
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 7:Good Wine

"The name of Linjiang Pavilion has been spread all over the world, and indeed there is something extraordinary about it. Just looking at this scenery is worth the trip."

An old man stood at the window, brushing his beard and watching the scene. On the table beside him lay a pen, an inkstone, and a book. In the corner, a hunchbacked old servant leaned against the railing with his chest folded and closed his eyes

"The old gentleman is too honored, Linjiang Pavilion can get you to visit, it is an honor, Pei Yunjin snub."

Beautiful woman with Jiang Fandeng upstairs, Li Li said.

The old man slowly turned around, Jiang Fan saw this old man tall, gray hair, calm eyes, although dressed in cloth, but has a chest of one hundred rivers bearing. Not praise in the heart, really unusual character.

The old man smiled and said: "Linjiang Pavilion rose in the bank of the Canglan River a year ago, with four dishes, a pot of soup and wine famous in the world, the old husband has long admired." I have heard that this pavilion was founded a hundred years ago by the old Mr. Pei Shiqi of the Big Zhou Pavilion.

Pei Yunjin bowed slightly and said, "What the old man said is his great-grandfather."

The old man nodded and said: "When Pei Ge old man was alive, there were blue clothes GE old man said, the sample appearance was the leader at that time, today see its descendants are also extraordinary, see GE old style at that time."

Pei Yunjin said: "The old gentleman is too much, but it is a pity that the father was disheartened in his old age, hung his crown and went away, and retired to the river bank. From then on, it seems that he was idle clouds and wild cranes, but he was still depressed because of the big event."

The old man nodded and said, "The old man is working hard for the big week, which is admirable." It's just that the world is so big that man can do nothing."

Pei Yunjin said: "The old man can be called the family friend."

The old man said with a smile: "But the girl knows the old husband?"

Pei Yunjin said: "The spring and autumn writing large spring and autumn, black and white inkstone broken black and white, just listen to the words of the little two, want to also only the Lord Chancellor."

The old man heard the words, brushed his beard and laughed: "No longer need to call the prime minister, just call the old man." Now my old husband is hanging out with your grandfather in the wild, but what I have come here for is your four dishes, one soup and one pot of wine."

"In this way, if the younger generation is offended, they will address the old man, the old man please wait, and the food and wine will be arranged for you."

Pei Yunjin suddenly said, "Jiang Xiaolang, please accompany the old gentleman for a moment, and wait for me to arrange something."

Huh? Jiang Fan a stunned, I did not come to play soy sauce?

But Pei Yunjin just gave him a smile, then to the old man gift: "Honestly, this restaurant can have today is thanks to the small Lang, not only four dishes and a soup for small Lang created, even the burning knife is also small Lang taught secret brewing, today just small Lang is also in, then ask him to accompany the old gentleman?"

The old man put his eyes on Jiang Fan and looked at him with some curiosity: "This little Lang has such ability?" Very well, Miss Pace is busy herself."

After Pei Yunjin retired, the old man said with great interest: "This little gentleman, would you like to chat with the old husband for a while?"

Jiang Fan scratched his head, grinned, and went straight to the front: "Let's sit and talk."

The old man was stunned, but saw that the young man had pulled out the chair for himself and extended his hand.

"Ha ha, good, good, tired of standing and talking."

"What the old gentleman said was, I think if you can lie down, don't sit, and if you can sit, don't stand."

Jiang Fan said, smoothly pulled a chair himself and sat down.

"Little boy, lazy." The old man could not help laughing and scolding at his funny words.

"You are a young man of some interest. Did Miss Bae mean what she said?"

"Ah, yes. But they are all small tricks, idle idle thinking."

Jiang Fan will not be such polite, then tell the truth.

"This is no small trick." The old man said significantly: "Since the old husband stepped into the Linjiang Pavilion, I only feel that it is refreshing, receiving people and things in good order, operating unusual restaurants, hidden in the weather of their own family, long ago the heart was curious, do not want to come from the hands of such a young man."

It's nothing new. It's what they do back home. Although Jiang Fan thought so, but also did not say.

"The old gentleman laughed, the boy is just a fisherman by the river, came up with some ideas, everything depends on sister Pei in care."

"Not also, Linjiang cabinet old husband has heard, nearly ten years of dismal business, but since the age of last year, only more than eight people have the momentum of impact, old husband thought that there are strange people to help, but actually from a fishing young pen." The old man just watched, there are many new things, you little fisherman where to come up with so many wonderful ideas?"

Jiang Fan said: "The boy has no ambition in his life, but he likes to eat and drink, and naturally likes to study some for a long time, ordinary people, trying to eat enough and then eat better is a blessing."

The old man listened to him, but for a moment he fell silent.

Jiang Fan saw him for a long time in silence, thinking that he had said something wrong, and embarrassed to scratch his head: "Old gentleman?"

The old man returned to sigh: "Xiao Lang's words let the old husband a little more emotion, the rise and fall of the world, the people are bitter, as Xiao Lang said, eat and drink enough, peace and joy of the people is enough."

Jiang Fan arch hand: "Old man worry about the world, boy admire."

The old man said: "Only sigh this world, the war is everywhere, the sword and the people are in trouble, I do not know when the day can be as Xiao Lang said, eat and eat well."

Seeing the old man in a depressed mood, Jiang Fan naturally had nothing to comment on. "My son heard from Sister Pei that you are an old man with the stamp of the five countries and are running for the world, so I can only think about such a big thing as you, and my son can only think about catching two more fish a day."

The old man said: "Unfortunately, the old man ran all his life, but also failed to do so, the world's general trend, such as rolling rivers, the general trend is irreversible, non-human can return to the sky."

See Jiang Fan a blank face, dumbstruck with a smile: "Worth worth, the old husband to such an age has not been able to let go, and you Xiao Lang said these do much, as well as a good eat and drink."

Jiang Fan see Pei Yunjin at this moment has personally brought people presented with wine and vegetables, then Yan said: "If the ordinary boy is troubled, then drink a pot of liquor, the old man is better to taste this burning knife?"

The old man laughed: "Burning knife, this name is interesting, but Xiao Lang took it?"

Pei Yunjin took the wine pot out of the hot water and filled it for the old man: "Exactly, Xiao Lang said that this wine is made by secret method, the wine is rich in flavor, the mouth is spicy, the aftertaste is cold, it can be described as the entrance of fire, the knife blade scraped the throat, and took this name."

The old man is full of interest: "To be honest, the old husband is also a person who loves wine, hearing this wine for several months, the west and north are highly praised this wine, has long been salivating, and finally got a full mouth today." Miss Pei is also seated, and the old man is the one whom the old husband likes, so you should not be polite in front of the old husband."

Pei Yunjin sat down with a smile: "So, Yunjin unbridled." This wine is good, but if you can drink it, it is better to let Xiao Lang explain it clearly."

Jiang Fan said: "Old gentleman, this wine is suitable for a big drink, mouth round a week, then swallow, and then hold your breath for a moment, its own taste, you can try, boy respect you, please!"

Jiang Fan also filled a cup, and Pei Yunjin raised together.

"Yes, full drink!"

As Jiang Fan said, the old man drank the wine in the cup, and immediately the old man's face turned red, and after a moment, the old man breathed out. Exclaimed: "Good, good wine! As Xiao Lang said, the mouth is like a fire, the lower throat is like a steel knife, but the aftertaste is sweet and bitter, it is really the world's wine, the name of the burning knife is deserved, not worth this trip, not worth this trip."

Pei Yunjin said: "The old man eat some vegetables and wine, it is more delicious."

The old man looked at the dishes in front of him: "Is this the four dishes and one soup?"

"Exactly, the boy's imagination, hoping to get into the respectable mouth."

The old man picked up chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish into the mouth to chew some, not by the big is praised: "The taste is rich and delicious, even in the palace of the old husband has never eaten so delicious, extraordinary, really extraordinary."

"Eat more if it tastes good." Jiang Fan took the soup bowl and personally added a bowl of soup to the old man.

"Have some more soup. It won't hurt you to drink later."

The old man had a big appetite, and for a time did not care to speak, until the wine had passed the three rounds of food and five tastes, the old man only sighed with satisfaction: "Such wine and food, no wonder Linjiang Lou rose overnight, I am afraid that only Taibai House can be compared, Xiaolang is the reincarnation of the God of food?"