
Zodiac Shinobi

Lucy is lonely. Shes broken. She Sacrificed Aquarius to save the others. Natsu the love of her life left her without even saying goodbye. And the guild disbanded. Her family became scattered all over Fiore. She mourned for them all but mainly because shes left alone again like she was when she was younger. Not even her spirits could cheer her up. Soon the celestial king had enough of his old from mourning, and seeing her spirits mourning also. So he hatched a plan that ended her up in the world of Naruto. Disclaimer: DONT OWN NARUTO OR FAIRYTAIL

Ashmulee_Mulee · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

My eyes widen in understanding.

'Lucy..' I thought to myself as I looked at my family. 'Lucy I will try to make you forget the sadness and loneliness within your heart. I will help you'.

(This is a filler chapter)

--- 3rd Person

"LUCY" Gai yelled as he knocked on her door.

She just groaned and rolled over burying her head in the covers.

"Lucy get up and prepare for youthful training!"

"Ugh" She then sat up and looked at her clock.

'4:00 A.M.'

Suddenly shes regretting telling Gai that she will train with him every morning. But nevertheless she got up showered, put on a training Kimono and walked out to see Gai still standing there waiting clad in his green jumpsuit that reminds her of a Caterpillar.


"Okay today we are going to do 20 laps around the village, 100 squats, and 200 pushups to get warmer up then we will see how good you are at Taijutsu. With the power of YOUTH." Gai explained/yelled as he pumped his fist in the air.

And thus the 'Youthful' training began.


When they was finished with warmups, you could say that Gai was impressed that Lucy hasn't complained one or even stopped to take a break she just kept going through it all.

"Alright let's take a break" He said as he handed her a bottle of water. She gulps it down as she rested against a tree.

-- Lucy POV

'THIS IS HELL' she internally screams.

No it's not hell because of all the warmups she had to do. Because Loki and Zabuza had made her do worse and she fought through injuries so it didnt both her. It was hell because all she heard




And more things just as annoying. But she cant help but smile at his determination and energy to get this done. Heck, he even challenged himself more because I corrected him on something, so he punished himself by doing 50 more on everything. 'Kinda like virgo.'

She shuddered at the thought.


Soon I finished drinking my bottle of water, feeling as if I rested enough I got up.

"Okay Gai I'm ready" I said as I walked up to him. He nods "Okay get into position"

And so I did. Thus began the battle of Taijutsu.


Gai jumped first and threw a kick to my stomach I dodged back flipped and threw a punch to his face.

(As I said before I'm horrible at fight scenes so you will only see parts)

-- Gai POV

I've been watching Lucy all morning trying to get a read on her. She didnt give up or complain as people would normally do at my antics or shouts of YOUTHFULNESS. She just paid no mind and kept on going.


'Thud' I was suddenly thrown into a tree from a kick in the back as Lucy kept attacking me.

We've been fighting for 10 minutes now. I've been holding back for awhile now because I don't want to injure her. And look where that got me...into a tree.

I looked up at her to see she's preparing to through another kick.

'Shes so YOUTHFUL' I screamed internally as she had a look of determination on her face.


Soon the battle came to an end when I kicked her backward which sent her into a tree.


"Alright let end this for today" I said as I walked up to her so I could help her get up.

She nods and she dusted herself off. About when I was going to start talking again I heard something rumbled.

So I looked at her to see blush covered her face. I smiled at that "Hungry?" She nods to embarrassed to say anything.

"Alright then let's head back get you a shower and I'll cook"

--- 3rd Person --

After taking another shower Lucy walks down to get some breakfast. Surprisingly Gai could good some good food despite him shouting youthful.


"Okay my youthful flower were going to the Hokages office to sign you into the academy" Said Gai as he was washing the dishes and Lucy drying them.

She just nods and worked in silent.


"Lord Hokage I'm here to sign Lucy into the academy" Said Gai as he walked into the office without knocking and Lucy just follows him.

"Gai couldnt you have knocked?" Asked the Hokage exasperated. "You know what never mind, I've already filled out the papers all you need to do is sign them." He then turns toward a bandaged man at his side." And Danzo the answer is No"

---- Lucy POV

'Danzo?? Isnt that the name of the old war hawk person?' I then cleared my head it isnt any of my business.

'But I don't get a good feeling from him.' I closed my eyes and tried to feel his chakra...soon my eyes snapped open and I saw him staring at me. I then looked at his bandaged arm and raised my brow 'I feel immense chara from his arm.'

He then followed my eyes to his arm. His face furrowed up and he walked out high stepping.

I just shrugged my shoulders 'This isnt any of my business'


And then Gai signed Lucy within the Academy. Dragged her out so she could meet his friends shouting how youthful she was all the way.