
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 4:The Frog......child

"People from the poor, no... Huh?" The old priest's nose suddenly moved, a wave, the gourd somehow came to his hands, on the tip of the nose to sniff, the old priest's eyes shining, looking up is two big mouth.

'Good wine! The old monk's face turned red: "Never drank such a fine wine, mellow and strong, good, good." This wine is rare in the world, how did you get it?"

This big face is red, just like the extra-large baked pancake that just came out of the oven, Jiang Fan can not avoid abdominal criticism. But in the face of this enigmatic old Taoist priest can only accompany a smiling face: "Tao ye like it, the boy brewed his own."

"Brew your own? I didn't think I had that kind of ability."

"Of course, boys have skills... Wait, wait, leave me some..."


Jiang Fan a face of melancholy.

A gourd of wine, full catty half, words did not finish, has reached the bottom.

Really belong to the toad, sure enough, frog!

I can only talk about it.

This fat old man crossed the river with a reed, who knows what, but it must be very powerful. It's a different world, so be careful not to offend.

"Ahem..." The old man also felt a little embarrassed.

"Little brother's poem just now is good, but it seems that only half, why not complete it?"

"It's gone."

"Gone? How come it's gone? Clearly..."

Jiang Fan rolled his eyes, wine gourd turned upside down, a drop did not drip down.

"Well, it's gone."

Lao Tao grinned and scratched his head: "This wine is indeed wonderful, the poor way has broken the code, the infinite heavenly respect..."

Also boundless heavenly respect, Heavenly respect wine is really boundless ah...

"... Well, you can't drink little brother's wine for nothing, or do you have to teach yourself kung fu?"

"Don't learn." Jiang Fan is straightforward.

"Don't learn?" The old priest gasped: "You don't know the name of the poor?"

"Yes, you don't say, frog... My son."

The old man's face is black, and you have to read it separately.

"If you know the number of the poor way, you should know that the world is killing, I dare to call the second, no one dares to call the first!"

Jiang Fan a face of confusion: "I say, you here there is no other way to brag?"

"You... you ! Bastard! The infinite that heavenly father, the spirit of poverty also!"

"Hey, hey, don't be angry, don't be angry. Boy is just casually said, Dao master you can not be angry, gas hurt the body, I have a pot here, honor you."

Day machine hum a few times, in the end took the wine, while drinking: "poor road is still a few hands, learn no harm."

Jiang Fan shook his head like a rattle: "Don't learn, don't learn."

The old Taoist priest was curious: "If the world can be poor to teach but can not, why are you such a strange doll?"

Saying, carefully look at this young man, but the heart is not surprised, this Zi Qi machine seems to be hidden in the clouds, can not see. Under the curiosity of the old Taoist priest, he could not help but pinch the finger to calculate, but hidden see the mist transpiration, which seems to have thunder and lightning, can not introduce cause and effect.

Jiang Fan lazily leaned on the bow: "Chivalrous to break the ban, there are two quick will always want to show, will not provoke things."

"Eh?" As if hearing this theory for the first time, the celestial Machine could not help but feel interesting.

"The chivalrous use of force to break the ban is a wonderful saying that should come to light."

Jiang Fan stall hand: "Want to drink drink, find any excuse."

The old priest forbore the impulse to whip him on the spot and looked Jiang Fan up and down a few eyes: "Little brother is a wonderful person, the export is complete, the belly is beautiful, this heart is also interesting tight."

Jiang Fan swing big disapproved: "Tao ye, fishing wine is really interesting."

The fat priest stroked his beard and said, "Look at your young age, how are you so detached from things, young people are heroic and lofty, should not be so."

Jiang Fan said: "People have different aspirations, the boy's life is a leaf boat, a pot of wine is enough, flat light is true."

The old Taoist monk actually showed a thoughtful color: "A leaf boat, a pot of wine, flat light is true..." Little brother's words are quite in line with my Taoist quiet and do nothing, and I never thought that today's northwest line would meet such a young man as you."

He suddenly looked up and drank it up, laughing: "Well, it can't be drunk for nothing." View little brother God full of vitality, but know how to practice Qi?"

Jiang Fan casually said: "With a hometown... The old man learned a little, that is, to keep fit."

The old priest said, "That's good."

Between the words, the swing of the dust, suddenly all the fields are silent, the earth and the earth seem to be instantly stationary, the river stops flowing, a water flower hanging in the air, the reed stops, a heron for the flutter of wings to fly. Jiang Fan has never seen such a scene, suddenly big strange.

In a moment, an inexplicable white light rose from the river, like a white rainbow through the sun, pouring into a small gourd.

The old Taoist priest bent to point a shot, the gourd slowly flew back to the arms of Jiang Fan. And everything went back to normal.

"In the future, when you are in distress, you can open this gourd to lock the enemy with your qi engine and save your life."

Jiang Fan looked straight.

Seeing him so, the old Taoist priest was proud in his heart and brushed his beard and said, "How about it, so as not to lose you."

Jiang Fan froze to hold the gourd, for a long time left his mouth: "How can this still hold the wine..."

The old priest is guilty of Meng, with a poor way to save life can not change you a pot of wine?

"Boy, don't you think you're a poor man. Watch this."

Then, a wave of dust, I saw a huge wave suddenly rise above the river, and then rushed to the heart of the river like a great reef, with a loud bang, the reef was actually smashed.

I fucking am!

The reef is ten feet high, okay, Jiang Fan, open your mouth, this is okay?

The old priest smiled proudly: "How, know that the words of the poor are not empty?"

But saw the young man stay for a moment, suddenly picked up the first wine gourd, carefully handed it to: "You, drink two POTS..."

The dust fell to the boat with a splat, and the old monk pointed at him, tongue-tied.

After a moment, the old priest snorted and threw the gourd to Jiang Fan: "Boy, you can be satisfied."

Jiang Fan smiled and said, "Satisfied, satisfied, old Taoist priest, you are a good person, I saw early in the morning that you are a good person with rules, and you will not take my wine for nothing."

The old priest rolled his eyes and felt that he had not been so blocked for many years.

"So the poor man went away." Then he got up to go, afraid that staying with the boy for a while longer would hurt his moral sense.

"Wait, wait..." Jiang Fan hurriedly said hello.

The old priest wondered: "Boy, is there still wine to send to the poor?"

Jiang Fan is a little embarrassed, scratching his head, embarrassed in a moment, and actually touched a gourd.

"Is there wine? You're a naughty boy."

"No, it's not... You, you rode in my boat..."

"You... I..." The old scholar's heart is filled with death.

Jiang Fan saw him in silence and said carefully: "You see, you are a good person who speaks well..."

Wait for me here? The old Taoist priest only felt that the ghost was lost in his mind, and how he got into the thief's boat.


"Little bastard, remember to complete the poem!"

The sound on the river is dim, but no longer see the old Taoist figure.

Jiang Fan held three gourds and smirked for a moment.

I mean, I went from brother to boy to son to son, but it was worth it. As for his character in the old priest's mind...

What is character?