
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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369 Chs

Chapter 64: Break Day

It was finally a day off as the six visiting the commercial sector for the first time.

"Xiaoyun, have you feel the days have been getting colder? And the day becoming shorter?" Xiaoqi asked.

"Yeah, maybe because its November now... Almost five month since the outbreak." Xiaoyun replied.

"I still can't believe its only has been that short... It felt like a year or two had already passed." Xiaoqi sighed.

"And both of us pregnant at 2nd trimester. We are still so young too... feel like we had missed out a lot in life." Yunyun sighed as well.

"Come on, don't be so gloomy. I was pregnant around your age as well, and I was perfectly happy." Yanyan tried cheer the two up.

"Shut up mom, that because you are just old fashion. Nobody get pregnancy this young anymore." The two yelled back.

"Is this what they called pregnancy mood swing? So anxious and gloomy today." Xiaoyun and Xiaomi both thought the exact same thing.

"Xiaomi! I-I want that!" Lily dragged Xiaomi to the clothing store that just coincidentally had a Doraemon crochet in the front.


After shopping for a hour, the six stopped at an restaurant store.

As everyone sat down, it was the same waiter that Xiaoyun and Xiaoqi went to.

"Oh hey, what a coincident." Xiaoyun waved at the waiter.

"Oh good morning Mr.mayor, what order can I take it for you?"

"What do you guys want?" The five of them were already reading the menu.

"Beef noddle soup sound good. I will take that." Yunyun ordered.

"I want fried noodle with shrimp." Xiaoqi ordered.

"Hm, I will take an Beef chow fun." Yanyan ordered

"Me and Lily want spring roll." Xiaomi added.

"Chives with eggs stir fry with a bowl of rice for me." Xiaoyun ordered.

"Okay six things. I'll go place the order right now." The waiter walked back to the kitchen.

Xiaoyun looked around the restaurant as they waited. The white paints on the wall clearly had just been added recently. Not to mention the tables were just folding table and wooden stools used together. All in all, an very bare restaurant.

"Your food is here, please enjoy." The waiter unloaded the food one by one.

"Thank you." The six of them started eating their food.

Just as they were about to finish the food, suddenly the table behind them got into an argument with the waiter.

"Why the hell is the food five food stamp? This is way overpriced." The man was clearly refusing to pay the bill.

"Sir, the beef can costs two food stamp, combined with making the noodle from stretch, five is just enough to cover the cost. You read the menu and it had the cost there." The waiter argued back.

"How dare you argued back, I used to be a constable 2nd class." The man yelled out.

"So? You said it yourself. You used to. Now please pay up." The waiter asked again.

"And what if I don't pay?" The man raised his voice as all three of them stood up.

The waiter stay silent as the three man standing in front of him intimidated him.

"For fuck sake, i just can't catch a break... I should of implemented an police department earlier." Xiaoyun stood up as the five of them watched Xiaoyun walked over.

"Hey man, why don't you just pay up and leave? You really going to dine and dash?" Everyone in the restaurant turned around and looked at Xiaoyun.

"Who the hell are you?" The three man looked at him.

The five of them tried to hold their laugh but accidentally laughed out a little.

"Really, you don't recognize me?" Xiaoyun asked again.

Some of the customer in the restaurant finally realized who Xiaoyun was.

"Why should we recognize you? Move out the way." The man tried to shove Xiaoyun but Xiaoyun stepped back before he can.

"One last warning, pay up or you going to regret this." Xiaoyun gave his final warning.

"Shut the hell up!" The three turned around.

"What did you just say?" Xiaoyun pulled out a gun and pointed at them.

"S-sorry w-we d-didn't say anything. W-we will pay and leave right now." The man took out his wallet and put down five food stamp.

"Stop right there, who say you can leave now? Go outside and stand there." Xiaoyun signal them outside.

The three man followed the instruction as they walked out and stood outside with both hand in the air.

Just as Xiaoyun was about to pull out his phone to call Yiming, an on duty militia happen to walked pass and noticed Xiaoyun with his gun drawn out.

"Mr.mayor, is there any danger?" The militia asked.

"These three just tried to dine and dash. You tell me, what should their punishment be?" Xiaoyun asked.

"According to the law book, it is banishment for any crime committed, big or small." The militia replied.

"Good, you go send these three out of the town." Xiaoyun handed the three men to the militia.

Xiaoyun turned around and walked back inside the restaurant.

As Xiaoyun entered, everyone started clapping as he walked toward his seat.

"Hm?" Xiaoyun looked a little confused.

"Mr.mayor, you saved us!" The waiter and the chef walked up as he bow down to thanks Xiaoyun.

"It's my responsibility to keep everyone safe, no need to thank me for this. Xiaoyun lifted the two back up.

"And for everyone, tomorrow you will feel much safer." Xiaoyun reassured everyone.

"Xiaoqi, can you pay for me okay? You guys can go back home after finishing shopping, I need to go do something." Xiaoyun turned around and left.

The five of them sighed as if their break day has just been ruined.


"Mannn, our break day is ruined now." Xiaoqi complained as the five of them walked back home as the clock just hits noon.

"All thanks to him wanting to be a hero." Xiaomi added.

"I mean... I would of done the same thing too." Yunyun argued back for Xiaoyun.

"But he could of done made the police force tomorrow, I heard him mumbling it." Xiaoqi complained.

"He's the mayor after all, we have to be understanding." Yanyan unlocked the door as everyone walked back inside the house.

"I'm so bored! Internet is all down now!" Xiaomi rolled around on the sofa.

"You guys want to play Mahjong?" Yanyan suddenly pull it out under the sofa.

"When did we have this?" Xiaoqi and Yunyun looked curiously.

"Well I had this since my parent came over few years ago. Come on, let go to the kitchen table. I will teach you guys how to play." Yanyan carried the Mahjong box to the kitchen.

When Xiaoyun came back home at six o'clock, he opened the door only to see no one in the living room.

"Where's everyone?" Xiaoyun couldn't find anyone, but as he walked toward the kitchen he could hear blocks hitting an table.

"I finally won! Hand those money over!" Xiaomi jumped in excitement as Lily sat behind her watching.

"I wouldn't be so happy for winning once in so many rounds." Yanyan reminded her as the three handed Xiaomi one food stamp.

"Oh damn you guys are playing Mahjong? Let me play." Xiaoyun finally saw what they were playing.

"Sure, you can take my spot." Xiaomi moved to the side next to Lily.

"Let me warn you three, they call me the God of Gamblers back in countryside." Xiaoyun thought back the time he spent playing in the summer with Uncle Li's friends.

"Yeah yeah sure. I had play this since I was ten, you ain't beating me." Yanyan replied.

"How about this, if you win, you get to make a wish, and if I win, I gets to make a wish." Xiaoyun suggested.

"Sure, the bet is on." Yanyan nodded.

Two hours later...

"This can't be happening. How can I be this unlucky. You must have cheated" Yanyan slams the table in frustration as even Xiaoqi and Yunyun manage to win more than her.

"Me? I didn't do anything. Maybe you won too much earlier so you ran out of luck." Xiaoyun patted Yanyan on the back.

"Hmph! Whatever I'm going to go cook dinner now." Yanyan stood up.

"Don't forget I won the bet!" Xiaoyun reminded her.

"Yeah yeah I know." Yanyan face blushes as she walked away.

"Hm, I had a wish from Xiaoqi from beating her bet last week. And now I have a wish from Yanyan just now... just Yunyun left now." Xiaoyun thought in his mind.

Xiaomi took over Yanyan's spot.

"Yunyun you want to do a bet?" Xiaoyun suggested.

"No thanks you." Yunyun immediately refused it as she can tell what Xiaoyun is trying to do.

After playing for few more rounds with each one of them winning once, dinner was finally ready.

The four pack everything back into the box as Yanyan put the dinner on the dining table.

More casual chapter! Time to relax my brain from writing so much plot and story progression. (Totally didnt only wrote a page of plot for every three *bonk*

Added an new auxillary page in case you mixed up people name. Feel free to point out any grammar issue or typo. I will fix it as fast as I can. Also 400 collection! New milestone!

Well reached another 10 power stone, so one more bonus chapter. This would effective cancel it out.

Bonus chapter count: 11

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