
zero to hero, gamer in marvel and DC

Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 8.1K Views
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What is zero to hero, gamer in marvel and DC

Read ‘zero to hero, gamer in marvel and DC’ Online for Free, written by the author too_tired_for_this, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ANIME Fanfiction, MARVEL Fan Fiction, DC Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Johnathan Phillips was always a hero to his family, even before he got super powers. to them he was the greatest hero to...


Johnathan Phillips was always a hero to his family, even before he got super powers. to them he was the greatest hero to ever live, and they'd be damned to let anyone tell them otherwise. but what actually happened to make John a super hero? was it his near death experience with two god-like beings? or was it something else entirely? the truth is, John has a system that made him a super hero. the super hero system, a system that can help him become just as powerful as Superman, or just as agile as spiderman. watch Johnathan Phillips discover the secrets of the super hero system, lose more than he gains, and become the greatest hero the universe has ever seen. I don't own marvel, DC, or any art and or pics used in this

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