooh big scary bandit, can you send a message for me to your higher-ups in the mountains." Alex asked.


The bandit wanted to say yes but the words were caught by his throat and he ended up not saying anything, not wanting to piss this murderous boy he nodded ferociously.

He was too scared to notice he pissed his pants.

"Tell your boss that I am coming, and that he should wait by cleaning his neck for me, alright?" Alex asked.

He untied the bandit as he fell a few times in fear before running off.

"Are we going after them?" Markus asked.

"Yeah, they step on this island to make trouble then I'll cut their balls off and feed it to them." Alex said.

He and the other two walked to the still scared girls.

"Y- you're the three young heroes of the island." One of the older women asked.

"The what now?!" Viktor asked.

"The young heroes? I've heard about you guys going around the four villages saving them from frequent beast attacks." The woman said.

"Hmm? We did?" Viktor asked.

He was confused because not once did they helped any village of beast attacks.

The thing was Alex lead them to fight strong beasts around the villages and both Viktor and Markus thought it was just training.

That was the first purpose for the beast hunt, but the second purpose of it was to protect the village since these beasts are the closest to the villages and attacks whenever hungry.

The two didn't know but Alex made sure it was in like with each other, and in the end, it took out two birds with one stone.

They fought beasts and got stronger while the villages got more safer.

They talked for a bit and Viktor was speaking of how these bandits were not as tough as the ferocious beasts they went up against.

"You girls know the way back to your village?" Alex asked cutting in.

The girls nodded hesitantly, they were having a nice time talking to the two besides Alex, but when he spoke up the got a bit scared since he looked ruthless and all.



Hermes landed on Alex's hand and started talking to him.

"There are a few small beasts on that side but you should be able to avoid it if you stay away from that path." Alex said pointing to a road.

"Go on, you'll be alright." Alex said.

The girls started walking on the way of their hone, but they all thanked the three before going any further.

"Keep an eye on them, Hermes, tell me if they run into trouble." Alex said throwing his hands up as Hermes flew up into the skies following the girls.

"Whew." Alex sight looking at the more than 20 dead bandits, somehow he didn't feel like throwing up, even after his first kill with the bandits 2 years ago.

Maybe the fanfics are lying about throwing up on your first kill in your new life, or this world just doesn't allow him to throw up and all.

"Alright, we have more useful resources here, let's see what we can use." Alex said.

The two nodded, though they felt that the Alex moments ago were different than what they were usually used to but it was a bad Alex for the bad guys so they didn't say anything of it.

In fact, they ran around like kids on Christmas looking for great resources that these bandits have.

Markus loading up a bag full of pistol rounds and gunpowder, and Viktor looking at each and every sword to see if there is a new candidate for being his main weapon.

After some time the two started arguing about who got more kills, it was Markus that had the most kills but Viktor just won't back down and told Markus how his kills were more better.

While they were bickering Alex was crouching next to the bodies of the bandit leader and the Reaper Merchant member.

He never heard of this Reaper Merchant in One Piece, but then again the underworld of One Piece was never fully shown, so he was a bit curious.

He might have been crazy making a new enemy out of this organization while going up against the mountain king and bandits but he knew all these three combined were nothing compared to things in the world of adventure.

He knew he was crazy but he told himself that if he can't handle at least this much, then he is not built for the chaotic life of the pirate world.

But he won't let it get in the way of him stepping off this island, he doesn't know why but a fire inside him keep building up, the fiery will of getting off this boring island and explore the oceans.

Sailing the seas, meeting new people, and having the luck if maybe encountering his One Piece idols.

As Alex was looking at the two bodies he went through their bodies and found more than a few berries on them, mostly on the bandit leader and some on the scrawny man.

The thing that got his attention the most was a piece of paper and he read through it.

He was pretty shocked because on it was the name of the island, Manato, as well as tens of other names, which Alex figured were other islands.

He thought that if these people are human traffickers, and the name of the island is written on this paper... does that mean these other names are islands? And is most likely going around these islands to do shady business?

Alex read through it, before putting it away with him.

He looked to the two bickering behind him and spoke.

"Alright, another change of plans I guess, we are gonna kill some shady people first, then we go to Mt. Beastland." Alex said.

"Fine with me." Markus said.

"It will be a good warm-up." Viktor said.

The two weren't as against it as they were with the mountain king, not knowing much about the outside world, they most likely thought that these human traffickers are an easier target than the mountain king.

"Yeah, maybe." Alex said.

"Come on let's go."


After almost half an hour the three ran around the middle mountain heading for the south side of the island.

Once they were close enough to the waters they saw a big ship on a cliff.

It was wasn't a pirate ship, it looked more like a big Merchant ship.

Coming in and out of the ramps were wildly dressed men carrying boxes and other resources.

"I'm guessing thats them." Markus said.

They were in the forest but had a clear and full view of the activities the group was doing.

"Th- those are the villagers from the other side!!" Viktor yelled out.

The other two followed his line of sight and saw a group of women and men being tied up with ropes and are walking in a straight line onto the ship.

Viktor and Markus clicked their tongues in anger.

"Seems like these bastards are just going from islands to islands collecting people like fruits and such." Alex muttered.

"Let's get closer, stay low." Alex said.

The place was full of greens such as bushes, big trees, and leaf covers so the three were able to move in closer.

The three popped their heads out of the bushes as they were a few more meters closer than before.

"We gotta find a way to deal with this." Markus said

"Yeah, but there is too much going against us, they got the numbers and the hostages, there is also a chance they might have stronger fighters." Alex said.

"But how do we do it, there are like more than a hundred guys with guns and swords." Markus said.

The men they were looking at were scattered all around the area, some doing work and others doing their own work.

There are a few that are leading the "merchandise" inside the ship and into the ship.

"Alright, we'll do this quietly, that means to guns, Mark.

We'll start by thinning their numbers from the outside, and work our way to the ship.

Mark, I know you wouldn't wanna touch a sword for... reasons, but what about a knife or a dagger?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, I don't care about that at the moment, this is too serious to be petty." Markus said.

"Good, I want you on the side of the tied up villagers and slowly lure those men into blind spots before taking them out, take your time and make sure not to be seen.

Move from point to point not to make it feel suspicious or anything." Alex said.

Alex paused then looked to the left side of the camp.

"Alright Vik, I want you starting with that group over there, it should be easy since they're drunk and all, be quick and quiet." Alex said.

"Once you guys are with that, we'll move on to part two." Alex said.

"Whats part two?" Markus asked.

"Even if we take out the those on the sides there are still too many on the main camp, so I'll show myself before making a run, from then, I want both you and Vik to take positions there as I run through it.

Once I run past and those men are chasing me, then you can start banging out your pistols.

While you shoot from this side and take their attention, Vik will come out from the other side behind them and do another ambush.

From then me and Vik will be on the ground stabbing their brains out while you are on top of the trees on point backing us up.

After that will think of another plan if reinforcements don't arrive." Alex planned.

"Good plan, I'm in." Markus said.

"Good alright take positions." Alex said.

But before they could move Viktor on the left side of Alex stood up, and when he stood up his whole body was shown to the men on guard duty.


That wasn't the worst of it as Viktor stepped on a twig as it exaggeratedly sounded out loud.

"Shit!!" x2

Both Alex and Markus whispered out.

"You idiot!!" Alex said, he lifted his hands and grabbed Viktor's shoulder and pulled down.

"Get down!!" Alex whispered.

But surprisingly Viktor didn't budge one bit from Alex's pull.

"Dude!!" Alex called out.

But when he saw Viktor's eyes he paused, and thought what was he looking at.

What he saw in Viktor's face something he barely saw, his face contorted to fear, anger, rage, anxiety, terror, and worry.

It was all mixed emotions, and Alex knew that there was only one thing that Viktor ever gets angry and worry for.

Alex followed Viktor's line of sight and there she was, Addilyn.

For some reason, she was tied up with extra ropes with her mouth muffled and blood dripping from the side of her forehead.

Alex's eyes opened wide and cursed in his head, thinking this will become complicated than before, Markus also saw this and froze.

Viktor, on the other hand, was having the most trouble, when his parents died the only thing left was Addilyn his sister.

He was still young back then but he was someone that promised his parents that he would protect her no matter what, and he had trouble protecting her in their younger years since she was too nice and somehow attracted too many troubles.

It was one of the reasons he would always get into fights, this worry stopped when Alex came along and with him, they beat up everyone in the village which stopped anything against Addilyn.

But now she was here of all places, and she was being harmed greatly.

Viktor stood there in full view of the guardsmen looking at Addilyn's small figure.

Viktor wanted to yell "Leave her alone!!" But for some reason, he couldn't force out anything, like a mental block telling him not to speak.

But with so much anger he couldn't hold it and with his full might screamed out his lungs.


Viktor screamed out so loud even the ones far on the ship could hear him scream, everyone turned their way to the three's spot to see a boy standing on the bushes screaming with his might.

Alex and Markus looked at Viktor not believing him, thinking that this idiot just ruined their chance to save her and all the villages.

But they also understood why he would do this, Viktor was panicking and didn't know what to do at this moment.

But then something happened that startled Alex.

He saw some kind of invisible force explode out of Viktor's body and rapidly expanded all the way out to the men of the ship.

Alex couldn't understand what happened as he suddenly started to lose fractions of his consciousness slowly.

He heard a thud next to him as Markus fell unconscious.

He was starting to lose his vision and was falling back.

And the feeling of just dropping back and sleeping felt like it would be the best thing to do if he wanted to get the best sleep in his life, and it was the most tempting thing he felt since coming to this world.

But before he could drop back on the ground he paused, and gritted his teeth so hard it felt like it would break if more force were to be added.

He screamed and cursed in his mind that he would not be knocked out by this airhead of a boy next to him.

He promised himself that he was gonna step off this island and sail the seas, and he was gonna be a captain, and the boy next to him was gonna be his right hand.

And with great effort brought himself back and stayed in consciousness, while telling himself he won't be easily subdued by this boys haki.

He knew that [Conquerors Haki] was something of great power, but he wouldn't let himself be succumbed to it and fall.

It would be pathetic if he was easily taken out by someone's simple haki without touching him, no, that was something he won't allow to happen.


After getting his mind together Alex started to pant catching his breath.

He looked around to see no one but an unconscious Markus.

He looked forward just to see Viktor running out of the bushes.

"WAIT!!" Alex screamed out.

Seeing no way to stop him he jumped out of the bushes and ran after the idiot Viktor.

But he was once again shocked with what he saw, other than the ones close to the ship, everyone else dropped unconscious except for a few.

It doesn't seem like Viktor could control it as all the villagers including Addilyn was knocked unconscious.

"Damn it!! Vik!!" Alex screamed.

Viktor's eyes were only on his unconscious sister as he was running to her.

But he didn't see the men coming toward him from the side.

By the time he got to his sister and held onto her calling her name, one of the men was beside Viktor with a sword raised cutting down aiming for Viktor.

He stuck aiming for Viktor, but before that could happen Alex came up and block the sword vertically.


"Huh? You two are just brats-"


Before the man could finish Alex was already aiming at his face and shot killing the man point-blank.

"Viktor!! Damn it!" Alex cursed.

Viktor was barely listening.

Another man came with a sword aiming at Alex, the man thrust the sword onto Alex but he just parried it to the side before slashing the man's throat.

He saw that more were coming so he used the man he just slit for cover and started shooting at the ones behind.

He ran forward and started his attacks, Alex would thrust and slash with his sword.

At times he would deflect attacks, parry or repel attacks before doing a strike to weak spots such as the throats or the chest.

When he had to block attacks, he would use that chance to fire his gun on his left hand which he considered easier to do.

At this point, he already took out more than 20 of these fodder men, before he can go any further someone yelled out.

"Seize your attacks!!"

The men attacking stopped as well as the panting Alex.

He looked up to find the voice on top of the ship, there was a man on the deck looking down with his hands behind his back.

He had blonde hair with a handsome face and was wearing a white buttoned-down coat.

"Well, you're a young one." The blonde man said.

Alex didn't say anything, he just tried to catch his breath while looking at the blonde man.

"Tell me your name, young man." The blonde man demanded.

But Alex didn't say anything, he just looked at this man thinking he's a boss fight.

"Hmm, why do I even bother, look behind you." The man said.

Alex widened his eyes remembering that Viktor and Addilyn was behind him.

He looked back to see an unconscious Viktor being carried by a giant fat man around 8 foot.

"Tsk!" Alex clicked his teeth and looked back at the blonde man to try and have a calm conversation.

But when he turned around he saw another man with bald head and lazy eyes in front of him smiling, before he punched Alex and knocked him out.