
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Zombo Stars

Chapter 4: The Heroes' Escape

Huguel saw that Nikkomam was all broken physically and emotionally. He ordered the others to stop. Viktor, Brenner Souka, Houka and Gabino stopped. Huguel went to Gabino and said:

- Gabino, how many times do I have to tell you not to put rape in your illusions?

Gabino was surprised that Huguel knew about his illusions. He said:

- Sorry, boss. I thought we could torture Nikkomam in every possible way.

Huguel grabbed Gabino by the neck and lifted him his entire body. Gabino began to feel short of breath. Huguel said:

- Listen here, Gabino. Have limits. I don't tolerate rape stuff here in my group. You understood?

Gabino nodded yes, almost running out of air. Huguel released Gabino. Gabino fell to the ground, coughing and breathing hard.

Huguel said:

- Let's go.

Huguel, Brenner Souka, Viktor, Houka and Gabino left the room, leaving Nikkomam unconscious and emotionally broken.

Nikkomam woke up after a while. He saw the open door to the room. He didn't say anything, just looked towards the exit and tried to get up.

He was weak and sore. He could barely move. He used his willpower to drag himself to the door.

He left the room and saw a dark and dirty corridor. He didn't know where he was or how to get out of there. He just knew he had to escape.

He continued to drag himself down the hall, looking for an exit. He heard voices and footsteps approaching. He hid behind a pile of rubbish.

He saw two men walk past him. They were guards of the villains' hideout. They were armed and talking to each other.

- Hey, did you see what they did to the hero? - said one of them.

- Yes, I saw - said the other - It was brutal.

- Do you think he's still alive? - asked the first.

- I don't know - said the second - But I didn't want to be in his place.

- Neither did I - said the first - But I wanted to see the other heroine. The Bee Woman.

- Oh, she's hot - said the second - I wanted to pick her up.

- You are crazy? - said the first - Do you want to die? The bosses wouldn't let you touch her.

- Why? - asked the second - Aren't they torturing her too?

- No - said the first - They are saving her for something special. They said she is the key to their plan.

- What plan? - asked the second.

- I don't know - said the first - But it must be something big. They said they are going to change the world.

- To change