
zero to hero, gamer in marvel and DC

Johnathan Phillips was always a hero to his family, even before he got super powers. to them he was the greatest hero to ever live, and they'd be damned to let anyone tell them otherwise. but what actually happened to make John a super hero? was it his near death experience with two god-like beings? or was it something else entirely? the truth is, John has a system that made him a super hero. the super hero system, a system that can help him become just as powerful as Superman, or just as agile as spiderman. watch Johnathan Phillips discover the secrets of the super hero system, lose more than he gains, and become the greatest hero the universe has ever seen. I don't own marvel, DC, or any art and or pics used in this

too_tired_for_this · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

chapter 3: armory

I sheathed my Katana as I stood over a dead samurai, and then began to loot the body. I had realized about a quarter way to the armory that the samurai had kunai, and those were typically small and sharp. So I started using those to kill the samurai, even got a new skill for it.

'Knife throwing(level 5-30/50)- you can throw a knife and hit a desired area 50% of the time' it's pretty easy to level the skill up, and it's real effective when trying to hit small narrow spaces. The main problem is that kunai are rare among the samurai, and even If one of them does have some it's only 3-5 of them... Which totally sucks, but I got over it. Sprinting full speed down the hallway I encountered two samurai, one used the clone jutsu and created a doppelganger while the other one charged at me. Swinging from his left to his right I slid under his attack and between his legs behind him, standing up and stabbing him through his back. The other samurai and his illusionary doppelganger charged at me, taking my sword out of the samurai I slashed at the illusion, the doppelganger then faded away like nothing ever happened. I then quickly stepped on a tile, arrows shooting out towards the samurai. Kunai then impaled the samurai all over making him collapse, making me smirk a bit.

[Exp: 350/800]

Nearly half way there, only four hundred fifty to go. Bending down I salvaged whatever I could of the kunai from the trap, and both of the samurais katanas, never know when you're gonna need an extra sword. Continuing my journey, I began to sprint once again.


I stopped in front of a door, it was made entirely out of metal, definitely a door meant to hide something. Whatever this room is, even if it's not an armory, it still might have something useful in it.

[Host, I advise to use caution when entering, I am sensing that whatever is behind that door... Is dangerous]

I sighed as I reached for the handle, knowing I was probably going to end up regretting this situation. Opening the door I walked into a brightly lit room, weapons and scrolls hung from the walls, and in the very end of the room sat a long haired man in a black loose fitted kimono. In front of the man was a shrine dedicated to a black haired woman, lighting the candle to the shrine the man sat there as he stared at the picture. At his side lay two small katanas with no tsuba, both handles were wrapped in bandages.

"This shrine is to my wife, masashi... She died many years ago." The man began, not bothering to turn around. "She was killed by a mad man with no regard to others lives, I vowed that I would one day kill that man." He said, grabbing his swords and standing up. "With these very swords I will take my revenge on the man that murdered my wife, his blood shall soak these blades." He said, turning to face me. "But I'm afraid, you're blood shall have to work for now." he said, pointing the sword in his right hand at me.

[Warning! Special character boss battle starting!]

[Quest: defeat yama of the quick draw


+1000 exp



I widened my eyes as yama charged at me, using his swords to cut in an x shape. I grunted in pain as I felt blood pour out from my chest, he was fast, faster than I could've ever thought. Not skipping a beat yama spun on his left heel and smacked me across the face with the bottom of the Hilt, sending me crumbling to the floor. Yama then brought both of his swords down on me, I quickly rose my sword blocking the attack. Faster than I could comprehend yama kneed me in the chest sending me sliding backwards, once I stopped sliding I quickly pulled out some kunai and threw them at him, distracting him for a moment as I rushed in. While he was busy deflecting the kunai I charged towards him jumping and bringing my sword down on him, quickly realizing my plan yama blocked my sword. I quickly kicked him in the chest sending him sliding back, once I landed on the ground I quickly charged towards him again, slashing at him in a crescent moon arc. Yama dodged my attack and retaliated with a slash at my cheek, dodging to my left I quickly swung my sword upwards causing yama step back a bit to Dodge my attack. I quickly planted my foot down on the floor and charged at yama, slashing his stomach with my sword. Unrelenting, I shifted my weight and swung my sword from his lower left hand corner to his right shoulder. Yama jumped back dodging my attack, once his feet touched the ground he immediately shot towards me, aiming for a slash at my stomach. I quickly dropped down avoiding yamas swing and butted him in the stomach with the bottom of my hilt, yama then brought his knee up upper cutting me and making me fall back. Stomping on my stomach yama made me hit the ground harder than I would have, and once on the ground he leaned over crossing his swords in an x shape near my neck.

"You have lost." Yama said, pushing the blades closer to my neck. Grabbing his swords with my bare hands, I smirked.

"You should never jump to conclusions." I said, pushing his swords away from me I quickly grabbed his foot and pulled it towards me. While yama fell I quickly got up and grabbed ahold of his kimono, slamming him to the ground hard enough to break some of the tiles underneath him. Taking a kunai I stuck it against his throat, drawing a bit of blood. Yama smirked a bit, clearly enjoying himself.

"You are indeed a worthy opponent, I acknowledge your strength, but there is one thing you forgot..." Yama said, making me raise a brow.

"And what is that?" I asked, getting ready to slit his throat if need be.

"I have a sword." Yama said, the next moment I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I coughed blood as I looked down and saw one of yamas swords lodged into my stomach, blood pouring out from the wound. Yama then used my distraction to grab my arm and flip me over to his left, sending me crashing against the floor. Pain shot through my body as my body came into contact with the floor, blood started to pour into my mouth. "You have fought well... But this is your end." Yama said, flipping his sword so the tip faced downwards.

[HP: 23/120]

[Warning, HP has dropped below half health, bleed effect has been activated]

[Bleed- an effect caused by a skill, or by a deep and deadly wound

-1 HP every minute while bleed is active]

"Out of respect for you, I will make your death quick, goodbye young warrior." Yama said, bringing the sword flying down towards my head.