
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Hello, this is Bing. I can help you write a webnovel called Zombo Stars. Here is chapter 5 that I created based on your idea:

Zombo Stars

Chapter 5: The Villains Revelation

Nikkomam tried to find the Bee Woman, but Huguel found Nikkomam first. Huguel dragged Nikkomam back into the room, throwing him against the wall. Nikkomam landed on his back, powerless to react.

Look, Nikkomam, I owe you an apology for my imbecile and idiot partner Gabino making an illusion of rape of the Bee Woman - Huguel said falsely - Look, we didn't lay a finger on her. It will be used for something else for my plan, of course.

What plan? - asked Nikkomam with difficulty - What do you want to do with her?

You'll know soon - said Huguel with a mysterious smile - But first, let me tell you my plan, Nikkomam. My plan is to make a better world without pain or suffering.

A better world? - repeated Nikkomam with incredulity - How do you intend to do this?

For my plan to be completed, I have to kill the babies destined to be sinful and terrible people - said Huguel coldly - I intend to kill these sinful babies inside their mothers' wombs.

What? - exclaimed Nikkomam with horror - You are a monster! How can you do that?

That's my plan, Nikkomam - said Huguel with conviction - For a world without pain and suffering, it is necessary to do terrible things. That's my goal, Nikkomam. There is no right or wrong, only necessary.

You're crazy, Huguel - said Nikkomam angrily - You don't have the right to decide who lives or who dies. You have no right to play God.

I'm not playing God, Nikkomam - said Huguel with arrogance - I am God. I'm the only one who can save this rotten and corrupt world. And you won't stop me.

Huguel then left the room and locked the door to the dark room, leaving Nikkomam lying in the room unable to move.

Nikkomam was shocked by Huguel's words. He couldn't believe what he had heard. He couldn't believe what he was planning to do.

He thought of the Bee Woman. He wondered where she was and how she was doing. He wondered what Huguel wanted to do with her.

He felt a twinge of hope. He thought maybe she was still alive. He thought maybe he could still save her.

He decided not to give up. He decided to fight until the end.

He used his light power to try to loosen the bonds that held him to the chair. He used his super strength to try to break down the room's door. He used his super speed to try to escape the guards at the villains' hideout.