
Zodiac Shinobi

Lucy is lonely. Shes broken. She Sacrificed Aquarius to save the others. Natsu the love of her life left her without even saying goodbye. And the guild disbanded. Her family became scattered all over Fiore. She mourned for them all but mainly because shes left alone again like she was when she was younger. Not even her spirits could cheer her up. Soon the celestial king had enough of his old from mourning, and seeing her spirits mourning also. So he hatched a plan that ended her up in the world of Naruto. Disclaimer: DONT OWN NARUTO OR FAIRYTAIL

Ashmulee_Mulee · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 4

"YOU LITTLE BRATS" he roared.


"Haku is it just me or is he following us?" Lucy asked.

Haku nods "Yes I get that feeling to" as he turned around to see Zabuza 'hiding' behind a tree. Well you cant call it hiding if he isn't trying.

"Is he a pedophile?"

"Dont know" Lucy answered. 'I cant summon Loki since we aren't fully out the Mist village.' She then looked behind her and started smiling evily.

"Hey Haku my friend what do you think about messing with the cow pedo?" Haku then looked at Lucy studying her face and nodded.

Lucy then leans in "Okay so...." She tells Haku her plan. "Got it?"

Haku nods and then both of them disappear.

--- Zabuza POV

'Why am I following those damn brats?' I wondered as I ducked behind a tree again when the boy looked behind him.

'Sigh' When he turned back around I started moving again.

'They must think I'm a pervert' At this thought I internally cried. 'A crazy cow pervert'

'I hate my life. I ha-' I then looked up to only noticed that they disappeared.

"Damn those brats" I growled out as I tried to pick up on their Chakra signatures with no luck. I then started running forward looking for footprints only to find none, so I started panicking 'Could they have ran away because they thought I was a pervert? The ninjas got them? No they wouldnt be able to get them without me sensing their chakra...then where?'

As I was about to start going crazy. I felt someone jump on my back yelling.


--- 3rd person--

Lucy jumped on Zabuzas back yelling at him. Only to jump off again and take his sword off him as he was clearly startled. Then ropes came out of the trees courtesy of Haku tying him up bondage style.

"YOU FUCKING BRATS LET ME GO" Hollered Zabuza as he was struggling on the ropes.

"Nope" answered Lucy popping the p. As Haku arrived behind her.

"Now Mr Moomoochi why are you following us"

Zabuza just grumbled "I wasnt following you we just happened to be heading in the same direction"

"uh huh" Haku and Lucy just stared at him making him feel extremely uncomfortable

"AH RIGHT you brats I was following you."


He grumbled some more "Because you are kids. And I was afraid that you guys would get injured esp.." His voice kept going lower and lower til they couldn't hear it anymore.

Lucy furrowed her brows and looked at Haku "What you think?" she whispered.

He shook his head "I dont know." He thought for a couple of seconds befor she began again "He used to be a mist ninja but hes a rogue now. Maybe he could teach us?"

"I havent thought about that Haku." 'Hmm perhaps we could make a deal with him?' I then started walking to moomoochi "I have a proposition"

Zabuza looked up at Lucy. Letting her know he was paying attention.

"Well, since you seemed so worried about us getting injured then you could teach us about ninjas and jutsus. In return you would have the honor of traveling with us and making sure we are okay"

Zabuza grew an Irk mark " Who in the fuck said I wanted to travel with you damn brats!" and he kept grumbling

"You did" she deadpanned.

That shut Zabuza up as he thought for a few minutes. "Okay, but I'm a rouge ninja, people are after me, and I do jobs that involve killing."

"Ok" Lucy replied as Haku nodded behind her.


Lucy and Haku had slowly grown close to Zabuza thinking of him as a father they never really had and Zabuza think of them as his children. Lucy decided to tell them about her 'Kekkei Genkai' and her powers. But she didnt tell them about coming from another world. At first loki was against Zabuza but he realized that he would protect Lucy.

--- Time Skip -- 2 YEARS LATER.

Lucy is now eight years old.

"LUCY" yelled Haku as he jumped on her back.

"Hey Haku" Then she saw Zabuza walking up "Hello Moomoo" and winked at him.

"Damn brat still cheeky" He grumbled as Haku started laughing.


"Where are we going?" asked Haku as they were walking.

"Suna" Zabuza replied

"Really?" Lucy squealed as she always wanted to go to Suna. He nods as he kept on walking.

"Why are you so excited?"

"Because Haku I heard that they have the best Dango there" Said Lucy as she started jumping around like a rabbit. Zabuza and Haku sweatdropped at the sight. "She sure loves her food huh?" Whispered Zabuza. "Yes"


"COME OUT" yelled Zabuza as he positioned himself between the foreign chakra and His children.

"Hehe looks like you found me" Laughed a man as he came out of the shadows. He had dark colored hair, pale skin, with slitted eyes. He looked like a snake to put it plain.

"Orochimaru" Growled Zabuza

"Who's that?" Questioned Haku as he looked Orochimaru.

"Ah I heard him hes the snake sannin. Hes a rouge nin of Konoha." replied Lucy as she stared at Orochimaru with fascination.

"Indeed, Lucy, Haku I want you two to leave here right now!" said Zabuza as he was preparing for a battle.

"Wait why?" yelled Haku frantically.

"Because we wont be able to beat him."

"Teamwork, we are a team. Thus I will stay and fight beside you Tou-san" Replied Lucy in a stern voice that Zabuza knew he couldn't make her leave.

"Same" Replied Haku.

"But you are children"

"SO WHAT!" yelled Lucy and Haku

"Hehe" Zabuza smirked. "Then let's fight together."

And at that Lucy disappeared and reappeared Behind Orochimaru throwing Kunais at him. While Zabuza and Haku attack from the front. Orochimaru dodged and replaced himself with substitution jutsu. Thus making him end up behind Zabuza and summon his snake contract to attack and deal with Zabuza. While Zabuza was fighting with the snake Orochimaru stood in front of Lucy and Haku.

"Lucy I came here for you."


He stretched out his hand "To offer you power"

Lucy then bursted out laughing "What a bunch of BS. You think we dont know about your 'power'? You offer it and use the people for experiments on your Cursed seal"

He then smirked "So you come willingly?"

"No she wont!" Yelled Haku as he used his Kekkei genkai to create 'Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals' to surround the snake sannin. And Lucy summoned ' GATE OF THE LION LOKI' as he appeared to help them with the battle.

--- Short Timeskip--

Haku and Zabuza lay defeated on the ground. Zabuza ran out of chakra as he was fighting with the snake and he used the last of it to kill the damn thing. While Orochimaru destroyed Haku mirrors and critically injured him.

The only one left standing was Lucy and she was barely there. She ran out of magic from calling Loki and then Aquarius to help her. But they were injured and thus sent back to the celestial realm. So Lucy used Taijutsu to battle him, but he was experienced whereas she wasnt. So you can guess he had the upper hand in that department.


'Damn I failed them' I thought as I looked at Zabuza and Haku laying passed out upon the ground.

"Well well you are more powerful than I expected. you will be a good addition" Orochimaru said as a smirk grew upon his face.

"I would rather die than go with you" I replied with a sneer upon my face. I then jumped back into battle with him. Fighting tooth and nail. 'I'm going to lose this battle.' I looked behind me back at Zabuza and Haku. Determination grew within me I guess it must of shined through my eyes because Orochimaru smirk fell halfway.

"So your going to fight til death?"

"YES" I yelled as a magic spell came into my mind.

I disappeared and reappeared but Haku and Zabuza. Glowing yellow I whispered "Spatial Magic". When I did this I felt the little bit of magic I recovered disappeared and my magic container emptied to Zero. But Haku and Zabuza disappeared. I teleported them all the way to the land of waves.

'They will be safe there'

I then turned my attention back to Orochimaru.

"Well Mr. Snake man looks like this battle will end right now" I then used 'urano metria spell' to destroy him. As I finished the spell I coughed up blood.

'Magic deficiency huh' And I passed out.

--- POV ? ---

"KAKASHI MY YOUTHFUL RIVAL FIGHT ME" Yelled a man Clad in green jumpsuit with orange leg warmers.

"Huh did you say something?" Questioned the Silver haired man.

"You and your hip attitude" yelled Gai as he clenched his fist. "I challenge you: Who can get to the Hokages office faster"

"Hmm" Kakashi cocked his head at gai as he just walked away. He was about to turn back to gai when something caught his eye. It was torn clothing and blood.

"Gai come here" Yelled Kakashi as he kept walking forward.

"Hm. Wait is that blood?" Asked Gai as he examined it.

Kakashi nods "Someone was injured here and recently. Let's scout around and see if we could find the body".

"Hai" Gai replied.


After a few minutes of searching Kakashi found out where the blood came from. It was a little girl she looked around 8 with blond hair and she wore a blue ripped battle kimono that stopped mid thigh.

He walked up closer and saw she was covered in cuts and bruises. 'We better get her to Konoha and fast' Kakashi thought as he picked her up and started heading towards the village.

"Gai I found her we have to go now. If we dont she will die." he yelled as he kept jumping from tree to tree.

Soon Gai caught up to him and saw the girl.

"Who would do that to a child?" He whispered

Kakashi shook his head " I dont know but shes been in one hell of a battle judging from the cuts and torn clothing."

"Aye" replied Gai softly.

--Time Skip-- 3rd person

Lucy stirred and slowly woke up. To find herself staring at a white ceiling. 'Huh where am I?' She wondered as she moved to sit up in the bed.

"Ow" She gasped as she clutched her side in pain. To be honest her whole body feels as if a bunch of Senbons has impaled her and set on fire.

"Hey you shouldn't be up" A voice said in front of her.

Lucy looked up to see a silver haired man, with a mask on his face. 'I didn't hear him enter.' She then spots his headband 'Konoha huh'

"W-where am I?" She whispered in a hoarse voice.

"Konoha Hospital. The doctor said you should be asleep for a few more days" He replied as he reached to get her a glass of water and give it to her.

"Thanks" She whispered as she chugged the water.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake and you are?"

Lucy held the empty glass within her hand and looked up at the man named Kakashi

"Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia"

He then nods "Stay here for a few days, and when your released I will take you to the Hokage" and he started to walk out.

"NO" she said a little bit to loud with her hand stretched out. He turned around with an raised brow.

"I will meet him today" And when she saw he was about to argue with her "I'm okay, I built up an pain tolerance. It doesn't hurt that much".

Kakashi stared at her for a few seconds "Okay then follow me"

Lucy nods and gets up to start following him.

-- Kakashi POV

'That's a strange girl. I wonder what she did to build up a tolerance against pain.' It thought as I looked back at her. To see her following me with shining eyes looking around curiously.

"What happened that caused you to be this injured?" I asked as I kept walking.

When she didnt answer I looked back at her again to see her eyes had dulled and filled with sadness.

'I wonder what happened.' He thought as he knocked on the hokages door and opened it.

-- Lucy POV --

"What happened that caused you to be this injured?" When he asked that question it internally killed me because I knew it was my fault that Haku and Zabuza got injured. And they would be worried to death about her right now.


When Kakashi opened the door to the Hokages office he gestured me to walk in and so I did.

When I walked into the office the first thing I saw was an old man sitting behind his desk with piles of paperwork everywhere. He was where the Hokage hat so he must be the Hokage 'Sarutobi Hiruzen' I thought as I stopped in the middle of the room.

"Hello child" He said as he looked up from the paper work.

"Hi" I replied as I looked at him

He smiled at me and said "I'm Sarutobi Hiruzen I'm the Hokage"

I nod "Yes i know I've heard about you before. My name is Lucy Heartfilia"

He nods. And started asking me questions about where I was from, if i have any family etc.

I lied about the family part, even though I do consider Zabuza and Haku as family. I think it would be safer to say I dont have any.

"Okay, Lucy can you tell us how you where injured?"

I nodded "Yes, it was from Orochimaru" I sensed the tension rising in the room as Sarutobi tensed. "He wanted me to join him. I denied him. BLAH blah. He threw a fit and we fought each other til I had to use a Jutsu that I havent mastered."

The Hokage nods at my explanation.

"Lucy, I'm sorry to have to say this but I will need to call someone from T&I to check and see if what you say is true."

I nodded and the Hokage told Kakashi to get someone called 'Inoichi'.


'Hes going to find out I lied. and even worse he will find out I'm not from here' I started to internally panicked but on the outside I kept a neutral face wiped of any emotions.

'Lucy, calm down' a voice said

I jumped a little bit but it escaped the Hokages notice. 'Who's this?'

'Its me My old friend'

'Mustache Man?'

'Hehe yes. Dont worry about him seeing your memories. All he will see is memories of when you first came to this world.'

I thought for a few seconds 'What about Loki?'

'I will erase him from the memories that he is looking at, as well as Zabuza and Haku.'

I then heard the door open again. 'Thanks old man'.

I turned around to see a tall man wearing what looks like to be a black trench coat. He had long Ash blonde hair, green eyes and a forehead protector.

He saw me staring and smiled at me. He then turned towards the Hokage for Instructions.

"Inoichi I want you to search her mind. She was in a battle with Orochimaru and I want to know if what she says is true" And then he started to explain everything I said.

Inoichi nods "Okay Lucy I will check your mind now dont fight back. Close your eyes"

I nodded as I closed my eyes. Soon I felt his cold hand placed upon my forehead and he was searching my mind.


After awhile of searching. He announced that I wasnt a threat to Konoha.


"Lucy, I want you to stay with Kakashi til we get a place set up for you"

I nodded and started to turn around when I heard

"Theres no need I will adopt her"