

Our MC spencer had an unexpected death by the hands of two men and was transported to a world filled with powerhouses capable of destroying worlds. wielding powers bestowed by a god, follow Spencer in his journey to the zenith. this is my first novel, I would like to give it a try and see how it goes, please give constructive criticism. to those that are telling other people to not read the novel for themselves because of a stupid reason or some randomness, or any reason in general, and without even taking into account that they are one person and people might like what they don't is disgusting and incompetent.}}

heliumjax · TV
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64 Chs


In the forest near the tribe, Spencer, Quintus, and Hagen could be seen sprinting towards the mountain in which the attacking tribe could be found. Spencer was in front, leading the group while Quintus and Hagen were behind him struggling to keep up with his speed.

The group had taken a few breaks as Quintus and Hagen could not keep up with Spencer, he wasn't even slightly out of breath from running for what appears to be 12 miles in 30 minutes, while they were about to collapse from fatigue.

After a quick break, the three continued their pursuit of the tribe. An hour passing, the three had crossed the mountain and were observing a small settlement at its base, it held large huts and tents organized in an almost thought out fashion, this was almost completely different from what Quintus and Hagen's tribe was like, the people of this tribe also seemed to be more advanced, wearing clothing made from a variety of animal skin and tools made from stone.

Upon seeing the tribe, Quintus and Hagen were shocked at how developed the people of this tribe appeared to be, they were slightly intimidated by the weapons they had, but this fear was quickly buried when Spencer placed his hands on their shoulders.

"These are the people, they have the same scent as the people who attacked our tribe"-Spencer

Listening to Spencer's words, the two were quickly filled with resentment and began looking at the tribe with nothing but bad intentions welling up in their eyes, Spencer removed his hands from their shoulders and began to think. Looking down at the tribe, he could see that they had a relatively large population.

Spencer could easily wipe out this entire tribe by himself without any difficulty, but now it was different, he had Quintus and Hagen and the two still had to get their form of revenge for the people they lost, he could not rob them of that by wiping out the tribe by himself.

"Let's come up with a strategy"-Spencer

Saying this, Spencer squatted down, Quintus and Hagen followed, the three began to think of a strategy on how they would wipe out the tribe in the most efficient way possible. After a few minutes of thinking and coming up with a strategy, the three began to wait for nightfall to set their plan into motion.


Nightfall was approaching, Spencer decided to go over the plan with Quintus and Hagen to make sure that they understand what they are supposed to do.

"I will go within the tribe to find its leader and capture him, Quintus, you will hide in the shadows and kill all male members of the tribe as they sleep, except for the children, Hagen, you will follow Quintus, your job will be to kill any of the patrolling members of the tribe. understand?"-Spencer

After going over the entirety of the plan, Spencer looked at them to see if they understood what was expected of them. Quintus and Hagen gave Spencer a nod, indicating that they understood.

"Good, we will wait for the moon to rise"-Spencer

Waiting until it got dark enough so that their movements would not be seen, Spencer, Quintus, and Hagen immediately began running into the tribe in a crouched position, flickering through the tribe without disturbing the silence. Quintus entered through the back of tents and began playing out the plan, killing of the males in each tent swiftly and cleanly.

Of course, some tents held more than just males, a few had female members as well as children who were woken up from Quintus invading the tents and killing only the males. The screams of those extra members could be heard wringing out in the shroud of the night as more and more tents were invaded.

Without a doubt, the tribesmen who patrolled the area were placed under high alert as the screams rang out without end. The patrolling tribesmen were unable to do anything, as a majority of them were already killed by Hagen who was fulfilling his role in the mission.

As this was all happening, Spencer was walking within the shadows of the tribe, hiding his presence in search of the tribe's leader, he had already been through many tents in the short time that they commenced the plan, he would also kill any other males that he could find if he didn't see them as being the leader.

The task of finding the leader was getting tedious the more he searched, that was until Spencer came to see a tent that was covered in a little too much decoration compared to the others around it, along with the fact that this tent was located in the rear center of the tribe. Spencer noticing this instantly flickered from view and appeared in front of the tent.

Upon opening the tent, Spencer's face was immediately on the verge of becoming intimate with the tip of a Spear, moving his head to the left, he avoided the Spear to see a tribesman winding back and preparing a second attack. Spencer responded by grabbing the spear and kicking the attacker, the kick sending the attacker flying back and tumbling on the floor.

Scanning the rest of the tent, Spencer came to see more tribesmen holding spears and pointing them in his direction, behind these men was a single man who was wearing extravagant tribal painting on his body, basically screaming leader. Seeing this, Spencer sat down with his legs crossed and placed his hands on his knees, he began to look up at the group.

"I'm Assuming the man behind you is the leader"-Spencer

Spencer spoke perfectly in their language due to absorbing one of their members beforehand, The guards and the leader were surprised by this, as they never have seen this man in the tribe before, but he can speak their language fluently.

"I'm here on behalf of the tribe that your people had pillaged"-Spencer

Spencer said holding in his anger to speak calmly. The leader looked confused by Spencer's words, not knowing what he was speaking of.

"Who are you and why have you attacked my tribe?"-Leader

The leader was aware of his people's grief, the sounds of their screams echoing through the night had caused him to summon his guards to the tent in the first signs of the attack on his people, He wanted to know who was it that attack his people and for what reason.

"As I have said before, I am from the neighboring tribe that your people had attacked, I have come to avenge them"-Spencer

When Spencer said this, a sliver of his angered escaped his grasped and the air around him grew cold in an instant. The guards felt this and backed away in fear, but the leader was the most affected by this fear, as he was growing frantic from Spencer's presence and the sudden change in the atmosphere.

At this point, the screams of the tribe's people were silenced, indicating that Quintus and Hagen had fulfilled their objectives, Spencer noticed this and began to speak.

"It looks like my men have finished"-Spencer

Hearing Spencer saying this, the guards and the leader grew even more scared than they were a moment ago, the leader, overwhelmed with his fear cold not hold his composure any longer.

"KILL HIM!!, KILL HIM NOW!!"-leader

Shouting his command to the guards, they quickly ignored their fear and began to rush at Spencer, time slowed to a stop as Spencer extended his right arm, summoning his claws, he vanished from his previous location without any disturbance.

In the next instance from his disappearance, the wet bone-chilling sound of flesh rending sounded out within the tent, the guard's bodies splitting in half and falling to the floor in a puddle of blood and guts. The leader was baffled, he couldn't understand what was happening, one moment his men were attacking the intruder, the next they were on the floor, torn to pieces.

The leader could see Spencer sitting in the same spot as before without a drop of blood on his body, an overpowering feeling of fear consumed him, especially upon seeing the indifferent look on Spencer's face.

"Now, let's try this again"-Spencer

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