
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 5:ninth under heaven

He Cang County city west fifty miles there is a Linjiang pavilion, built by the river, only the bluestone base is up to ten feet, the building has nine stories, a radius of more than ten miles no other buildings, only this building stands tall.

Climbing to the north, you can see Mangshan peaks, to the south considerable river flowing east, meteoric. Therefore, its own literati and elegant people linger, Jianghu high rollers drink and sing, it is the most famous restaurant in Canglan River eight thousand li.

On the eighth floor of Linjiang Pavilion, a beautiful woman in Jinyi Palace is leaning against the window, leaning against the bar and supporting her, infinitely lazy. Beautiful beauty eyes flow waves, overlooking the river, like full of time.

"Miss, don't look at it, it's just a few days late, who has nothing to do at home, look at your eager appearance."

The maid in pink said with a laugh.

"Hey..." The beautiful woman in brocade sighed plaintively.

"This time it's not a few days, it's ten days, what a heartless man."

Powder-clad lady-in-waiting put down the tray in her hand and said with a smile: "I don't know if you think this is to love him, well, hurry up and use some pastries, have not eaten breakfast."

The beautiful woman in brocade did not look, but just looked at the maid and said: "Xiao He, do you think he has something wrong?"

Powder-clad maid pretending to think: "This can not be said, heard these days a group of bandits rampage, Xiao Lang can not meet."

The beautiful woman looked scorched: "Oh, indeed, how can this be good..." She suddenly seemed to think of something: "Aren't those violent bandits targeting young women?" I think Lang will be all right."

The maid in pink said, "This gang is really vicious, and I do not know why, all the young women who are more than 20 years old in this area kill one another, causing people to panic." But don't worry, Xiao Lang is not a girl, it will be fine."

The beautiful woman in brocade rubbed her brow: "That's good, but you say how he still doesn't come."

Pink dress maid said: "I don't know ah, well, Lang is probably something delayed, the difference between today and tomorrow will arrive, miss ah, or eat something quickly, are hungry thin."

Jinyi beauty woman helpless prop up the body, picked up a piece of sour jujube cake but put down: "How about today?"

"Well, all seven floors below are occupied, and only nine floors remain vacant."

The beautiful woman nodded: "So it is good, nine layers do not have to open easily, everything according to what Xiao Lang said."

"I know, I know, Lang is right about everything, okay?"

The beautiful woman in the golden dress held out a slender white finger like spring onion on the maid's forehead and angrily said, "You girl, you are more and more disorderly." Even I dare to laugh."

Pink dress maid spit out tongue: "How dare I, Xiao He this is not the truth."

Jinyi beauty woman hand lift, poured a glass of wine: "Xiao Lang is indeed a genius, you know why I Linjiang Pavilion half a year among the ninth in the world, see the distance from eight we are a step away?"

The maid in pink jumped over and said, "Of course I know, miss, you've said it a hundred times." I rely on four dishes, one soup and one pot of wine."

Jin Yi Mei woman said, "These four dishes, one soup and one pot of wine can be written by Xiao Lang, and how to manage them is also Xiao Lang's guidance, and they all say that the gentleman is far away from the kitchen, but how can you say that there are such interesting young Lang in this world?"

The maid in pink said, "Xiao Lang said, we are not far away from the eight, with Xiao Lang's guidance, maybe at the end of the year, we can be shortlisted."

Jinyi Mei women: "Eight restaurants in the world, each has an extraordinary, my heart ah, really some uneasy."

Pink dress maid said: "Worry about what, we can have Canglan River fishing lang."

The beautiful woman in splendid clothes smiled like a hundred flowers blossoming.

"That day there was also a fisherman on the Longjiang River in Taibai House on the first floor."

The girl in pink said, "Yes, Taibai House has always been the first restaurant in the world, it has a long reputation, and a few years ago, it suddenly launched a poem and a table, which is widely known."

Jin Yi Mei woman: "You ah, know the origin of this matter?"

Pink girl said: "Of course you know, Taibai house was not originally called Taibai House, according to legend, one day on the Longjiang River a boat came, the fishing lang boarded the building, even eleven dishes, greatly dissatisfied, then gave a poem a table, the big club was shocked, but I do not know why the young man must be hundreds of years old name changed to Taibai House."

The beautiful woman nodded and smiled: "Yes, by the young Yu Lang gift, the name of Taibai House soon spread all over the world, a table 9981 dishes, are a delicacy, a poem is read in the world, literati Wu Fu do not want it." So, it's not that easy to get into the top eight."

Pink dress maid is full of spirit: "But Taibai house has no wine ah, our burning knife can be called the best wine, in fact, to see the lotus, we Linjiang pavilion and Taibai house is only a poem."

The beautiful woman smiled and said, "You, you have more heart than I do." You know, since the big week, although the world style of writing is flourishing, but that poem is written in wine and wind, I am afraid that the world will be difficult to match."

The maid in pink suddenly blinked her eyes: "Miss, you said that this dish and poem are from the Longjiang fisherlang, are both fisherlang, is it the same fisherlang?"

The beautiful woman in brocade froze and smiled meaningfully: "I am afraid there is no such coincidence between the world, and there are two such fishermen at the same time?" Our little boy, who knows..."

Pink dress maid said: "I did not ask him, he is laughing, but also did not answer, angry people teeth itching."

Beautiful woman in brocade smiled: "silly girl, sometimes do not say is actually the answer."

Suddenly the maid in pink jumped up, pointed out of the window, and shouted, "There's a boat, miss, look! A boat!"

The beautiful woman in the beautiful dress was stunned, hurriedly got up and ran to the window, overlooking the railings.

I saw a leaf boat on the river leisurely from the west, dimly visible on board a man double OARS.

"It's Xiao Lang!" The beautiful woman in splendid clothes was very surprised: "It must be Xiao Lang."

"Alas! This guy is here, I'm going to get him!" The maid in pink immediately ran downstairs with her dress.

The little Dutch girl trotted all the way, knocked over two guys, and the diners were surprised. To know the lotus girl age although cardamom years, it is Linjiang pavilion two shopkeeper, but all the familiar customers who do not know, but today do not know what things so flurred.

Coinciding with a girl in Qingyi to come out, see it not by frowning eyebrow: "Xiao He, so reckless into what style!"

Powdery lady-in-waiting saw this, put out her tongue, but did not stop at the foot, only said: "Xiao Lang is coming."

The girl in green clothes was first stunned, and then lifted her dress, and even ran slower than the girl in pink clothes.

"Where is it? Wait for me..."

All the diners run to look at each other, Lotus girl has always been smart, lively and active, so it is not surprising, but this young girl as a big shopkeeper, but famous and stable, did not want to actually like Lotus girl in general.

A leaf boat, just landed, Mayi boy did not get up, then heard the cheerful voice shouted: "Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang, come up soon!"

The young man looked up and grinned: "Green sister, Lotus sister."

"Why has it taken so long this time? My lady is very anxious." Little lotus a hold the boy's wrist, then to drag.

"You slow down, Xiao Lang is still standing." The girl in the blue dress was angry.

"Yi?" Little lotus girl suddenly saw young waist actually tied with three gourds.

"Xiao Lang, what are you doing, gourd boy?"

The boy is Jiang Fan, laughing, patting the gourd on his waist: "With good things, you still remember the story of the gourd baby."

The little Dutch girl's eyes glowed: "Is it not good wine?" As he spoke, he reached out his hand to grasp.

Jiang Fan gently patted off her small hand: "Can't move, this thing is broken when opened."

The little Dutch girl skimmed her lips: "Cut, stingy."

Qingyi girl said: "OK, OK, Xiao He don't make trouble, go in quickly, Xiao Lang all the way hard, first go up to see the club."

Jiang Fan in the eyes of others strange, was pulled by two girls straight up the ninth floor.

'How strange! A diner put down his chopsticks: "Aren't these eight floors where the owner lives and does not entertain guests?" Who is this little gentleman who asks two storekeepers to welcome him to the eighth floor?"

"I guess it might be a brother of the master..." "Said a diner.

Only the old accountant, seeing this smile and silence, bowed his head to settle accounts.