
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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369 Chs

Chapter 65: Winter and Mass Migration

"Xiaoyun, what did you do in the six hours?" Yanyan asked.

"I went to Yiming to establish a police force by picked twenty people from the militia to work as police full time, with their department being at one of the finished building at commercial district." Xiaoyun explained.

"Are they under civilian or military?" Xiaoqi asked next.

"Civilian, so they are under your control. Although I'm planning to only have people join police only if they go through militia training first."

"I-I always wanted to be a police officer! C-can I join?" Yunyun excited asked.

"Yunyun, you can't do any physical jobs, you forget?" Yanyan reminded her.

"Fine, I guess I will join after this." Yunyun rubbed her belly.

"Speaking of physical job, mom you sure your job isn't too risky?" Xiaoqi asked.

"Nah, its not risky at all. I don't actually need to take care of any patient. I just communicate between the doctor and nurses. It more of an management role which I didn't expect either to be honest." Yanyan explained.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Xiaoyun can you create some winter cloths for the store? Some people doesn't have warm enough cloths and the commercial district just can't meet the demand yet." Xiaomi brought up her customer's complains.

"Um, this might be a little difficult. I can't make cloths that fits everyone, and the sizes and style are very limited." Xiaoyun replied.

"Maybe we can supply the stores with more cloths and cotton. And give them no interest loan to expand first. We can use them as a government contractor as well to produce cloths for the soldiers too." Xiaoqi brought up her solution.

"That's a perfect plan. We just need to tell that to the commercial department tomorrow." Xiaoyun complimented her.

"Okay okay enough business. Its a break day. Let focus eating now." Yanyan ended the conversation as everyone went back to eating.


The next morning.

Just as Xiaoqi and Yunyun was sitting inside the office relaxing, someone knocked on the door.

Yunyun walked over to open it only to see Yezi standing outside.

"Where's Xiaoyun?" Yezi looked around.

"He's at the storage room right now." Yunyun replied back.

"Then Xiaoqi have to decide this, it's an emergency."

"What do you mean emergency?"

"The zombies are finally moving out of the city and our rescue mission is in a complete halt now. The outskirt is completely overrun with full of zombies and we can't even send scouting mission as the moment we step inside the outskirt they chase us out." Yezi explained.

"Wait, then wouldn't the horde chase you back to here?" Xiaoqi asked.

"Nope, for some reason they are just staying in the outskirt. Almost as if someone is leading them." Yezi raised his concern with the zombies.

"Let me call Xiaoyun and Yiming over." Xiaoqi took out her phone.

Before Xiaoqi opened her contact, she can see the phone had no signal.

"Hm? Yunyun does your phone have any signal?"

"Nope. Oh no... did everyone just lost signal?" Yunyun realized what might had happened.

Yezi took out his phone as well, only to see no signal either.

"Shit... communication is going to be much harder now." Yezi realized the impact this can cause.

"Well at least we still have walkie talkies... but they are only used by the militia and soldiers communicating with Yiming." Yunyun brought out her idea.

"Perhaps we can set up an civilian use channel." Xiaoqi suggested

"But everyone can hear you if they listen to your channel. Not to mention the town's force all uses civilian grade walkie talkie, so both civilian and military listen to each other. That won't work." Yunyun warned Xiaoqi.

"I guess we have to manually have people get there to discuss... man we are slowly going back to the stone age." Xiaoqi complained.

"Yeah, not much we can do unless we go restore the cell tower. But we have no clue where it is located." Yezi commented.

"Anyway Yezi, just take this as a break from rescue mission. Keep on watch if the zombies are going to leave the city outskirt." Xiaoqi gave her final verdict.

"Okay, I'll go set that up." Yezi turned around and left.

"Always more problem... if water is also cut off we are doomed, aren't we Yunyun?" Xiaoqi sat back to her chairs.

"Not exactly, we can dig wells and build water tanks. Not to mention there's a river that flow into the lake deep in the forest. But I'm not sure if it is freshwater river though."

"Hm..." Xiaoqi started tapping her pen on the table.


When Xiaoyun came back to main office, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Hey Xiaoqi, everyone's complaining about signal in the town is cut off." Xiaoyun walked inside Xiaoqi's office.

"Yeah, and there's nothing we can do. Also Yezi came here earlier." Xiaoqi replied back.

"What did Yezi came here for?"

"The zombies are moving out of the city to the city outskirt. So our rescue missions are in a complete halt.

Not to mention apparently something is leading the zombies as they only stay in the outskirt and doesn't move out of it." Xiaoqi explained.

"You telling me there is some sort of zombie leader?" Xiaoyun realized what Xiaoqi is trying to say.

"Yes, that's worst case scenario."

Xiaoyun pulled out a walkie talkie and called Yiming.

Ten minute later, Yiming was here.

"Yiming you heard about the zombies at the outskirt?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Yeah, I just heard it earlier from Yezi."

"What do you think we should do? Look like you already have a plan?" Xiaoyun noticed Yiming's confidence.

"We can't sit here and hope that they go away on their own. We need to strike first." Yiming paused for a second.

"We have ten cars and three buses, so we can perform hit and run repetitively to thin their number down. However this might trigger the entire zombie hordes come for us. So there is some risk." Yiming suggested his idea.

"Xiaoqi open the drawer and take out the map." Xiaoyun asked.

Xiaoqi pulled out an map from the drawer as he asked and laid it on the table.

"So you are suggesting we drive to the city outskirt here, then using our rifle to shoot any of them that chases us. Then since they don't chase too far, we can do this on repeat?" Xiaoyun pointed at the entrance to the city outskirt.

"Yes, that exactly what I'm planning to do." Yiming nodded.

"Xiaoqi how much people can be drafted into duty when the martial law is declared? And how much troops do we have?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Let see... The town has around seven hundred people now... but around five hundred people are fit enough to be required to defend the wall.

Two hundred of them were militia in the past or currently in the militia.

And we currently have one hundred full time soldier." Xiaoqi finished explaining.

"Okay, so we can load convert the three buses to mobile firing station, each of them can fit most likely twenty five soldiers on each window. So that seventy-five soldier in the bus.

Now if we use the tens cars fitting four soldiers, that would be forty. So we can also load some of the militia as well to fill in the gap." Xiaoyun added details to Yiming's plan.

"Seem good to me... but you sure you can keep up with the bullet production? That is a lot of ammo going to be used." Yiming warned.

"You're right.... there's no way I can keep this up. Only if we got an artillery or something." Xiaoyun realized the ammo that is going to be required for this to be pulled off if it is only using rifles.

"We still don't have a arms industry... no one know how to make them and we don't have the equipment to make them either." Xiaoqi added.

"How about if we use explosives? We can use the TNT we got and Xiaoyun could always make more of them." Yunyun suddenly chimed in.

"And if we set up a row of TNT at this narrow entrance to the town, we can almost wipe an entire horde with it." Yunyun pointed at the road to the town.

"Oh my god you are a genius!" Xiaoyun excitingly hugged Yunyun.

"I should of never let you go out of the militia..." Yiming mumbled to himself.

"Well then we got a plan then, we just do both at the same time." Xiaoyun finally calm down.

"Yeah, now we just need to execute it." Yiming nodded in agreement.

"Do you guys think we should also make the wall taller and stronger?" Xiaoqi suddenly suggested.

"Yeah we probably should do that too." The three in the room nodded in agreement.

"Okay then I'm going to go set them up." Yiming turned around.

"Let me go with you." Xiaoyun followed Yiming out of the office.

"Well look like we are back to work then." Xiaoqi and Yunyun both sighed.

Here's the plot progression! My brainsssss deep fried as I figure out how to write the next part. First chapter of the day.

100k views and 150k words, and 400 collection. What a milestone. (Yo how is four day collection more than almost my past two week worth of collection? I guess its a snowball effect?)

Premium is going to start after I finish the bonus chapter. Don't worry, I won't lock all these previous chapter as premium like some people. (The first premium chapter would be 77 if I continue to outrun the bonus chapter count.)(I think I going to outrun this race right?)(Plz don't jinx it now Mr.IPI)

Bonus character count:11

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