

Our MC spencer had an unexpected death by the hands of two men and was transported to a world filled with powerhouses capable of destroying worlds. wielding powers bestowed by a god, follow Spencer in his journey to the zenith. this is my first novel, I would like to give it a try and see how it goes, please give constructive criticism. to those that are telling other people to not read the novel for themselves because of a stupid reason or some randomness, or any reason in general, and without even taking into account that they are one person and people might like what they don't is disgusting and incompetent.}}

heliumjax · TV
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64 Chs


In the shroud of night, Spencer could be seen walking out of a tent holding an unconscious man by the back of the neck, dragging him to the center of the tribe where Quintus and Hagen could be seen throwing bodies in a pile.

Quintus and Hagen stopped what they were doing once they saw Spencer walking towards them, holding a man by the neck with his left hand, they immediately dropped the bodies and waited for Spencer's orders.

"This is their leader"-Spencer

After holding up and pointing out the person he is holding as the leader of this tribe, he tossed him in front of Quintus and Hagen without a second thought.

"Gather all of the women and children in the tribe, bring them here"-Spencer

As he gave his orders, Quintus and Hagen followed them without question, they went into each tent and dragged out the women and children hiding within them, they would bring them all to Spencer's feet before going back for the rest. The process did not take long, Quintus and Hagen did not hold back when dragging the women and children out of their tents.

In just a few minutes, all of the women and children that were in the tribe were at Spencer's feet, the number amounted to be 20 or so women, while the number of children was around 12. Spencer looked down at the residents in front of him with cold eyes.

"Your leader had sent invaders into our tribe, killing our people and burning our homes, in return, we have taken over your tribe as payment for what he has done, you will all be used to rebuild our tribe and your children will be given a purpose. understand?"-Spencer

The people did not reply, they only looked at him with hateful eyes. Spencer seeing this was getting annoyed, taking in a deep breath he compressed his lungs.


Spencer released all the built-up pressure and yelled out. The people in front of him held their ears in pain.

"Listen and listen well, we will be taking over this place and using you all as a means of rebuilding our lost tribe"-Spencer

This time around the women nodded in response to Spencer's demands as they did not want to repeat what happened a few moments ago. Seeing that they have nothing to say, Spencer looked at Hagen and began to speak.

"Return to the tribe and bring whoever is left"-Spencer

Nodding his head, Hagen began to make his way over to his tribe to retrieve the remaining members. Seeing Hegan leaving, Spencer looked at Quintus and signaled him to watch the group of women and children so that they do not escape.

Spencer then walked over to the unconscious leader and squatted down over his body, he summoned his claws, Quintus who was looking over at Spencer was again shocked by this display of supernatural abilities, but he did not react as he had already chosen to accept that Spencer was not like them.

Extending his hands, Spencer stabbed the leader in the thigh, the leader jolted up in immense pain and began screaming and writhing in pain. Retracting his claws, he grabbed the leader's mouth to stop him from screaming then held him in the air.

"Now that you're awake, we can continue our previous talk"-Spencer

Spencer began carrying the leader into a tent and threw him onto the soil, he then sat down with his legs crossed.


The leader looked at Spencer confused. Spencer seeing him not responding, summoned his claws again and stabbed him in his foot making him scream out.


Spencer asked the question a second time but in a slightly louder voice than before.


Karok struggled to say his name as he was in a lot of pain.

"Well, Karok, why did you attack our tribe without provocation"-Spencer

Hearing Spencer's question, Karok grew scared In his heart, he knew that Spencer was going to kill him no matter what reason he gave for attacking the tribe. Struggling to open his mouth, he said.

"Your tribe's leader had dishonored me and my people by mating with my daughter and leaving the tribe"-Karok

Upon hearing this answer, it was now Spencer's turn to be confused.

"Agron?"-Spencer asked tilting his head

"Yes, your tribe's leader ha.."-Karok

Karok was interrupted by Spencer's laughter.

"No wonder he tried to flee the tribe, he was scared of what you would do to him, this all began because Agron pimped your daughter and left"-Spencer

Karok was getting more and more confused the more Spencer went on, but his laughter was making him grow uneasy.

"That reminds me"-Spencer

After saying this, Spencer stood up and grabbed Karok. Bringing him outside of the tent, he placed Karok down in front of the group of women, Quintus was next to Spencer confused about what he was going to do next.

"Which one is your daughter?"-Spencer

Hearing Spencer's words a shiver ran down his spine making his blood run cold, he hesitated as he did not want to place his daughter in danger of getting killed by this man. Seeing that Karok would not respond, Spencer smiled, placing his hand on Karok's shoulder, the sound of bones cracking followed, Karok began screaming out in pain and holding his now limp arm.


A voice from the group of women caught Spencer's attention and he immediately looked up to see who it was, a woman wearing an animal tooth necklace stood up and began to glare at Spencer.

"I am his daughter, leave him be"-?

Hearing her Speak, Spencer kept his composer and looked at Quintus.

"Bring her to me"-Spencer

Quintus immediately followed the order and went over to the woman to bring her in front of Spencer, when Quintus tried to bring her over to Spencer, she tried to retaliate by attacking him, this was a poor attempt as Quintus's body was tempered by Spencer during "training". He quickly subdued the woman and brought her to her knees in front of Spencer, she could only look up at him in hatred.

"don't hurt her!"-Karok

Karok tried to attack Spencer but was instantly subdued by Quintus and had his face slammed on the soil and no matter how hard he tried, he could not move. Karok's daughter tried to help her father but was grabbed by spencer and held up by her hair, causing her to wince in pain.

"you're not so bad"-Spencer

Saying this Spencer's tongue became forked and extended out of his mouth, he then proceeded to lick the face of Karok's daughter, this made Karok furious as his efforts to escape Quintus grew frantic.

Retracting his tongue, Spencer looked down at the struggling Karok and started to speak.

"When your people invaded our tribe, someone's daughter who I swore to protect was killed by your men, I want you to feel the same pain of losing your daughter"-Spencer

As he said this, Spencer placed his hands on the still dangling daughter's throat.

Karok's efforts kept growing becoming to the point of self-harm just to escape Quintus, but this proved futile, no matter how hard he tried to retaliate, he couldn't, he could only look into his daughters crying eyes.

Spencer smirked, summoning his claws, he swiftly sliced off the head of Karok's daughter in one clean motion, time seemed to slow as her body slumped to the floor with her blood Spraying in all directions, her blood sinking into the soil.

Spencer then rolled Karok's daughter's head in front of him, making him look into the eyes of his now-dead daughter, his mind began replaying how he raised her and all the memories he had of her until this very moment in time.

Karok could be seen frozen, his body unmoving, but his mind, his mind was on the brink of complete insanity from seeing his daughter killed in such a fashion. Karok began to lose himself in his mind's frenzy.

"Let him go Quintus"-Spencer

Seeing that Karok was already broken, Spencer decided to see what he would do.

"Are you sure?"-Quintus

Spencer only nodded in response to Quintus's verification. Quintus released Karok and stood behind him, keeping an eye on his movements.

walking over to Karok who still had his face planted in the soil, Spencer Squatted.

"you alright down there?"-Spencer

Hearing Spencer talking nonchalantly as if killing his daughter was of no significance to him, Karok's immense sadness was replaced by an even more overpowering fury in his heart, exploding off the ground in his rage, his eyes were bloodshot from his immense rage directed at Spencer.

Quintus who was standing behind was not able to react and subdue Karok who was now lost in his rage towards Spencer, he knew he was not fast enough to do anything to stop Karok, but he still tried to reach out and stop him.

In the eyes of Spencer, these series of events were unfolding in slow motion, he could see every bit of his rage expressed in Karok's eyes from losing his only daughter, but the only thing that came to Spencer's mind was.


Waving his claws, Spencer separated Karok's head into three sections, to the amazement and fear of Quintus, in his eyes, Karok went to attack Spencer and in an instant, his head was removed from his body and cut into three different parts.

Getting up without any expression on his face, Spencer turned around to see that Hagen had returned with the rest of the tribe members.

"Looks like they have arrived"-Spencer

Quintus who was frozen in shocked looked up and saw Hagen and the rest of the tribe members behind him carrying their supplies.

When Hagen got close enough to see Spencer and Quintus, he ran over to see the chaos that Spencer had caused in the short time he was gone, when he saw the body of the tribe's leader missing its head and the body of a woman missing hers as well, he shivered from the sight of them.

"What happened?"-Hagen

Hagen Questioned Quintus only to receive no response, Quintus himself did not know how to respond as he did not understand what had transpired himself.

"Get the people from our tribe set up, we need to replace our lost numbers, tell the males that they can use the women as they please"-Spencer

Saying this, Spencer walked inside the tent that he found the leader and absorbed the dead bodies on the floor, after he did this he sat down on the bed of the dead leader and started reveling in the feeling of how he much he enjoyed this, the feeling of taking over another tribe filled Spencer with a pride that he never felt before.

He ran his fingers through his hair and began thinking of the entire process over again, he wanted another taste of that feeling that coursed through his body only a few moments ago. his eyes radiating a purple hue, he wanted more and knew how to get it.

"Let's see what the future holds"-Spencer


alright, I made this chapter longer than the norm.

I appreciate all the support.

also, time skips will be coming soon, so give it a bit, I'm just not trying to rush too much as I want the novel to keep going for a while.

dem stones though

heliumjaxcreators' thoughts