
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 12:The Wine Gourd Murder

Jiang Fan was surprised: "Hero, why is this, we are good people."

Black fat man laughed wildly: "Grandpa is not a good person." He pointed to his axe and said, "Boy, do you know what Grandpa is?"

Jiang Fan quickly bowed and said, "I don't know, but you must all be men of rivers and lakes, you want to take anything away, spare our family."

Black fat man sneer: "Boy, grandpa is a bandit, today is a murderer." Get ready to eat, drink, and die quickly."

White Xiaocui sword eyebrow a pick, just want to speak, but see Jiang fan like leg tendon, a buttock sitting on the ground: "good man spare life, good man spare life ah..."

The bandits laughed and said, "Boy, piss your pants, grandpa has killed more than 20 people today, all like you." However, Grandpa can consider that the food and wine arrangements will spare your life, but your mother, TSK TSK..."

White small Cui turned to look at him, there was anger between the eyes: "Get up, the man died and died, don't be a disgrace!"

Bald is a little surprised, looked up at the woman, saw her come forward to pull up the slumped teenager: "It is me to kill, you are afraid!"

"But, lady... I..."

"Me what me! She turned her back to several people, but her voice was very calm: "If you are a bandit, you do not seek money outside, why do you set the key life."

The black fat man weighed the axe: "Yo? You ugly bitch got a lot of guts. Grandpa can do whatever he wants, and it's a nice day, so Grandpa wants to kill some people and have fun."

The rest of the people burst into laughter and said, "If you want money, you will have to die."

The woman held Jiang Fan, this small lang timid as a mouse, has already let his eyes have contempt, but still to Jiang Fan patted the soil on the body: "Just a few said that you can spare his life, word?"

Bald man looked at the two people with interest: "Grandpa walking rivers and lakes, of course, his word is true, he put the food on the table, today spare his life, but you..." But no!"

"Yes, after I finish cooking for my husband, say goodbye, may I?"

The bald head knocked the trident in his hand: "You this woman is a courageous, unlike the ordinary fisherman's mother, you are really a person here?"

Jiang Fan said with a sad face: "Yes, grandfather hero, she married me when I was nine years old, we can always be a quiet family..."

At this time, the old guy ran out of the house crying, holding a pamphlet high in his hand: "Gentlemen, we are a family with household registration, and we have never sinned against several grandpa..."

Jiang Fan is a leng, when did it happen, where did this household registration come from? I have no good or bad.

> The black fat man kicked him down, reached out and picked up the pamphlet, opened it and looked at it, and said to the bald man: "Indeed."

Bald head slightly nodded, black fat man then sneered: "Less nonsense, to prepare meals, grandpa eat happy naturally consider spare you, otherwise..." " He smiled grimly and said, "Today Grandpa has chopped twelve under the axe, not worse than you three dead souls."

Jiang Fan shivered and said, "Gentlemen, there is still some good wine at home, and this will be presented to several people, hoping to spare our lives."

"He said, rolling and crawling into the house. The old guy quickly got up and pulled white Xiaocui to boil water and cook.

The black fat man snorted and sat down next to the bald head: "Big brother, it is not a way to kill so randomly every day, what do you want to help the old man?"

Bald head eyes bleak, "Don't ask so much, know more die quickly, we just know to follow orders is."

Black fat man said: "But if this goes on sooner or later it will be a trouble, and now I hear that the governor of Cang has sent two thousand officers and men to search for us along the river bank in two ways, once encountered can not be good."

Bald man impatiently said, "I don't know how, but if you and I don't obey orders, I'm afraid neither of us will survive today." At this point, we have to take things one step at a time."

Black fat man full of unwillingness to sigh a sound, a big axe will break next to the pier.

While the two were talking, they saw the young man running out with a gourd in his arms, his face flattering: "Gentlemen, here comes the wine, here comes the wine."

"Who is enough for such a gourd? How dare you amuse grandpa?" Black fat man is very dissatisfied.

"My family is so much, in fact..." He suddenly smiled: "That's enough, this is good wine, very strong, enough for everyone."

Black fat impatiently said: "poor family broken hospital, can have what good wine, forget it, quickly pour on."

"Yes, yes, yes, a few good men to drink more, after drinking good road."

Black fat man listened awkwardly and scolded: "Fart! I'll fucking let you go."

The teenager was busy nodding and bowing: "Yes, yes, the boy can't talk, should say..." Drink and die."

Black fat man flew into a rage and was about to open his mouth to speak when he saw the young man pull the plug with a strange smile on his face.

In a moment, a dazzling white light from the mouth of the gourd lit up, from the mouth of the gourd suddenly burst out a hundred rays of light, the whole yard in a blink of an eye silver snake scurdled.

Before a dozen people had time to react, they became a ground of shredded meat.

The small courtyard suddenly became a field of cultivation.

Change steep, there is preparing food white small Cui and the old guy are stuck. The young man who had just nodded and bowed and shrank was now standing among the flesh and blood on the ground, calm and indifferent.

"Kill... Killed them all?" The old guy dropped the kitchen knife, ran over two or three steps, saw this tragic scene, and two retching sounds in his throat: "My God, this... How can this be..."

Jiang Fan slowly put the lid on the gourd, some regret: "such a waste of a gourd, ah..."

White Xiaocui came over, there was no discomfort to this scene, but his face was surprised: "What happened to this gourd?"

Jiang Fan grinned: "An old Taoist priest drank my wine and gave it to me as a compensation, but it was quite useful."

"It doesn't work! This has caused a big problem, quickly think about how to fix it!" The old man shouted angrily.

"Oh..." Jiang Fan lazily said: "Run away, what can be done, anyway, we are also home, everywhere."

"Nonsense! We've only been living here for less than a year, you bloody little bastard, Grandpa, I've been running away with you every day for several lifetimes!"

White little Cui around to see two people, are not normal, an old small no normal killing after the kind of reaction, even here bickering. Is it always like this in my house?

She quickly made up her mind that she would have to ask in the future, and it was not good to forget what kind of family she was in after losing her memory.