
[One Piece]: Sea Devil⭕️

A young man eager to set out to the world to explore every inch and have life-long adventures............ The young man decided to become a pirate along with his two brothers and set out to sea only to encounter more than they asked for................. But without budging they were determined to stand at the top............ I do not own anything rather than my own characters.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

An Escape Attempt


Alex woke up with a banging headache and it was the kind he can't just ignore.

"Alexander!" Someone called out.


When Alex opened his eyes he saw mostly darkness, but keeping his eyes closed for a while now he could see things well in the dark.

He saw that he was inside a ship, most likely the Reapers' and it was full of people chained to metal cuffs.

This was the lowest deck where the ship's resources are placed, along with slaves now.

He saw some familiar faces from the villages, he looked to the side and saw Viktor and Addilyn on his right.

But then he suddenly remembered what happened, it was a rushed moment so he didn't think much of it, but this airhead idiot has [Conquerors Haki].

Both Addilyn and Viktor were asking if Alex was okay but he just ignored them and looked at Viktor thinking how a dumbass like this has [Conquerors Haki].

Viktor thinking that Alex was mad was a bit embarrassed and didn't know what to do other than avoid direct eye contact.

Another pop went out inside of Alex's head and also remembered this idiot's reckless behavior.


"You idiot!!" Alex screamed, he headbutted Viktor's head as it bounced and hit the wood wall of the ships.

Viktor hissed with pain on his forehead, Addilyn worried as she held onto Viktor's head and rubbed it.

"You gotta think before going ahead like that!! What was your goal huh? Say you get to Addy, then what? You still didn't think if the other hundred men waiting to gut your brains out!!" Alex spout out at Viktor.

"You could have gotten her in a worse situation!!" Alex huffed.

"I- I'm sorry, something just came over me and the next thing.... next thing I knew I was already out there." Viktor said with heads down.

"By Oda that was reckless, just learn from your mistakes, at least your both alright." Alex said.

"And what about me?" A voice sounded out on Alex's left.

Alex turned to the left just to see Markus.

"What the?! They got you too? I thought you would be out there still knocked out." Alex said.

He also thought of Markus who he thought was still outside to be their one chance to get out.

"How did they get you anyways?" Alex asked.

"Th- they went out and checked the surroundings after bringing you guys in, when they were looking in the forests and the spot you guys were hiding in they found Marky." Addilyn said.

"Smart move I guess." Alex muttered.

"Where are we? Are we still on the island? How long have I been out?" Alex asked.

"You've only been out for a few hours, and yes we are still on the island." Markus said.

"Alex..." Addilyn called his name softly and hesitantly, Viktor seems to also lower himself.

"Hmm? What?" Alex asked.

"Th- the village, they... they plundered the village an-" Addilyn said.

"Tsk, I thought so... how bad is it?" Alex asked as he frowned.

"Most people were taken, but there were some that went against it and...they were killed.

They also took the village's food, drinks, and berries." Addilyn said.

"*Sigh* And here I thought they only do dealings in human trafficking, guess they do a little bit of everything." Alex said.

"N- no, it wasn't just them, the bandits did everything other than take the villagers, these people were the ones that took the villagers." Addilyn said.

"Those cowards."

Alex exhaled long and deeply as he growled out.

Alex saw that Addilyn was still looking at him along with Viktor and Markus.

"What?" Alex asked.

"Alex... your grandpa... he..." Addilyn said having trouble saying each word.

Alex froze and his eyes opened wide, a sudden coldness went through his body and he felt his scalp start itching, sweat started to work around him.

Alex looked down not knowing what to think.

Even if that old man was always quiet and minded his own business he still took care of him, of all of them.

He let the others sleep in whenever they wanted and didn't make things difficult for Alex asking about his abnormal behaviors and such.

Alex looked down and thought about the time he spent with that old man, there were fun times and unproductive days, but no matter what he did the old man never got in his way and wasted time, but he always had that the old man is behind him and would support and protect him no matter what.

Viktor, Markus, and Addilyn saw Alex drooped and looked down closing his eyes, they were all orphans so they knew what he felt more or less so the stayed quiet and gave him space.

But then they saw a tear dropped from Alex's closed eyes, just one, then Alex looked up and cleared his throat.

*Cough* x2

"We gotta get out of here soon." Alex said.

"You sur-"

"I'm sure, we can't stay here forever, there is nothing but torture if we stay." Alex said.

The others nodded also understanding, this was no time and place to let emotions flow.

"Alright here's the plan..." Alex spoke of what he was thinking.

In the middle of him explaining his plans, a fat snob who was one of the villagers screamed out hearing Alex's suicidal plans.

"Stop!! Don't be stupid you brat!! You are just a few kids who only drank milk their whole lives and you don't know how stupid you are.

There are hundreds, do you know how to count?! HUNDREDS!! Of these men outside and your just 4 little milk drinkers, stop your dreams of getting out of here or you'll just make things worse." A fat villager said.

The four stare at the fat man for a second, before just ignoring him and got back to planning.

"...and so when that happens I need you to look for weapons, once you get one take point and back us up from then-" Alex said to Markus, but was interrupted by the fat villager again.

"Stop ignoring me!! This is outrageous, you have no idea what you-" the fat villager said but was interrupted by the three.

"Hey, do you think that fatty is heavier than a mountain beast?" Viktor whispered to the other two.

But the place is not exactly whisper proof as everyone around could clearly hear them.

"He can't be heavier than a beast you airhead, but maybe the mountain..." Markus said.

"Guys, if I can hear that fatties stomach grumbling than I'm sure he could hear us too." Alex said.

"Ooh, maybe we can make him eat the hundred men outside." Viktor said as if it was a bright idea.

"Are you sure hundred is enough?" Markus asked.

"Okay that is enough, it is clear that he can eat more than a few hundred easily." Alex said.

Addilyn was trying her best not to laugh pursing her lips tight shut with a few tears threatening to come out, some of the other captured were having small laughs too.

Some were not in the mood for any of this while others were smiling at this moment trying to enjoy their possibly last moment and were thankful for the laughs.

Some were smiling sadly for these four kids as they thought this might be their last moments before their lives turn to nightmare.

"YOU BASTARDS!! Do you think this is a joke?! I'm not dying for you idiotic dream of hoping, you might have killed a few mountain beasts but that is far from fighting hundreds of men." The fat villager screamed.

"Oh? And what is your plan fatty?

Is it to just let things be and leave your fate to these inhuman bastards?" Alex asked.

"If that is the only way to live then yess!!" The fatty said.

"Hmm, well that is no different from not living, I'd rather die than live as a cowardly slave." Alex said.

"What do you know?! You're just a damned brat!!" The villager said.

"Tsk, it's a waste of time talking to you." Alex said and ignored the fatty who was screaming at him.

"Alright, we just need to make some noise for these guys to come down." Alex said.

But both Viktor and Markus was just looking at him then to the fatty that was still angrily yelling at them.

Getting the idea all three smiled like the devil.


A few minutes later the door to the lowest deck slammed open, and all the villagers heard footsteps coming down, it sounded a bit clumsy although.

"I thought we told y'all to shut your traps!!" A skinny man came down the steps holding a liquor bottle, and behind him was a not much better drunk man.

Many of the villagers did their best in backing away and avoiding eye contact with the guards of this ship.

(I don't know what to fucking call them, they're not pirates nor marines they are human traffickers and idk whether to call them guards or men, just lettin ya bastards know)

"Y- yes, of course, forgive me it's just that these punk- graaagh!!" The fatty villager said.

"I told you to shut ye'r trap!!" The guard screamed kicking the fatty villager.

Fatty tried to snitch on the kids and maybe get a good relationship with these people, but it didn't go as he thought and the guard started kicking him.

In the back, the other guard was laughing and drinking without a worry.

The thing is these two idiot guards walked into a room of their prisoners, and there was so much stupidity in that move alone.

The worst of it all was that they were fully armed with two swords and two guns, and to the three kids it looked like a big juicy meat and they were the most hungriest lions on the land.

In this dark lower deck it looked like their eyes glowed as they eyed the weapons these two had.

"Hehehehe." Someone suddenly laughed.

The two guards paused and turned their eyes zoomed onto where the laugh came from.

And what they saw was Viktor pursing his lips, but small giggles still flowed out onto the ears of everyone.

The two guards stood there looking at the boy with no clear expression since it was a dark room.

"What's so funny?!" Markus asked the still giggling Viktor.

"Pffthaha... hey... don't... those two look like... the monkeys we fought last year pffftttahahahahah!!" Viktor finally couldn't hold it and let it all out.

Both Alex and Markus looked at the two guards to get a clearer view, and when they saw the clear structure of their faces, both their eyes widen and their lips pursed before they also laughed out.


The other villagers were terrified, some of the women screamed out to the three to stop, and some were crying as they tried to stand up and risk their lives stopping the guards.

The men of the village were demanding the three poor boys to stop it immediately, but everything went through one ear of the boys and out the other ignoring everyone.

"Hahaha re- haha ready? Haha." Alex asked during their hysterical laughing.

"W- wait hahaha let me- let me catch my breathe hahaha." Markus held his stomach.

The chain cuffs were behind their back but they already moved it to their front since their bodies were still pretty small.

"You, you little punks!! I'll teach you some lesson-"

"Now!! Hahaha!!" Alex screamed.

The guard started taking out his sword when out of nowhere the three jumped at them.

Markus jumped at the guard up front and grabbed a hold onto the hand that has the sword, Viktor came and tackled the tipsy drunk guard on his legs as he dropped face first.

Markus and Viktor had the first guard, and Alex ran past the first guard and jumped over the other drunk guard behind, although Alex passed over the head of the second guard his cuff chains didn't as it wrapped around the neck of the drunk.

When the first guard dropped face-first Viktor took the chance and hit the back of his head with the hard part of the cuffs as the guard was knocked unconscious.

By the time the two were done, they looked back at the second guard and Alex just to see the other guard fall.

"Hahaha whew." Alex pant.

The thing with this though was that the three were still laughing through all that until they knocked both the guards out and calmed down.

The villagers were all shocked out of their minds, they thought that these three were gonna bite the dust just seconds ago but they turned the tables easily.

Some saw this and hope rose in their hearts.

The fatty who had front row seats to what just happened just had his mouth wide open in disbelieve.

The kids he just made fun of were, in the end, the ones that saved him from those ruthless kicks from the guard.

The three were now grabbing the weapons of the guards, they still had chains on their hands and feet but they could still use their the weapons to an extent.

"Hmm? Isn't this the fatty that tried to rat us out?" Viktor asked as he pointed the newly equipped broadsword at the fatty with a ferocious and vicious look.

"Heeee!!" The fatty yelped in fear.


Addilyn smacked Viktor's head before saying.

"Didn't I tell you not to do that face?" Addilyn said.

"Alright alright, I was just kidding anyways, I'm only gonna skin him later." Viktor said.

Fatty was relieved and was thankful for the little girl who was his savior, but when he heard Viktor's last sentence his whole body went cold.

"That's enough Vik, if you wanna do anything to him then get in line behind me, I'll cut his toes and fingers before you skin him since I was the first one he insulted." Alex chipped in teasing.

"Guuys stop it, sorry mister, don't mind them they are just messing around." Addilyn turned to the fatty saying.

This was something the three would do at times where they felt like it, no matter how dumb Viktor is, how serious Markus is or how calm Alex is, they would do this thing where they either scare, tease, anger, or play with the victim's emotions.

It was like a synchronized click in their heads and they would immediately start dismantling their "enemies" using their tactical vocabulary.

The fatty was already near fainting and just wanted to end this charade.

Alex checked the guards for keys but there wasn't anything.

"No keys, well guess we gotta check upstairs." Alex said.

Alex and Viktor grabbed both the guard's swords while Markus grabbed the two guns for himself.

"Hey Vik, can you use your haki again?" Alex asked.

"My what?" Viktor was lost.

"You know that thing you did that made everyone fall asleep?" Alex asked.

" I made people fall asleep?" Viktor asked not believing it one bit.


"Alright here is how it is, when we go up there and fight and we get surrounded by many guards and lose, then they are going to make Addy hurt a lot." Alex said.

"That won't happen, we'll win." Viktor said seriously, Alex could almost see his will flaring up.

"Attaboy!" Alex said as slapped Viktor's cheek before turning around to the others.

"You guys just stay quiet, when we find the keys we'll drop if for everyone then go home, Addy you stay here with everyone else." Alex said.

"But I can hel-" Addilyn tried to reject the idea.

"Not happening, just stay here." Alex said with Viktor nodding behind him.


"Alright, let's get moving, stay low and keep your eyes out." Alex said as he took the lead since he knew [Observation Haki].

As they slowly walked up the stairs they started hearing many noises from screaming, cheering, arguments, to singing.

It sounded like a party, the stairs made an L as they would need to turn at the end, when they paused at the corner and looked.

Alex used his [Observation Haki] to scan the deck they were in.

"There is around...there are more than 20 of these bastards." Alex said.

"I we'll be making noise no matter how we approach this that's why the guns are allowed." Alex said.

"Mark, stay behind us and target the shooters, me and airhead will work our way through the bunch." Alex said.

"Roger boss." Markus said as he cracked his neck in ready.

"Alright, Vik, this is a real fight and we are fighting humans okay? Not like those simple-minded beasts in the mountains.

So use everything you have even if it's not a fair or honorable thing to do, they're just fodders." Alex said.

"What's fodders?" Viktor asked.

"Just think of them like those angry rabbits that try to swarm you at times." Alex said.

"Oh okay." Viktor said as if it wasn't a big deal.


Alex asked as he clenched his left fist and put it in the middle of them.

"Ready!" x2 Markus and Viktor did the same.

"Alright Let's get some practice in." Alex said.


On the second-lowest deck was the place where everyone hangs out and took their breaks at most of the time, there are drinks food and card games always going on in there.

On the table is the drinking and card games, that's where most of the guards are at either sitting down playing the game or standing there drinking and watching.

Others were just rowdy making noise and singing making it more lively.

It was all fun and games until...

*BANG* x4

Markus immediately started firing right after Alex and Viktor thrust their swords into two guards and then things got chaotic.

"PARTYS OVER BITCHES!!" Alex screamed out as he ran and slashed his swords against a guard's neck.

He wasn't going as fast as he could since the chains on his legs were limiting his legs extending reach.

But they made it work by doing maneuvers like sidesteps and backsteps whenever they were in a tight spot.

At some point, a guard grabbed Alex on a chokehold as Markus was reloading his pistols, but in turn of that, another sword went inside the head of the guard and let go of Alex.

Alex turned to Viktor thanking him and then did the same to Viktor when two guards grabbed onto him.

They went back and forth watching each others back until the last guard standing, or kneeling.

"Wait! Wait! I- I can help you! I- I know where the keys to your cuffs are." The young guard said.

A sword tip poked the guard's neck as he gulped in fear.

"Talk." Alex said.

By now the clothes of Alex and Viktor were a mess, rips, and holes everywhere as well as scars appearing here and there on their bodies.

"I- it's in those cabinets." The guard said.

"Thank you." Alex said.

Without saying anything Viktor ran and open a cabinet and various keys were hanging in there.

"Which one?" Viktor asked looking at the young guard.

"Th- the silver one, if not then the brown round key." The guard said.

Not long the chains were off the three as they finally felt free, stretching like there was no tomorrow.

"Haha, Mark, go give the others the key, but tell them to wait until we clear the way before they come out." Alex said.

As Markus ran off Alex grabbed one of the cuffs and chained the young guard who was around his young 20's onto the ship.

"I'll leave you alive since you helped us, but I'll be back to ask questions alright?" Alex asked.

"Y- yes." The guard nodded immediately.


Third deck, the last level before they are outside the ship.

But that's if they pass what is waiting for them.

On the third deck there was 10 guards with swords waiting for the attempts of escape, and behind them were two very relaxed men.

One was skinny but tall with long legs, about 2 foot taller than the the guards.

On the other side sitting down on the ground drinking liquor was another man just as tall as the other, but this one was bigger and had compact muscles.

While they were waiting the three arrivals walked up the stairs as they scanned the new group, and immediately Alex and Viktor clicked their teeth in dissatisfaction.

"What?" Markus asked as the two looked pretty upset.

"That's the guy that knocked me out." x2

Alex and Viktor said the same thing, surprised they turned to each other only for Viktor to look away.

"Well I only got knocked out because of your dumbass!" Alex said to Viktor.

Viktor muttered something but no one heard anything, other than Alex who had [Observation Haki] but he didn't say anything.

"Oh it's you guys again." The tall man said surprised.

He was the one that appeared and knocked out Alex, he had black hair and was wearing a hoodie like hat, and was smiling like it was his normal resting face.

Alex looked at the guy and thought of one thing: Longleg tribe.

Or at least thats what he thinks, because the appearance of everyone in this world was weird as hell, he sometimes wonder how these people not say anything about it, but who was he to judge.

"You lot just love causing trouble, but I gotta admit, I like your energetic selfs." The tall man said.

"Boys, go do your jobs." The man said as the guards ran at the three with swords raised.

"Mark." Alex called Markus' name.

*BANG* x4

That was the limit of the pistols, 2 shots per pistol.

But that was enough as Alex and Viktor took care of the rest of the guards.

"Whoahahah there it is, I love your swordsmanship, and even at a young age you can already take care of our men, you will be monsters if you live on." The longleg tribe man said.


"Talk too much." The big muscle man said as he got up.

"Oh alright I guess I'll let you go first you big bufoon." The longleg tribe man said.

"I got this one." Alex said as he tried to walk up.

But a hand landed on his shoulder and stopped him, Alex looked back to see Viktor.

"No, I got this, I got a score to settle." Viktor said walking past Alex.

But before he could go any further a hand was on his shoulder.

"It's alright Vik, I will take your revenge for you." Alex said walking past Viktor.

Only for a hand to land on his shoulder again.

"No, please it should be me that corrects this mistake." Viktor walked past Alex.

"No I insist, as your future captain I need to at least do this much and protect my men." Alex said.

"Yes but as your subordinate I should fend off enemies first before they get to you." Viktor said.

"Of course, but a captain should show his worth for his men to see." Alex said and walked past again.

"But if I'm the first mate of the ship then I..." Viktor took his turn.

As they were doing this back and forth the muscle man was just standing across them waiting with a tick mark on his forehead.

Markus was behind them with a twitching eyebrow watching these two calmly fight over who should fight the muscle man first.

"But I owe you one so it is only right that I-" Alex was taking his turn when he was interrupted.

"JUST DO ROCK,PAPER, AND SWORD!!" Markus screamed his lungs out at the two.

The two looked at the seething Markus before looking at each other and shrugged.

If it wasn't already obvious Rock, Paper, and Sword was the substitution of Rock, Paper, Scissors that Alex taught to them whenever they couldn't come to an agreement in the mountains.

"Rock, Paper, Sword!!" x2

Alex and Viktor shouted out and both showed the hand gesture of sword, which is a chop onto your hands.

The problem is these two are sword maniacs and for the 5th time already picked sword, again.

"For the love of god, why are you two idiots whenever we're in a serious situation?!" Markus yelled.

This wasn't the first time they have done this, during the times they were hunting beasts and using them to train, one of these two would challenge a beast alone when they feel the beast is strong.

But the other would insist on challenging it instead, and so it would go back and forth until Alex taught them the Rock, Paper, and Scissors.

But Alex loving swords so much changed the scissors into swords.

And the idiot Viktor loving sword so much always chose sword since he thinks it is always the strongest.

There were barely any progress when it gets to this point.

A turn finally happened when Alex showed rock, rock beats sword so he won ignoring Viktor's dissatisfaction.

A strong swordsman could definitely cut up a blunt rock but there was no need to get too deep.

"Leave it to me Vik, I'll show you what easy kill is." Alex said walking up to the muscle man.

"Whoa, dude you look like a Kaido ripoff." Alex commented.

The big man huffed, and just stood there not moving and his body was right in front of Alex tempting him.

"Oh, you're telling me to have a free hit?" Alex asked to which the muscle man nodded to.

"Aww, your nice, hey guys isn't he nice? He just offered me a free shot." Alex said looking back at Viktor and Markus.

"Okay Let's try this." Alex took out his gun and aimed it at the stomach of the muscle man and pulled the trigger.


The shot fired as the gunpowder sparkled blasting the bullet firing off on the big guy.

But when it hit the skin of the big guy it just fell off like it hit metal.

"So that's why you're so confident, because you have a rock hard body. Nice nice." Alex complimented the big guy.

The big guy huffed again.

"You don't talk much do you?" Alex asked.


Alex screamed as the big guy waved his hands and brought Alex up by the collar to his face level eyeing him.

"Ahh, thank you that helps, I guess I didn't need to jump up here myself huh?" Alex said.

He quickly raised his gun up aiming at the big guy, but this time it was aimed to the eyes and the arrogance that the big guy had froze and before he can do anything.




The big guy screamed out his lungs that everyone in and on the ship could hear him.

"You idiot!! Why would you bring him up to your eye level." The longleg said.

The big man let go of Alex as he dropped back to the floor, and the big guy used his hands to put pressure on his eyes to lessen the pain.

But the big guy didn't know he left himself more open then he can think of even with his hard body.

Alex jumped up and stood on the big guys shoulder and raised his sword as it faced down.

"Shitt!!" The longleg cursed.


He tried to move in to stop Alex but he immediately jumped back as a bullet came almost hitting him.



The moment the big guy occupied his hands and opened his mouth screaming, Alex had everything he would ever need for an easy win.

Alex plunged his sword down the open mouth of the big guy killing him as blood started flooding his moth and all.

When Alex landed back on the ground he flicked his sword trying to imitate how a master swordsman would flick blood off their sword but he failed miserably as not much of the blood on his sword moved.

He walked back and stood with Viktor and Markus looking at the shocked and angry longleg man.

Alex leaned to Viktor and asked.

"How was that?"

"Tsk showoff." Viktor crossed his arms looking away.

Heya suckers

Y’all go read my previous fanfic called [Emerald]❇️

Karstagcreators' thoughts