
Zodiac Shinobi

Lucy is lonely. Shes broken. She Sacrificed Aquarius to save the others. Natsu the love of her life left her without even saying goodbye. And the guild disbanded. Her family became scattered all over Fiore. She mourned for them all but mainly because shes left alone again like she was when she was younger. Not even her spirits could cheer her up. Soon the celestial king had enough of his old from mourning, and seeing her spirits mourning also. So he hatched a plan that ended her up in the world of Naruto. Disclaimer: DONT OWN NARUTO OR FAIRYTAIL

Ashmulee_Mulee · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

chapter 5

*Gais and Inoichis POV are basically flashbacks on how they thought, feel, or seen about a certain part. Just so you dont get confused*

-- Gai POV

(When he first saw Lucy in Kakashis arms)

"Who would do that to a child?" i whispered as I stared at the girl in Kakashis arms.

I kept staring at the girl as we were running to the village.

'Theres something strange about her' I shook my head 'Her chakra seems happy like Nature' But as Gai paid attention to her chakra more and more he felt something else it was 'Loneliness shes lonely, hurt and afraid.' I sighed as I kept following Kakashi

'Maybe I could watch her when she wakes up. Make her smile. Yes that's what I will do. I must talk to Lord Hokage about it' I declared in my mind as I grew determined to help her out.

(End of FLASHBACK--)

---- Inoichis POV

(When he checked Lucy's mind)

I put my hand upon her forehead and then entered her mind.

it was dark as it is on midnight with no moon or stars to shine down. I started walking forward til suddenly light shined brightly almost blinding. When it died down I could see her mind is like an forest.

I started walking once again til i heard noises. So I followed it til it grown louder and louder thus I found a big wooden gate. It had a strange pink marking..kinda like a fairy. I pushed the gate to see if it will open but it didnt so I pushed more and exerted more pressure but failed it didnt open.

At that I sighed and then heard whispers like it was all around me telling me to go right. Then my body started moving by itself I had no control over it..its like the whispers controlled me.

'Damn come one body move. Why cant I control my body?'

After awhile of struggling I gave up and let it lead me to where it wanted. Soon I came upon what looked like a Barrier. The whispers said "Walk through it" And so my body did. As soon as my body passed through the barrier waves of emotions hits me like bricks. It was sadness, loneliness, and sorrow. I didnt see anything I just felt it.

It started affecting me it was like i was experiencing those emotions and feelings. After staying there for a few moments. Then emotions suddenly ceased into complete silence not a sound. Then all of a sudden an ear piercing scream sounded out "MOM DONT DIE". Just by that sound it pushed me out the barrier back into the woods that are her mind.

But it didnt get that image out of my mind. It was imprinted upon my mind. It was an image of a little girl she looked no old than 6 crying, mourning, at what looks like to be a grave. Then right beside her it looks to be the same girl older but shes crying over all her dead friends on the ground right beside her. Then not far and not looking much older shes dead wearing a black cloak with a man with Pink colored hair crying over head body.

'Its just scary' I thought to myself shaking my head trying to get the image out of my mind but to no avail. It's still there.

I started panicking a little bit 'Inoichi calm down and let's get this done. Then well let Lord Hokage know' at this I started calming down and continued walking.

Soon I came up to a wooden door. I sighed to myself preparing for the worst and opened the door. It opened to a day in the forest, her training, going to village of mist, Fighting ninjas, and then her fight with Orochimaru which caused her to use what looks like to be a forbidden Jutsu. To injure him so she herself could get away.

As I saw this I turned around and walked out the door closed it.

"Looks like were done here" I said aloud as I prepared to leave her mind til something caught my eye. Hiding behind a tree was a little girl who looked just like Lucy only a year or two younger.

I walked up to her extending my hand "I'm Inoichi"

She nods "L-Lucy" She looked down at her hands clenches them then looked up at me square in the eyes. "Come with me" And she started walking off going deeper into the darkness of the forest stopping a few feet away "Are you coming?" Then she turned back around and started walking further ahead.

She wanted me to follow so I obliged her. I had to run in order to catch up but I was soon walking side by side with her.

She kept leading me deeper and deeper into the woods til we came to a stop at what looked like to be a big metal gate. I stared at it in awe for a few seconds before turning to her to ask a question only to find that she disappeared.

'That's weird' I thought to myself. As I turned back to the gate I slowly reached my hands out to open the gate. Before my hands could touch it. I was kicked out of her mind. No I didnt exit myself something or someone kicked me out of her mind.

I then opened my eyes to see I'm still standing in the Hokages office. I removed my hand from her forehead and turned back to Lord Hokage.



"Theres no need I will adopt her"

-- Gai POV

I was walking up towards the Hokage door so I could talk to him about the girl. I was about to knock when I overheard that she was cleared and isn't a threat towards Konoha.

Then the Hokage said something about her living with Kakashi.

'No, my rival will not have her live with him. Hes to emotionless and he would act like he dont care. No, I will care for her..adopt her.'

Thus I pushed open the door and said "Theres no need I will adopt her" as I walked into the office.

---Time Skip-- Normal POV

Gai and Lucy already left so be could introduce her to her new home.

Inoichi is still in the hokages office with Kakashi.

Hiruzen sighed "Theres something else isn't there Inoichi?" he Questioned as he stared up at Inoichi.

He nods "Yes Lord Hokage but it's nothing that will affect Konoha just..." He trailed off as the image appeared in his mind again.

"Its something that will affect her?" Finished Kakashi as he looked at Inoichi.

He nods "Yes" And he starts to explain everything he saw within her mind even down to the emotions he felt and the image that seemed to be imprinted within his mind.

Hiruzen sighed once again as he stood up "You want her to go to therapy?"

Inoichi shook his head "No, if we do that she wouldn't trust us. I was thinking that maybe we could help her be happy and get rid of the loneliness?" Even as he said that he was unsure.

"No, but Kakashi I will assign her to your team when she graduates the academy. Since you have dealt with things similar to this yourself. Okay you both are Dismissed"

"Hai sir" They both replied at the same time and bowed before they left the office.

'Now all I got to do is tackle this Monstrosity they call paperwork'

--- Inoichi POV

'Sigh' I opened the door and walked into my home.

"Welcome home" My Wife greeted me as she hugged me "Go get ready to eat and get Ino for me please" I nodded "Will do."

After I cleaned myself up I walked to my daughter Ino's room. knocked on the door "Ino your mother says come down"

I stayed at the door til I heard an "Be right down"

Then I myself started heading to the dining room.


"Ugh" I groaned out loud as I see that image appear in my mind again and again all throught dinner with my family.

"Honey are you okay?" asked My Wife as Ino just stared at me with an worried expression.

"Yes..Just..a troubling day." I replied not really thinking as a voice whispered into my head. It sounded just like the ones I heard in Lucy's head.

"Love each day like the last...Treat them with care and respect because you wont know when they might leave you"

My eyes widen in understanding.

'Lucy..' I thought to myself as I looked at my family. 'Lucy I will try to make you forget the sadness and loneliness within your heart. I will help you'.