
Zodiac Shinobi

Lucy is lonely. Shes broken. She Sacrificed Aquarius to save the others. Natsu the love of her life left her without even saying goodbye. And the guild disbanded. Her family became scattered all over Fiore. She mourned for them all but mainly because shes left alone again like she was when she was younger. Not even her spirits could cheer her up. Soon the celestial king had enough of his old from mourning, and seeing her spirits mourning also. So he hatched a plan that ended her up in the world of Naruto. Disclaimer: DONT OWN NARUTO OR FAIRYTAIL

Ashmulee_Mulee · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

(I will work on trying to make full fights scenes.)


Today is the day that Lucy enters the academy.


"Lucy you better get a shower or you'll be late for your first day" Gai said as he started preparing lunch for her.

She goes up and takes a shower then got dressed in a fishnet shirt with a black kimono style top that stops at mid thigh and midnight blue skin tight shorts underneath. (I'm horrible at describing clothing). And then she headed out the door only to have Gai stop here.

"Where you going?" He asked staring at her intensely.

"the academy" She replied monotone

He then cries "My daughter is heading to the academy without me by her side so youthful" clearly over exaggerating everything.

She just sighed "Do you want to walk me to the academy?" He nods very fast that it looked like his head was going to fall off.

"Okay" and the she holds out her hand for he to take.

-- Lucy POV

'Am I the parent?' She mentally asked herself as she grew an irked mark at the way Gai was acting.

I see that Gai quit his crying and grabbed my hand pulling me out the door as he runs off to the academy dragging me in tow with him.

'Ugh' I groaned. i would've facepalmed but you cant quite do that if your being dragged by one hand and the other one is making sure your lunch dont fall out of your hand.

--- 3rd person

And so that was how Lucy ended up at the academy door in less than 20 seconds. She managed to convince Gai that he hadn't the need to accompany her all the way into the classroom.

She sighed as she thought to herself 'So all I got to do is knock huh?' And so she did she knocked upon the classroom door. Which opened up to a tall man with dark colored hair and a scar across his nose.

"Well, Hello what can I do for you" He asks politely

"I'm the new student here"

He ponders for a second then his eyes widen "Ah, I remember Lord Hokage telling me that a new student should appear either today or tomorrow. Come in and I will introduce you to the class." She nods as she enters the room only to see it filled with other kids.

From just looking at them Lucy could tell that they had the following: Fangirl, Emo, lazy, and the idiots.

"Class pay attention" Started the teacher but to no avail so then he decided to use the big head jutsu "CLASS PAY ATTENTION!!" And at that they all became quiet.

"We have a new student today" He said as he points at me. "My name is Iruka Umino I'm going to be your instructor for the next couple of years. Now will you please introduce yourself to us, such as tell us your likes, dislike, hobby and or dream"

Lucy nods and turn towards the class. "I'm Lucy Heartfilia. I'm an orphan. My likes consists of my friends, Nature, training, and animals. My dislikes are people who cant tell a kunai from a scroll, Rude to others for no reason, fangirls, and people who mope around all day. My hobby is training, cloud watching, helping others, and cooking. As of my dream ..it is to find where I belong."

Lucy could tell that it took them awhile to comprehend what she said.

"What do you mean to find where you belong?" a kid asked.

Lucy just smiled and stayed silent. Knowing that she wasnt going to answer Iruka took this time to talk "Welcome Lucy, we're happy to have you here. Now would you please sit by Sasuke." as he points at emo brooding, and staring at the window with intense hatred.

She nods and headed over to where he point. And at that he started class talking about the 1st and 2nd great ninja wars, as well about The first and second Hokages.

Right when he was about to say something else he must've realized something or someone was missing in the classroom because all he said was "Please wait here while I go and get a certain someone" before he disappears.

Lucy just sighs and was about to lay her head down when someone walks in front of her and asked "Do you have a Crush on anyone here?" Lucy looks at the girl only to find that she had pink hair and that there was a blonde behind her.

She shakes her head "How could I like someone and I just got into this classroom."

The pinkette snorts "Anyone could especially when you see someone at first sight." As she looked behind Lucy.

And so Lucy turns to see that Emo boy behind her. That's when she got confused "Wait. Wait dont tell me that all you girls like duckbutt back behind me?"

"Hes not a duckbutt" Yelled The blonde as she held out her fist. That's when Lucy raises her hand in surrenders "Don't worry about me, I will never like him. Hes to damn troublesome like you women" And at that she laid her head down.


"Hehe Shikamaru she sounds just like you " Said a boy who was eating chips.

Shikamaru just looked at the blonde girl for a couple of seconds "Shes right they are to damn troublesome." As he laid his head down.