
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Here is chapter 3 that I created for you:

Zombo Stars

Chapter 3: Torture of Villains

Nikkomam woke up in a darkened room and trapped in a chair. He was full of wounds and bruises. He didn't know where he was or how much time had passed since he was captured by Viktor.

He heard the door open and saw Huguel enter with the other members of Villains Anti Heroes X. They had hateful and sadistic expressions on their faces.

- Sorry to disturb your sleep, Nikkomam - Huguel said ironically - But unfortunately we have to teach you a lesson.

- You, Huguel... - said Nikkomam with difficulty - You were the one behind all this. It was you who destroyed the Black Dark prison, freeing many prisoners and wreaking havoc on Zombo. And also released Viktor, Gabino, Brenner Souka and Houka to his group.

- Yes, Nikkomam, that's exactly what I did - Huguel said proudly - When I disappeared from my Jacaré Sul favela, where I was the leader, at the time I disappeared I read in the newspapers that you, Nikkomam, were defeating Brenner Souka, Viktor, Houka and Gabino, one by one, and taking them to the Black Dark Prison. So I came up with a plan to free them and do something that will change the whole world to eternal peace. But I won't talk about that now. We're here for a different reason: to make you regret ever getting in my way, Nikkomam.

- You're crazy, Huguel - Nikkomam said - You won't get anything out of this. You will only cause more suffering and destruction.

- Shut up, hero - said Huguel - You have no morals to talk about suffering and destruction. You are responsible for everything that happened to us. You humiliated us, you hurt us, you trapped us. You took everything we had from us. Now it's our turn to return the favor.

Huguel then went back and sent Brenner Souka, Houka, Viktor and Gabino to attack the Nikkomam all at once. Then they all waved and attacked Nikkomam without pain or mercy for revenge for having trapped them in the Black Dark Prison.

Brenner Souka used his firepower to burn Nikkomam. He shot flames from his hands and mouth, hitting Nikkomam in various parts of his body. Nikkomam felt his skin char and his hair catch fire. He screamed in pain.

Houka used his electricity power to electrocute Nikkomam. He manipulated the wires and electronics in the room to shock Nikkomam with electricity. Nikkomam felt his muscles clench and his nerves jitter. He shook in agony.

Viktor used his fighting power to beat up Nikkomam. He used his legs to kick Nikkomam everywhere possible. Nikkomam felt his bones crack and his organs crush. He wept in anguish.

Gabino used his shadow power to torture Nikkomam. He created dark illusions in Nikkomam's mind, making him see horrible things. Nikkomam saw the Bee Woman being raped by the villains, her parents being murdered by the villains, her friends being betrayed by the villains. He went mad with terror.

The four villains attacked Nikkomam nonstop, giving him no respite or mercy. They laughed and mocked him as they made him suffer.

Huguel watched everything with satisfaction. He saw Nikkomam squirm in his chair, beg for mercy, lose hope. He saw Nikkomam becoming a shadow of its former self.

- This is just the beginning, Nikkomam - said Huguel - We still have much more to do for you. You'll beg for death, but we won't give it to you. You will suffer until the end of your days.

The villains' plan was in motion. They had tortured Nikkomam in every possible way. Would they ever stop? Would they kill him? And the Bee Woman? Was she still alive? These questions would be answered in the next chapter of Zombo Stars.