
ZAJ: Glory of Mankind

Born in a Crossover between Percy Jackson, Harry Potter and the DC Comics, the only way for him to survive and get on top is to take advantage of who he is and the inheritance Ihe received from his father. He's Zachary Alexander Jackson, and this is his journey to the top.

Red_Streaker · Movies
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2 Chs


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sup, back with another one. First things first, I want to thank those who gave the last chapter a chance and waited for more. Another thing I want to address is the inclusion of Poros. Honestly, I was surprised that I was the only one ever, who used the whole prophecized son of Zeus and Metis part from the birth of Athena, but props to me for being a trendsetter! Athena's younger brother's name is Poros though, just search on google, "Son of Metis" and he'll show up. Now the reason I made him into the Abrahamic God, as in the God of Judaism, Christianity, and yes, Islam, if you didn't know that, then don't try argue against me, you'll lose, was because to me it made sense as it fit the common theme between the Greek Mythos, Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, the theme being prophecy's, big or small, always come true, self-full filling or not. Anyway, just wanted to get that out of the way, hope you enjoy this chapter as it includes...

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Percy Jackson, DC Comics nor the Harry Potter Franchises and I do not intend to make any money off of this. I own nothing by my original character. Rated M for a reason.


Glory of Mankind

Chapter 2 — Revelations

I finish getting dressed in comfortable clothing, thankful I no longer smelled of vomit. Speaking of which, my sister and the father of her bastard were still talking about me, a topic they started right after I stepped into the shower and the floor was mopped clean. I still find it fascinating how I can be in many places at once, though in most of them through the eyes of animals.

Keeping a third of my attention on them thanks to a few instincts on standby, I sat back on my bed, clasped my hands together, closed my eyes, and began to pray. 'Father, I need to see you, and I'm not taking no for an answer, so get your godly ass down here now.'

I slowly opened my eyes, and immediately looked up into matching grey eyes, though these ones were filled with disappointment. "Language son, such words are unbecoming of a king."

I rolled my eyes as I stood, "Good thing, I'm not king yet," I countered before hugging the God, "Good to see you Dad," I told him honestly.

"Good to see you too," My father said back with a pat to my back, before pulling away, "I assume you want an explanation for why I didn't prevent your sister-"

"Getting into it with a fucking rapist," I interrupted, my anger over my discovery escaping my control, "Fucking Poseidon dad, Poseidon! Top fucking two rapist from the whole Hellenic Tribe. You promised me Sally's safety when I left for my tour and I come here finding out that instead of being single or at least with a man that truly deserved her, she's all googly eyes for your monster of a fucking uncle! Why?! You hate his type more than anyone I know!"

"Prophecy, son." He answered, and the pity in his eyes was all the proof I needed for his words to be true, and it felt like the deepest depths of the arctic ocean suddenly washed over me, destroying whatever wisp of fury I had left, leaving me frozen with fear, enough to get me on my knees.

"Sally?" I asked, my voice cracking in pain at the idea of the probable answer to come.

"Not directly," I half-sobbed in relief, happy that she wasn't the focus of a prophecy, for being one was either very good or very bad, and while Fate favored my father and his elk, she was a fickle mistress to the rest of humanity, no matter the relation to whom they may have.

But then a thought came to me as I looked through the eyes of an ant at my sister and the Sea God. I looked up at my father, "The child?"


"Good or bad," I quickly asked right after, referring to the prophecy as I wiped my teary eyes and slowly rose to sit back on my bed.

"It depends, but it's a very dangerous one, casualties would be high no matter the outcome," My father explained as he sat down next to me gracefully.

I was quiet for a while, before looking towards my closed room door, "Tell me it."

It was a first to see him hesitate, though it was most likely him asking for permission, being King of all the Gods didn't mean he answered to no one, it just meant he kept the others in line. "A half-blood of the Eldest Gods shall reach sixteen against all odds, and see the world in endless sleep. A hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap, a single choice shall end his days, Olympus to preserve or raze."

I let out a mirthless chuckle, "So the bastard either becomes like Yeshua or this prophecy is as misleading as the rest of them." I received no answer, just as expected, as I kept my gaze on my room door. "He knows, doesn't he?" I didn't need to specify who "He" was.

"Yes." I couldn't help it, I snorted, turning my face to meet my father's serious face briefly before shaking my head with a chuckle.

"Fuck." I sighed.

"Language." I was about to roll my eyes when I suddenly felt a familiar tingling going through my body, one I hadn't felt in an extremely long time. "Congratulations, it seems you are going through promotion."

"What?" I asked incredulously, thoughts of prophecy on the back of my mind as the tingling sensation got higher by the minute, reminding me of pins and needles.

"Promotion is what we dieties call when a demigod surpasses their basic nature, the result leading to a dangerous evolution of the demigod's power." My father explained.

"Wait, what? Ah!" the pins and needles swiftly changed into knives and spears. "How long will it last, and how dangerous is it?!" I gritted out in pain.

"Normally it would last for three days, and in most cases, it leads to the demigod's demise. Some lived of course, but very few did, unfortunately, the only one that lived that you may know is your brother." 'What?!'

"I'm gonna die?!"

"Mm, I don't know, promotions are fickle, all depending on the demigod." 'I fucking hate him sometimes.'

"Can't you fucking do something to help me?" I asked rapidly so I could hold back a scream I almost let out.

"Mm, okay," 'Thank fuck, it's starting to feel like torture', "This will hurt more than before," 'What?!' Suddenly pain I couldn't possibly imagine before shot through me. It genuinely felt like I was enduring it for hours. When it was finally over, I felt my father's grace wash over me, cleaning me up as I briefly smelled the combination of piss, shit, blood, and vomit all over me before it went away.

I also noticed I was on the ground, looking directly at my father's feet. "Cou-" I cleared my throat, though doing so hurt, "Could you help me out here," I hoarsely asked.

"I am." 'Fucking hell.'

"What I meant was, can you help me stand up, please," I gritted out in frustration.

"You can do that yourself after I'm done with my diagnosis, I've never been able to study the after-effects of a successful promotion," My father explained, his tone changing from its normal monotone, and for the sake of wanting to hear more of it as it was rare, only hearing the shifts when he professes his love for me, I let myself lay on the floor without further complaint, instead I asked questions, questions he had no trouble answering and explaining.

When he was done, I found out he was right once again, I could get up on my own, far quicker than I imagined though. I felt powerful, far more than any absorption I've ever endured. "Can I have another promotion?" I asked my father.

"No," He answered, "A promotion is the final state of a demigod, anything more and it leads to Godhood, which is impossible if not born or granted, so this is your peak, anything more is unachievable."

"Can all demigods be promoted?" I asked again as countless ideas came to mind, ideas I never thought of before. 'All of these no doubt come from War, but why now? No wait, I've reached my peak right? So these new thoughts and ideas must've been under lock and key before.'

"No, demigods born to Elder Gods are already in their final state," He explained.

"But those born to younger Gods could." I concluded with a nod, still thinking about my past limits, "How exactly did I even get promoted, what started it?" I asked.

"I do not know about the others, but for you, it was when you absorbed a sliver of Poseidon." He informed me, and that, right there, got my mind racing, enough so that I didn't mind the shitty goodbye when my father vanished out of thin air, not saying a word like always, not this time.

I eventually had to stop myself from thinking, something I couldn't say I'd done before, and I realized that I spent two hours away from my sister since coming here, and it was just turning noon.

I got out of my room, but not before blowing a candle that was lit in my room. The candle next to it was a drawing of mine of Michael, Guardian Seraph of Protection, the reason why Poseidon couldn't sense my father's visit or anything that happens in my room when lit.

"You sure took your time, Poseidon just left for work," Sally informed me as she walked away from the front door of our house, and I would've fallen for it if it weren't for the fact that I knew Poseidon flashed away and that she waiting near the door to look like he left the normal wait out, "Again, sorry for vomiting on you, I don't know why I just got sick all of a sudden."

"I do," I said neutrally as I stared at her stomach as it switched from a yellow glow to a white one.

"What? How?" Sally asked confusedly.

I looked away from her partying stomach and looked into her confused blue eyes. "Sit," I ordered as I pointed to the sofa, before making my towards the kitchen. I heard my sit down more clearer than I normally would, and I could even feel the goosebumps appearing on her arm. Trippy. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer.

"Look Zach, I know you do- why do you have a knife?" She asked as soon as she saw me walk back into the living room.

"Shush." I ordered, though I had my eyes on the walls of the house, my mind going a mile per second.

"Zach I-"

"Sarah, I'm not going to kill you with it, I'm not that mad nor that stupid, so just up," I ordered firmly, this time making eye contact. She understandably hesitated, but eventually, she did as she was told. "Good, now what's gonna happen is I'm going to tell you a lot of things, and you are going to listen to them, and then you're going to believe them. Luckily, since you already know more about the world than most, I don't doubt the latter." I then cut my palm.

"Oh my God, what are you doing?!" Sally bolted out of the sofa, but I guess I was still frustrated with her, with myself, with the prophecy hanging above the child inside her and so much more because before she could reach me, I looked directly at her, feeling my eyes visibly shift, and opened my mouth.

("Stop.") Sally froze immediately in place, ("Go back and sit down.") Robotically, she did as I ordered, and when she finally sat back down, I had already finished drawing the blood sigil on our wooden floor, the only thing I needed to do was to keep my bloodied hand on it and let it draw from my power through my blood.

"Zach I- how- when- w-what are you?" Sally managed out, her voice wavering. I let out a sigh at the question as I shifted into a more comfortable sitting position on the floor, knowing I would need it.

("We-,") I cleared my throat and closed my eyes, when I opened them up, I knew they were back to normal when Sally visibly relaxed. "Hello? Okay, back to normal, good. Anyway, what I was trying to say was, well, that I'm still your brother, fully too, the only difference is that I'm just a little bit more than that."

"So... You're like Jesus?" Sally asked slowly after a long pause of awkward silence after I explained to her what I really was.

"You know what, yeah, I'm like Jesus, the only difference is that I'm two-thirds human." I clarified.

"Right, and a third god," She nodded slowly, and the way she said it grated on my nerves, my repressed anger back in full force as her glowing stomach taunted me.

"Yeah, a fucking god, something you would know a lot about, since you were, after all, fucking a god!" I burst out as I stood up, summoning a fly to absorb its life to heal my wound and stop my bleeding.

"Wait, how'd you- you knew the whole time who he was?"

"Not the whole time, and even if I didn't know shit, I would've still figured it out, I mean no parent, greek, or whatever the fuck they are, would call their kid after that fucking pathetic son of a bitch!"

"Hey, don't call him that, you don't know him like I do!" Sally said in anger, standing up and walking towards me with a finger pointed at my face, "He is a charming and good individual, someone who was there for me when you weren't, and yeah, okay, you had God himself protect me, which shows what kind of being," I tapped my foot against the sigil quickly, "Poseidon really is if he did nothing to stop him."

I slapped her hand out of my face, and rounded back at her, towering over her greatly. "He did nothing because of prophecy, not because Poseidon was an epitome of goodness. You'd think my father wouldn't have killed Poseidon if he could, because trust me when I say there is one type of person my father despises and grants no mercy to, and it so happens your lover is a part of that demographic. Y'know what, since you took journalism as a minor in college," I said suddenly, taking a step forward, causing her to take one back, "Let me ask you this. If you were given an assignment to write about a historic figure you knew nothing about, what's the first you do?"

"Research," My sister dared answer confidently.

"And did you do any on him?" I asked.

"Didn't have to, Poseidon was a direct source." That answer stopped me completely, my eyes widening in disbelief. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and held the bridge of my nose.

"Please tell me, Sally, that you at least fact-checked what he told you," I pleaded.

"I did." I ignored her offended expression from my doubt.

"And?" I asked.

"And what? That's it, I asked questions when I found out who he was, and I confirmed they were true when I did my research on them," She recounted.

"But you didn't think to do more research, find out more about him?" I can't believe this.

"Why would I do that? That'd be me going behind his back, and I want him to tell me on his own time," Sally confessed, and that's when a thought crossed my mind. He did it, he managed to have her wrap around his fucking finger. My sweet, smart innocent little sister.

A whirlwind of emotions crashed against my heartstrings as I felt myself tear up and my lip quiver. I took another deep breath. "Sally, his own time could be in a thousand years," I stopped her interrupting by raising my hand, "And even if you managed to live that long, Poseidon himself would've never told you the atrocities that he's committed and the monster that he truly is, and so I'll do it for him."

And so with a heavy heart, knowing full well what this would do to her, I told her every single monstrous act Poseidon had done in his lifetime.

"Zach stop, no more, please," My sister begged after everything I told her about Poseidon, her eyes burning red as she tried and failed to keep the image of the God she thought she knew.

I ignored her plea, despite wanting to. "And now, you're pregnant Sally," I told her, dropping the bomb.

"What?" She whispered.

"You're pregnant with his demigod inside of you, a demigod that would be born with a dangerous prophecy over his head, a demigod Poseidon knew would have a dangerous prophecy over his head. That's why you vomited on me, you have morning sickness." I stepped forward again, and this time, she didn't step back.

When I reached her, I pulled her into a hug, and though she first flinched, she wrapped her arms around me, and finally broke down as her world came crashing down. There and then, I swore to myself and to my father, that Poseidon would die.

But not by me. No, that right was reserved to his bastard.

My... Nephew.


AUTHOR'S NOTES: I genuinely wrote this today, as in 9/17/23, a day after posting the first chapter yesterday, must be because it's a weekend. I hope y'all liked my portrayal of Poros, really wanted to capture the attitude of someone who is straight to the point and doesn't understand very well social ques due to isolation. I also hope this chapter relays the main emotion inside Zach, that being chaos, as his good day turned for the worse, with some good, then again with some bad, all being mixed with fast fast-paced storytelling, basically a bipolar chapter.

Anyway, this has been me, see y'all again either this month or the next, and please, leave a review and give me some useful criticism, cause honestly, if you're gonna come here and then insult me for doing badly and not even bother giving some pointers to be better, then you can fuck off, you aren't needed. Do I want this story to do good and gain traction, sure, everyone does, but it doesn't need traction from assholes.

Anyway, good day, and I'll be seeing y'all later!