

Listening to the noise I look in the rearview mirror and see two pairs of headlights coming very fast to me.

* schhrrrrr *

Hearing a tire skid, I look back and see one of the cars coming sideways toward me until everything turns black.

** Sarah POV **

You can't be worried, it's the first time Zhanye leaves the house for a party. It's already 5:00 am and it still doesn't show up. I couldn't sleep for five minutes.

When I get up to see if there's any news, the cell phone I was holding starts ringing with an unknown number. I do not know why but my heart started to tighten.

"Hello?" I ask worried.

"Good evening, I'm talking to Miss. Black? " A man asks and my heart tightens.

"Yes, i'ts me. Has something happened to my son? "

"Madam, I am sorry to inform you, but your son suffered an accident within a few minutes. Can you come to XXXX Hospital? "He says in a deep tone.

Hearing this I enter into despair. I wake John fast and take the kids to the car.

Arriving at the hospital, I ask. "Where's Zhanye Black's room?"

The nurse seems to already be accustomed to this looks at the record and says. "Room 304."

I run while I carry Henry and John takes Sue by going toward room 304.

Arriving there we see him lying in bed with his eyes closed.

I run to his side and shake his hand.

"Doctor, how is he?" I ask as I feel my tears coming down.

"Calm down, so the police said he was driving quietly when two cars that were betting illegally race came. One of them lost control and hit your son's car. According to our examinations he hit his head and fainted, but nothing serious. He's just going to have to spend some time in the hospital in case some irregularity happens." He says with a smile.

Hearing this I calm down. "At least he did not have to have any surgery."

"Dad, is Big Bro going to be okay?" Henry asks as he walks over and holds Zhanye's hand unconscious.

"Yes, my boy. He's just resting, he'll wake up and play with you soon enough. "John responds as he strokes Henry's head.

"Honey, I'll talk to the doctors shortly to get him to the hospital where I work. There I can keep an eye on him, you can take the kids home, they must be tired."John says as he holds me.

"All right, dear. I'm leaving with the kids now, anything you call me right away." I say as I hold the children's hands. "Your brother will sleep in the hospital today, but do not worry, we'll be able to see him tomorrow again.

"Bye big bro. Do not forget you have to take us to the amusement park. "Henry says.

Sue goes to Zhanye's cheek and gives a kiss before leaving.

** Zhanye POV **

I feel my body heavy. The last one I remember is seeing a runaway blue BMW knocking on the back of my car and then a white Audi passing slowly while a familiar face looks at me from inside before it comes out speeding.

I can't even open my eyelids now. 'Did I die?' I think worried. As I begin to wander I think I remember who the guy who passed me by an Audi. His name is Scott Winter, I studied with him since he was a kid, as far as I remember, it was him who was bullying me ... 'Wait a minute, me? It seems that this accident pieced together the memories I had ... I do not feel more like two Zys, I feel just as if I had received some memories that I had forgotten, but all the feelings of inferiority are gone.

As I remember what Scott did, I started to feel an anger rising inside me. I have lived through this month of holidays completely unconcerned because I have not had contact with anyone who has done me wrong, but it seems that when I see this guy, the anger I felt comes back to me.

I can be very good to those who help me, to those who treat me well, even to those who do me no harm. That's the personality I developed in my old world, a humble guy. The problem is that I have a line, if you annoy me to the point of passing that line, you can be sure that I'm going to hunt you down and make you pay for it.

That is the feeling I am now after remembering what Scott did to me. His father has a dealership in town. He may not be a millionaire, but he sure is rich. And because he is rich, many people pursue him to get his favor. This all came to mind and he treats others like garbage. Even more the 'old self', who was a chubby one who liked Animes.

"Doctor, the patient seems to be waking up." I hear a female voice say.

After that I begin to force my eyelids to open. Looking around I see that I'm in a hospital ward.

"Call Doctor Black. He'll want to know that. "The doctor says as he approaches me.

"Is everything alright, boy? How many of Do you see it here? "He tells me as he stretches out his hand.

"Three," I say.

When I answer, I see my father running into the room while wearing a white coat. "Is everything okay with you budy?" He says worriedly.

"Dad, I think I slept a little, right? How long have I been here? "I ask.

"You were unconscious for a month," my father says as I despair.


-Zhanye Black

CHARM: 56/100

AGI: 67/100 (62/100)

STR: 53/100 (48/100)

INT: 75/100


Cooking: 75/100

God's Arena: 68/100

Exercises: 49/100

Voice: 41/100

Driving: 45/100

Piano: 59/100

Heal: 05/100

Points to distribute: 0 -

'Heal? I gained proficiency in Heal?!?!?!?!? Will I heal faster now? And my STR and AGI are lower? 'I think as I look at my new status.

As I see my father arranging the exams for me to do before I leave, I take my cell phone that my father brought to me. Looking at the instagram I am surprised.

Heey guys, the fisrt 4 chapters has been revised by our new editor "Chemistry if Fun!!", she is working very hard on it soo, comment some <3 for her! Yesterday we've catch the 29th position and i'm very happy, let's try to catch the 28th today?!! Vote with your powerstones i'm writing a bunch of chapters extra to spend in some secret days XD Want to know if tomorrow will have an extra chapter? Look on Zy's Instagram @ZhanyeBlack

Zhanyecreators' thoughts