
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 6:The Five Kingdoms

"Jiang Fan has seen Sister Pei." Seeing the beautiful woman, the young man smiled slightly.

The beautiful woman in brocade clothes had long been waiting on the stairs, until the young man came up, and only slightly relieved, pulled Jiang Fan and said: "Ah! You've come, little Lang. How did it take so long?"

Jiang Fan is not constrained, with that beautiful woman to sit down at the table way: "There are some small delays in the home, do not worry."

Jinyi Mei woman said: "So good, recently the two sides of this area is not peaceful, sister is still afraid of your accident."

Jiang Fan drank the tea poured by the little Dutch girl and casually asked: "What is not peaceful?"

Xiao He grabbed the way: "It is a group of violent bandits, somehow wandering in this hundred miles along the river, where the young woman will start to kill, hundreds of people have been killed, it is a loss of conscience."

"Oh? Is that so?" Jiang Fan leng, he seclusion in the mountains, the news blocked, know nothing about this.

"Do you know who did this?"

Xiao He said: "Some people say that the old turtle Chen of Jiangxin Island, originally this group of people only do some business on the river, and now I do not know why they are crazy, they even ran to the shore, especially to kill those young women from outside."

The young man frowned and thought of the cheap daughter-in-law at home.

Jin Yi Mei woman said: "Well, don't say this matter." Xiao Lang is hungry. Get some food quickly."

Xiao He said: "Already ready, I have called the kitchen hot, coming right away."

The girl in Qingyi said, "Xiao Lang, business is booming now, the guests are full, and the burning knife is in short supply, and some people even come thousands of miles to buy it. Should we brew some more?"

Jinyi beautiful woman smell speech, also some look forward to Jiang Fan.

Look at their faces, Jiang Fan will know that they have moved this idea. He smiled and said, "Yes, but not much. An increase of 500 jin per month is enough."

Xiao He scratched his head and said, "Why? Even if you increase 5,000 pounds a month is not enough, but only 500 pounds, then most people can not drink."

Jiang Fandao: "Things are rare and valuable, and the more you can't get them, the more coveted they are, and the more their reputation will spread."

"But we can sell it for a lot of silver." Xiao He still can't understand.

But the girl in green clothes was thoughtful.

Jiang Fan said, "Do you want eight people, or do you want more silver?"

"Eight of us, of course, and we have no shortage of silver."

Jiang Fan said: "So do as I say, remember, can not get more attractive." Imagine, a world's best wine, but the monthly production is limited, millions of people in the world, only a few hundred people can enjoy, that reputation..."

The young girl in Qingyi suddenly said, "Xiao Lang, I understand that in this way, Linjiang Pavilion will inevitably become a conversation among people who love wine, and the fame will naturally spread more and more widely." And although the quantity is small, but the price is expensive, we have earned a lot, and this wine in the market is bound to be more and more expensive, I am afraid that many people reluctant to drink themselves, most will be sent to the dignitaries, so the burning knife can attract the world celebrities. Eight of us Not far away."

Jiang Fan face dew praise: "Green sister really smart, a little through."

Beautiful woman beautiful eyes circulation, look between a happy, said: "everything listen to small Lang, if there is no small Lang's instructions in the future, one should not change the management strategy."

"Yes, miss." At the moment, even if the small lotus also understood the meaning of Jiang Fan, not impressed.

"Xiao Lang, how did you grow this brain? I'm like a piece of wood compared to you."

The beautiful woman in the beautiful dress looked at her distress and could not help laughing: "Little girl, don't compare with little Lang, compared with him, not only you are like a piece of wood."

At this time, the girl in green clothes took out a pamphlet from her arms and said, "Yes, the balance of last month has helped you deposit the four seas ticket number, this is the account."

Jiang Fan smiled: "No need, the money is a foreign thing, I originally did not want."

Jin Yi Mei women: "That can not, Linjiang cabinet original business bleak, see the ancestral business to be corrupted in my hands, do not want to small brother magic hand spring, now the day into gold, how can not drink water to think of the source, ungrateful things I Pei Yunjin can not do, Xiao Lang also do not have to refuse, otherwise sister heart difficult."

Jiang Fan said: "Worth mentioning, the younger brother will be disrespectful." But those are stored in the four seas, and these furs have asked my sister to help me sell them."

Little Dutch girl puzzled: "Xiao Lang, you obviously have so much silver, why do you have to work hard to earn these few small money."

Jiang Fan said: "These ah can be I and the old man personally got, although not worth a few money, but spend a good profit."

Jinyi beautiful woman with admiration color way: "Xiao Lang this is not willing to lose the comfortable state of mind, this fur or sister I buy it, so let the accounting room to check the goods."

Jiang Fan arch hands: "Bother sister, be sure to calculate according to the market price, I don't want to." In addition, I have some goods to buy here, and I also trouble my sister."

Jin Yi Mei woman said: "My family, say what trouble, tomorrow the old horse will go to the county city stock, just to help you bring back."

"So, I am glad to have peace of mind, don't forget..."

Jiang Fan words have not finished, the little lotus girl grabbed the way: "Know, to reward the old horse ten wine money."

A few people talking and laughing, suddenly a shop assistant rushed up: "The owner, two owners, someone wants to climb nine floors."

The sound inside the room suddenly stopped.

After thinking for a moment, the girl in green clothes said, "What kind of people?"

The second bartender said, "An old man with a pale beard, extraordinary bearing, only with a hunchbacked old servant, the villain asked him who he was, but only said that he was hanging down an old man, and had heard the scenery on the top floor for a long time, I wonder if I can climb up and have a drink."

The beautiful woman in brocade suddenly said, "Never reported your family?" What's so special about it?"

The shop assistant also seems to be a fine person, smell words busy to: "These two people are now resting in a lobby, the young person said to wait for a moment, the old servant opened the package, placed a pen on the table, the old man spread out the paper to view the sketch."

"Brushes and inkstones?" The beautiful woman in splendid clothes thought for a moment and immediately asked: "What kind of ink brush?"

Shop second thought: "The pen is half green and half yellow, the ink stone is as white as jade."

Jinyi beautiful woman Huo Ran up: "Really?"

Shop assistant No. 2: "If you want to climb the ninth floor, the villain will pay attention to it, not to see wrong."

Jinyi beauty woman bright eyes, mouth muttered: "pen points green yellow, inkstone has black and white, spring and autumn pen, black and white inkstone, is..."

Qingyi girl also suddenly surprised: "Zhang Chancellor!"

Jin Yi Mei woman said, "Xiaoqing, you go quickly to ask someone to climb the ninth floor, I will pack up my clothes and be there right away."

Jiang Fanqi said, "Who is this chancellor?"

Jin Yi Mei woman said, "Xiao Lang lives in seclusion in the mountains and knows nothing about the world. This chancellor named Zhang Zhiling, to the Great Zhou legacy of the self-styled, is now the world's only for the great Zhou running predecessors famous. He wears the seals of the five countries, is revered by the temples of the five countries, and his fame is spread throughout the world."

Jiang Fan scratched his head: "Wait, sister, if I remember correctly, Big Zhou has existed in name for a hundred years, why is this person still working hard for Big Zhou?"

Jin Yi Mei Woman said, "The first half of Zhang's life was used by the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, above Tai Yue, to maintain the Great Zhou heritage." In the second half of his life, he hung five countries together and devoted half his life to ending the world turmoil and restoring the big week orthodoxy. Unfortunately, although its ambition, this world is not a hundred years ago the world. Today, Zhang is over 90 years old, and his life is futile and disheartened. Heard that the month before Taiyue Yuhuangding abandoned half a game of chess, hang printed in the Fuyun pavilion left. I am glad that I did not want to come to my Pavilion today."

Qingyi girl said: "Zhang auxiliary world famous people, today is my blessing to come to Linjiang Pavilion, if you can leave a few words ink treasure, why worry Linjiang pavilion does not move the world."

"Does the old man have such power?" Jiang Fan is also the first time to hear this old life, feeling, can not help but also curious.

Jin Yi Mei women said: "Zhang a person can be respected by the five countries, although it is a nominal chancellor, but enough to show that the person is extraordinary, for decades, I do not know how many world events are around, I do not know how many sword disaster for its removal, the person has the world, noble character, respected by the world."

Jiang Fandao: "If such a person, indeed should please go up nine floors."

Jin Yi Mei woman said, "Don't you want to see Xiao Lang?"

Jiang Fan waved his hand and said, "I just hit the Yu Lang, is this earth-shaking big man what I can see?" Besides, I have no intention of doing anything in the world, so I don't have to."

Jin Yi beauty woman smiled: "Xiao Lang, sister always know your heart is indifferent, but such a person is worth seeing, and Zhang Zhifu has been hanging away from this temple, want to think now is also to see the world, why not see?"

Jiang Fan thought about it, he came here, even if he had to go, see the world characters are not necessary, there are always some wind things in the future.

He said, "Well, in that case, my younger brother will be one of the attendants and see what the five countries look like."