
ZAJ: Glory of Mankind

Born in a Crossover between Percy Jackson, Harry Potter and the DC Comics, the only way for him to survive and get on top is to take advantage of who he is and the inheritance Ihe received from his father. He's Zachary Alexander Jackson, and this is his journey to the top.

Red_Streaker · Movies
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2 Chs


AUTHOR'S NOTES: Rewrite. It was expected really after how long I was gone. It wasn't really my fault I was gone for long, I blame that on life, as it's, unfortunately, a bitch, but I'm back and have not abandoned this story as promised. Unfortunately, I sort of shifted things way too much that it probably will feel like a whole new fic, maybe cause it is or isn't, I don't know. What I do know, is that this rewritten fic has an original concept never done before, I should know, I checked, so please, those who followed and favorited, give this first chapter a chance, and those who are new, please too give it a chance. The chapter is a more information-type chapter, just to get it out of the way and so there is no confusion later on. Anyway, this has been me, again, please give it a chance.

DICLAIMER: I do not own the Percy Jackson, DC Comics nor the Harry Potter Franchises and I do not intend to make any money off of this. I own nothing by my original character. Rated M for a reason.


Glory of Mankind

Chapter 1 – Introduction

My name is Zackary Alexander Jackson, and I'm a demigod from the Ancient Hellenic Pantheon, a pantheon revolving around the Ancient Greek Gods. Unfortunately for the world, I'm not a normal type of Greek demigod, no, I'm something so much more.

A few examples of my uniqueness: I have three biological parents, two mortals and one immortal, I don't have Dyslexia or ADHD, instead of having powers, I have domains, three in fact, despite being mostly human, I don't give off a scent that attracts monsters, and finally, I'm the second demigod from this immortal, his first being born in 4 B.C.E, though that demigod only had two parents.

I know it sounds weird and a bit confusing about what I'm talking about, but don't worry, it'll all make sense eventually. For now, just listen to my continuous and endless story, the story of where I turn Anno Domini into Anno Rex.

My story starts fifteen years ago, on the night of my thirteenth birthday and bar mitzvah. On that night I met my Godly parent in a dream, and he revealed to me many things, many answers to my unending questions, questions that I desperately needed answered for my own sanity.

And so that night, my immortal parent answered them all.

When I asked them why sometimes I could suddenly see those I considered friends and family glow blue, those I despised red, things I considered important yellow, things that are helpful and useful white, all these things going as far as being able to see them through even walls, and they told me I had advanced synesthesia thanks to my War domain. When I asked them why I could feel when someone is sick and know exactly what they have, and why I could speak to snakes, frogs, spiders, insects, as well to see and hear through their them no matter the distance, they told me it was thanks to my Pestilence domain. When I asked them why I could heal from just touching anything living, be it plants, animals, or people, they told me it was thanks to my Famine Domain. Finally, when I asked why they decided to make me since I knew my mother claimed to be infertile before she had me, he gave me an answer that to this day, I will never forget.

They told me a story before they answered, a story of the continuous cycle of the youngest sons overthrowing their fathers, of a father swallowing their five children and a rock, and of a husband swallowing their pregnant wife who carried twins, an elder daughter, and a younger son. My parent continued their story, a story that followed the escape of the youngest son, who was born a fly while his sister was born an adult, and his journey as he fleed away from his father, growing up isolated and alone, having only himself, until he decided he didn't want to be alone anymore.

And so the story went on as the younger son, once a fly, became a child that quickly became a man as he created countless things to not feel alone. Eventually, time moved on along with rebellions, floods, towers, kingdoms, etc. All coming down to a demigod that possessed the domains of Creation, Peace, and Healing to be born, only for them to be killed, but in return creating one of the three greatest religions in human history, all centered around the God that was born a fly. The rise in popularity of the those three religions was what caused the God to grow immense power, being rivaled by none, completely an old prophecy foretold by the earth itself.

The name of the fly-born God was Poros, but many know him as Yahweh, Jehova, El Elyon, and Allah, and that god was my godly parent, my second biological father.

When my father ended his story, he explained why he healed an infertile woman, resulting in my birth. Yeshua, my older half-brother, was born to bring peace and mercy in a time when the cruel Empire of Jupiter reigned above all, and when he was crucified, he accomplished his goal as his death and resurrection caused many to believe in our father, ending the Western Roman Empire and Jupiter's influence. I, however, was born not to bring peace and mercy, no, I was born to conquer the world and rule over humanity.

My father explained it like this: he ruled over all the earthly religions as he was the most powerful, as it was prophecized, and because of this, Yeshia ruled over all the earthly afterlives in every religion, as it was prophecized, and now that I was born, it was my time to do what I destined to do because I'm apparently the Final Judgement.

And so after that night, nothing was the same, for me at least, for my Uncle Rich and sister Sarah, nickname Sally, nothing's really happened, but that was okay, it was my burden to bear after all. And so for the past fifteen years, I've been preparing as I studied my domains and what and how much can I do as I grew older, and studying a lot in high school, and college, all to get top marks and be accepted in Standford University all for one thing.

That thing being Bioengineering: a type of engineering that encompasses so many different fields of engineering, something that made my inner Poros squeal in excitement just thinking about it, knowing that the knowledge of it would come useful somehow.

And so here I was, twenty-eight years old with a Ph.D. in Bioengineering, following a red misty trail that only I could see, northwest of Gaoping, Shanxi province in China for one reason only. To learn, or more especially to absorb.

See back when I was attending college in NYU in Brooklyn, I suddenly saw a red mist shoot out of me when I stopped at a red light. I found it strange and slightly uncomfortable at first, but then I noticed that the mist was pointing and going somewhere, and so with nothing better to do, I followed it. I followed until I had to go on foot as it went through a park, and so when I parked and continued following, I eventually stopped, watching as more mist came out of my chest and circled the ground before me, like a red cyclone. I guessed that I had to step into the eye of said cyclone, and I guessed right.

When I stepped inside its eye, all that mist suddenly shot out and wrapped itself around me, from head to toe, making me deaf, blind, and mute, like it was absorbing me whole. I was too shocked and frightened to try and scream, but the experience only lasted around three quick seconds, and soon I was able to see, hear, speak, and feel so much more as if I suddenly grew stronger. The even stranger part was that I suddenly had the experiences of those who had fought in the Battle of Brooklyn in 1776. I suddenly knew how to shoot a Brown Bess and many other rifles, I suddenly knew how to fight like those in that period, and I suddenly knew the strategies that were once in the minds of both Americans and British who died during the battle.

And so, knowing what was to come as I followed the red mist here in China, I prepared myself mentally and hoped that what I absorbed was indeed what I hoped it was, the experiences of those who had fought in the Battle of Changping, the deadliest before the birth of my brother, having around 700,000 casualties. I definitely expected for the absorption process to take longer as it was an obviously larger load to consume.

I suddenly stopped walking and squinted. Is that it? Shit It is! I broke out into a sprint, joy, excitement, and nervousness all bashing together inside me as I got closer and closer. I slowed my pace down when I was just about had three yards left of distance, until I slowly walked inside the circling mist, still slightly apprehensive. I didn't have time to regret anything as a slightly familiar and unfamiliar sensation of being covered whole happened again, while also being correct that the process would take longer than the first one.

About fifteen seconds later, I could see again, and like before, I had foreign experiences running around my mind, just like my first experience with absorbing fallen knowledge, the only difference was that I was now fluent in Old Chinese. I stumbled a little as I took a step forward, seeming slightly disoriented, but eventually recovering quickly. I took a moment to truly feel myself and the power and knowledge now inside of me, and I realized that no, the outcome wasn't the same, it was so much more, because not only do I have the knowledge and the experiences of those that fell in the battle of Changping, but I now could access even more of my domains than I could ever imagine, like skipping corners in a race, a quicker way to get a powerup if you will.

'Let's see what I got, huh?' I looked at my hands, thinking, before suddenly an idea shot through my brain as I looked up at the blue morning sky. I grinned. 'Let's test it out.' I turned around slowly, took a deep breath in preparation, and then I sprinted like never before. As I ran, I found out that my thoughts moved faster than before, just like my speed too, changed drastically. I was probably running faster than Carl Lewis.

Preparing myself, I jumped and tugged my Pestilence domain, and suddenly I felt I had eyes everywhere as I took to the sky. I knew I should probably have a massive headache with the amount of vision I had because I was able to see in every direction possible as I took the form of a swarm of flies, though it didn't last as felt whole once more when I reached the ground.

"That was fucking awesome!" I Laughed, uncaring of who heard me. I decided to do it again, and this time I was able to maintain the form longer and longer the more I tested it out, until I was flying quickly through the air to my rental car, mentally wooing in my many minds.

"Thank you, Father!" I loudly buzzed, laughing all the way.


It's been seven months since I absorbed the fallen knowledge of those who passed in the Battle of Changping and other deadly battles fought in China, examples being the Battle of the Red Cliffs and the Battle of Fei River. After that, I began reading where the deadliest battles have occurred all over the world in all of humankind's history, and later visited said places.

And so for five months, I've visited countries such as Turkey, Greece, India, France, North Korea, Iran, and so many others. I became so much wiser and more powerful, that it came to the point where I didn't need to absorb every casualty, instead, if I focused, I could pick and choose who I absorbed, and so I absorbed those who had the highest rankings, clearly being the ones with more knowledge and experience.

Eventually, it came to the point where I just didn't feel the need to continue absorbing any more fallen knowledge as my own knowledge in combat and warfare tactics and strategies was now quite superior, especially after I remade my mental war playbook; it no longer looking like copies of others around the world, but a combination of many, making it into new and improved combative strategies.

And so for two months, instead of absorbing fallen knowledge that was related to war, I became a treasure hunter, attempting and sometimes succeeding in absorbing the knowledge of those who might know the locations of long-lost fortunes, those such as Ferdinand Magellan and Henry Every. I didn't do anything with the treasures when I received the knowledge, though I knew soon I would.

But now here I was, back in New York City and about to knock at Sally's and I's inherited home's door, just five days before my brother's birth to surprise her and celebrate the holidays together.

My knuckles reached the door and tapped twice more, then I waited. I waited for a while, then I knocked again when the door didn't open. Eventually, I heard footsteps coming from the inside as they neared the door and started unlocking it, though it was obvious that Sally didn't bother checking who it was through the peephole.

"Sister dear, you should really look who it is bef..." I drawled and eventually stopped as the person before me was clearly not my sister, no, in front of me stood a man with disheveled black hair and deep tanned skin wearing a Hawaiian shirt paired with khaki shorts and sandals. I ignored the strange getup he wore for something this time of the year as I appraised him.

I was taller than him, not by much, but enough so that I could slightly lower my neck to look directly into his uniquely looking green eyes. I didn't need to break eye contact to notice he had sun crinkles around them. Thankfully my thoughts were by far faster than real-time thanks to my world tour, giving me enough time to figure out why my inner warning bells were going off at the mere sight of him.

We stared each at other unflinching, "Sidon, who is it?" only to be interrupted by the one person I was here to surprise, the irony. The footsteps were clearer to hear as they neared the door, and lo and behold, my sister's figure showed up over the man's shoulder, her blue eyes shooting wide in shock. "Z-Zach?"

I stared back at her neutrally, my mind playing games with me as my twenty-three-year-old sister suddenly morphed into a five-year-old version of herself, her brown hair going up to her ears instead of her shoulders, wearing a pink shirt and overalls with white shoes.

"Sarah Anne Jackson, you got some explaining to do," I told her simply, not missing the way the man's eyes narrowed from the corner of my vision, though they went back to normal when I switched my gaze to him as I took a step forward and offered my hand. "Zachary Jackson, Sarah's extremely protective older brother, she must've mentioned me to you..."

He took my hand, "Poseidon, and yes I know, weird parents," he explained as he shook firmly, if a bit too hard, before letting go as I stiffened sharply, my reaction getting a smirk from him, "And yes she did, she's quite devoted to you."

"Makes sense, we only have each other," I said rapidly, "Now can you step aside so I can embrace my baby sister?" And thankfully he did so. I let go of my suitcase and strode inside, ignoring my sister's stammering as I pulled her tightly against me, closing my eyes and controlling my breathing.

"Zach?" I heard Sally ask worriedly, muffled from my shirt.

"Shush, let me enjoy this before I scold you," I told her as I hugged her tighter, this time with her reciprocating. I basked in her natural scent, not far off resembling the scent of sweet, thankful it made me calm down from finding out just seconds ago why my warning bells went off.

Like my Pestilence and War domains, my Famine domain grew in power and versatility, one such way was that, like my war domain—which made me able to absorb the knowledge, memories, and experiences of those who fell in battle—my Famine domain wasn't so different, though it had to be on the living. What I just did after I made contact with the man who called himself Poseidon, was what I did to many, I subtly and barely absorbed some of his life energy for information on what kind of man he was.

It just so happens to be that he wasn't a man nor a namesake, he was the real deal.

I eventually let go of my sister, though not fully as I held her at her sides while smiling down at her, which she returned brightly, and then suddenly vomiting all of her me. The God was immediately by our side as I was used as my sister's vomit dispenser. Oh, how I want to rip that smug grin off your fucking face you son of bitch!

Eventually, Sally stopped, apologizing profusely as she handed paper towels to clean myself up temporarily, before grabbing my suitcase from outside and going to my room, but not before using my Pestilence domain on my sister, and not mere seconds later after finding out what she had, I had to stop myself from committing suicide and attacking the Sea God.

Morning Sickness, Fucking Morning Sickness.


AUHTOR'S NOTES: Updates won't be as frequent as I would like them to be, but I'm in college so... Sorry not sorry. I do promise no long waits though, not anytime soon, I want this story to grow and develop, you know? Fortunately, I do think it will be getting easier to write as the story progresses because my ideas will be coming together and progressing toward where I want this story to go, so there's the flip side to all the downsides. Anyway, see y'all hopefully later this month or early to mid next month.