
Zodiac Shinobi

Lucy is lonely. Shes broken. She Sacrificed Aquarius to save the others. Natsu the love of her life left her without even saying goodbye. And the guild disbanded. Her family became scattered all over Fiore. She mourned for them all but mainly because shes left alone again like she was when she was younger. Not even her spirits could cheer her up. Soon the celestial king had enough of his old from mourning, and seeing her spirits mourning also. So he hatched a plan that ended her up in the world of Naruto. Disclaimer: DONT OWN NARUTO OR FAIRYTAIL

Ashmulee_Mulee · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3

"We will be out on our Magic, til we cant no more then we will continue on yours but dont worry it will only 1 at a time, til you can handle 2 of us."


(Didnt expect this chapter to be really long but it is. And just so you know I'm horrible with fights scenes but I will try my best at them)


It's been a few days since Lucy first entered this world.


"Alright Lucy, your doing great but kick a little high" He demonstrates "Like this"

Lucy nods and does as he showed her. "Yes, that's great now do it 20 more time" He said clapping.

"Hai" Lucy said panting as she continued to do as he said.

'This is so hard' She thought as she was on her tenth Kick.

When she was done Loki walked up to her and got into a fighting stance. "Okay Lucy fight me now".

"Wait what?!?" Yelled Lucy as she was already struggling not to fall down.

"I said to fight me, We are increasing your stamina. For a ninja isn't going to give a chance for a break when your fighting for your life. Now Lucy stand up and fight with me."

Lucy then nods as she got into her fighting stance. As soon as she got in position Loki charged at her throwing a punch at her face. She ducked and threw a punch in his gut. He dodged and backflips away from her. He then smiles, and disappeared.

'His not in the front, behind or at the sides..BOTTOM' She thought. She jumped up nearly missing his fist. It clipped her in the jaw as she flew backwards into a tree branch. They continued fighting for the next 20 minutes til Lucy finally collapsed from exhaustion.

"That's enough for today. Are you okay Lucy?"

She nods as she tries to get up and she failed to. Loki laughs at her as he picked her up bridal style and walked to the inn in the village that they were staying at.

Loki sighed as he heard Lucy snoring, he looked down at her in his arms. 'Kawaii'.

When he got to the inn he laid her down on her bed and tucked her in.

'I truly hope she will like if here in this world' he thought as he Dismissed himself to the celestial world.

-- Time Skip--

"OUCH" Lucy screamed as she feel clutching her ankle. 'LUCY" Loki yelled as he came running up to her dropping the fish he caught from a near by river.

"Let me see" He said as he removed her arms to inspect her wound. "How it happened?"

Lucy gulped and breathed in and out a few times trying to keep her tears at bay. "Uh, I was training as you said, Kick the wooden log at the same spot til it comes naturally, and well when I kicked it I hit it with my ankle"

"Ahh" Was all he said as he was internally struggling on what to do. 'Should I tell her to keep training? Or should I tell her to stop, and bandage up her ankle?' He analyzed the pros and cons til he came up with the answer.

He stood up and closed his eyes and steeled his voice "Lucy I want you to keep training even with a broke ankle." When he opened he eyes he sees her staring at him like her was crazy. He sighed "Lucy, me and the other spirits aren't going to be here for you all the time, Neither will magic or chakra. For sooner or later during a fight you will run out of them, or you will meet someone who can drain your Chakra. Also do you think the enemy will just quit fighting you when you get injured? NO. they will use that as an advantage against you in a fight. So Lucy get up and train some more. Remember what you told us when you became our master?"

Lucy then slowly nods "I will fight along sides you guys and not use you as tools" she replied as she stood up wincing everytime she places pressure upon her injure ankle. And she turned around to start training again it was slower than what she was doing but it was still good nonetheless.

Loki sighed as he see her struggle but he didnt stop her because he knew she must learn how to fight on her own. He just turned around picked up the fish he dropped and started making a fire so he could cook them.

--Time Skip--

Lucy POV

I sighed as I saw Loki walking away to fetch some more water.

'Should I tell him?'

"Ugh" I yelled out as i laid down on the ground feeling it thrum with power with chakra. It feels pleasing, comforting, and natural.

'Why am I feeling chakra from nature?' Lucy wondered. 'Maybe..I could connect with it and see what happens.' Lucy sat up but made sure to keep pressure off her broken ankle. Closed her eyes and started meditating.

After awhile she then felt it the Chakra within Nature. She extended her reach towards it and felt it enclose her like a warm blanket.

I then heard a gasp and quickly open my eyes to see Loki staring at me.

-- 3rd person--

"Lucy" Loki croaked out as he stared at her incredibly. "Lucy, w-what is happening?" he Questioned as he saw flowers coming up all around her, and her aura, presence has grown more comforting more relaxing than what it normally was.

"I-I don't know" she stammered out as she slowly got up avoiding putting pressure on her injury.

"I know" replied a voice as a figure walked out of the forest. She had white hair, no pupils in her eyes and she was wearing a white kimono.

As she walked out Loki jumped in front of Lucy and got into a battle stance as Lucy did also. "Who are you?" Loki asked.

The woman laughed "Leo the Lion still loyal as ever. Dont worry I wont hurt your master" She said as she waved to make a table, 3 chairs, tea pot, and 3 cups appear. " I'm only here to explain the question that you want the answer to Sir Leo. Want tea?" She looked at them then gestured to the two empty seats. "Sit Sit dont keep me waiting"

"Loki, I think we should hear her out" said Lucy from beside him as she started heading towards the chair right of the woman.

Loki grabbed Lucy's arm "Lucy dont go over there" as he tried to pull her behind him.

"No Loki" Replied Lucy as she shook him off and started limping towards the empty chairs. Loki then just sighed and followed his Master.

As both of them got seated the woman started pouring tea "Sugar or cream?" When they didnt answer she just sighed " You guys aren't any fun"

"We aren't suppose to be fun to a stranger" Replied Loki in a cold voice as he watched her.

"To answer your question earlier I'm Kami" She said as she sipped her tea. "I'm the one who put you here in this world"

Lucy made an Ah sound "Why?"

Kami smiles "To meet some pretty important people and make friends"

Lucy deadpanned "That ain't the real reason is it?"

"Nope" Kami answered as she popped the p. "You will find out why in due time child."

Loki stares at her then sighed "Could you please explain why what happened to Lucy happened?"

"Ahh yes. Its called the Mokuton or wood release. It's from the Senju bloodline, which originated from Konoha with the first Hokage Hashirama." She then began explaining everything that came with it.

"So how will I get to train and use it?" asked Lucy.

Kami smiles and take out a couple of scroll "Read these and it will explain how to use the Mokuton." Lucy nodded.

--Time Skip--

After speaking for what felt like hours with Kami. Lucy and Loki started heading back towards their camp.

"Hey Loki is there a way to heal my ankle?" asked Lucy

Loki look at her "Yes, theres a way but you will have to learn Medical Jutsu"

"Can I learn that?" Lucy asked

Loki shooked his head "Not without precise chakra control. But you have a massive chakra source almost as big as an Uzamaki. But I think you could learn the basics by that I mean you would learn how to heal basic injuries like scratches, sprains, bruises, and help with fatigue. Unfortunately none of us spirits know how to use medical jutsu so you would have to wait til we meet a medical ninja or someone who knows how to use it"

"aww" Lucy replied disheartened

"But we could teach you poison..well Virgo can" Loki said trying to cheer Lucy up.

"Poison? How will that help?"

"When you are fighting you can coat your weapons in it and poison your enemies."

"ah, well I guess it cant hurt to use it. I dont think i will use it much but i guess when I'm at an disadvantage i could use it" She replied cheering herself up.



"Where are we?" Asked Lucy as she looked around trying to see the surroundings through the fog.

"Hmmm in the Village of mist I think" replied Loki as he looked around. Suddenly he remembers something that he forgot.

--Flash Back--

"Loki whatever happens dont take Lucy to the hidden mist village"

"Why?" Loki questions

The celestial king frowns "Its called the 'Bloody mist' because they are killing people with Kekkei Genkai. And Lucy have the Mokuton but also because of her spirits they could be considered as one. But if she ends up there come back to the celestial realm"


"I know my old friend but it is better for her to find her own way out instead of letting her die"

Loki sighed "Yeah I guess."

"Let's just hope she wont end up there"

-- End of FLASHBACK--

"Hey Lucy" Said loki as he stops.


"Your going to have to go on your own now"

"Wait why?" Lucy replied as she started sobbing

"Hey hey" Said Loki as he held her and rubbed her back "Lucy this is a training mission to see how well you will do on your own. So you cant summon any of your spirits or use the Mokuton. Okay?"

Lucy pulled back with tears staining her cheeks as she nodded. Loki smiled as he wiped her tears "Now Now. You can use everything else but us or the Mokuton. But when you are in an unfavorable condition you will be allowed to call us out, by unfavorable I mean like you are about to die"

"O-Okay" Lucy hiccuped

"Okay, I'm going to go now but know that we are watching you"

Lucy nods as she watched Loki go back into the spirit world.


"Okay Lucy you can do this" I whispered to myself as I started walking into the mist some more.

"Keep on walking. Keep on walking" I kept whispering as I walked through the mist. i kept walking til i could see a village.

"Huh, So that's the village of the mist?" I asked myself aloud as I started walking towards it.

I slowly came upon the gate that enters into the village. It was blocked by two guards in Ninja uniforms.

"Hold it there" The one on the right yells as he walked up to me. "Who are you and why are you entering our village?"

"Uh..I'm Lucy. I'm entering the village because..well to be honest I'm lost. I was walking through the forest and then I came upon this village so I thought maybe I could enter and live here for awhile" I mumbled while I twirled my thumbs around each other.

The guard look at me for awhile the nodded "Alright you can enter"

I smiled "Thank you sir" and then started walking into the village.


"Wow" I whispered to myself at how big this village was.

'I've never been in a village this big' I thought to myself as I started to walk over a bridge to find an Inn to stay at tonight.

As I was walking I felt a tug on my clothing to see a boy about my age.

"Miss do you perhaps have any money?"

He was dressed in ragged clothing..he was an orphan. Kinda like me, I ain't truly in my world but this world I have no family. But I have my spirits as my family.

I smiled at him "Im Lucy. What's your name?"

"Uh Haku Yuki miss" He said Fearfully

I cocked my head "Are you afraid of me?"

He just looked at me. And I sighed grabbed his head and started to pulling him with me.

"Wah wait where are we going" He asked as he was struggling against my grip.

I tightened my grip "I'm going to find an Inn so me and you can spend the night then buy you some clothing. Yours are torn"


I stopped and turned towards him "Because you need help, and..I could tell your an orphan. I'm also an orphan in a way"

Then I turned back around and pulled him towards the nearest inn and then went to get him some clothes. Then we went back to the end to sleep.


"Hey Haku would you want to come with me?"

He stopped eating and looked at me.

"Can I really?"

I nodded "Yes, I travel around alot. But I also learn how to be a ninja from my friends."

he looked at me curiously "Friends?"

I nodded "Well I guess you could call it a Kek-" Haku then slapped a hand over my mouth to stop me.

"Why did you do that?" I mumbled against his hand. He stared at me. "You don't know do you?" He Questioned

"Know what?"

He then pulled me out of the Cafe and to a quiet spot with no one around.

"There killing people with Kekkei genkai"

I gasp hearing them.

"I'm from the Yuki clan I have a Kekkei genkai its ice."

It took me awhile to digest this new information.

"Okay then we have to get out of this village today" I replied with a stern look.



"HEY THATS THE KID WITH THE KEKKEI GENKAI" Yelled a Civilian as he rushed up with a group of guards and pointed towards Haku.


I then grabbed Haku and started running.

"KILL THE BLONDE GIRL TOO SHES HELPING THE ENEMY" one yelled as they all started chasing after them.

Me and Haku ran towards the village gates only to get stopped by the guards.


I turned around to see the other ninjas coming up behind us

"Haku get behind me, I will protect you"

And then I jumped into acting fighting with Taijutsu.

I jumped at the right Gate guard and kneed him in the balls with a kick to his head. Only to see Kunais thrown at me so I used the Body replacement Justu and replaced my body with a log. And came up behind the guard and chopped him in the kneck knocking him out. I then grabbed Haku put him on my back. And started running with chakra on my feet so we could get out of the village faster.

But the other ninjas was faster and they surrounded me on all sides.

'Damn looked like I will have to use ninjutsu and Taijutsu. I may not be as experienced as them but I will try my best to save haku'

I then got back into my battle stance and jumped into action. Dodged and throwing blows at the ninjas. Only to realize I forgot to keep an eye on haku thus leading in him to get caught.

"Make another move kid and he dies" Said a ninja with a sword to Hakus throat.

And with that I stopped fighting. And allowed them to grab and tie me up.

"Hehe" Laughed a ninja as he saw me give up.

I can feel my celestial spirits wanting to come out. 'No Keep calm you guys. I won't die, and I wont leave haku. So calm down'

I sighed and looked around to see if theres an escape. But to see 3 of the ninjas head to get chopped off and the others dying all around us.

When the bloodshed ended me and Haku was met with a dark haired man with bandages wrapped around his face. And a huge sword in his hand.

'Hes going to kill us isn't he?' I then looked to my side and saw a Kunai.

'Okay let's do this'

I pushed Haku to the side while I also fell and grabbed the Kunai to undo the ropes around my wrists.

"Look here Mister if you want to kill us you will have to go through me first"

He stared at me then laughed "You got guts kid. My name is Zabuza Momochi"

"Zabuza Moomoochi?" Asked Haku as he was behind me.

"NO ITS MOMOCHI" he yelled.

"That's what he said Moomoochi" I replied then I looked and saw cow prints.

'Maybe he has a thing with cows?'

"No its Mo-mo-chi" He said getting irritated.

I then turned to the side and whispered "I think he wants to seem like a cow, see look at him. He has cow prints on and his last name is like a cow" to Haku.

He justed snicked. And when I turned back around I see Moomoochi with a irk.

"YOU LITTLE BRATS" he roared.