
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 13:Run Away, Lad

"What if I don't run? These guys don't look good, and I'm afraid they're not the only ones. No matter how clean we are, sooner or later it's gonna blow. I've been here for a year anyway, so I'd better go somewhere else and never leave..." He looked a little strange muttering: "I am afraid you are going to be out of feelings, not good..."

The old guy pointed at him, suddenly looked a collapse, sighed: "I really do not know what your boy is in the end, so cool and thin, worth mentioning, pack up, go."

White Xiaocui do not know when to light a torch: "Pack what, pour wine, burn!"

What? Jiang Fan big eyes, can ah, actually is a cruel case.

The old guy sighs: "Well, really is not a family does not enter a house, God does not deceive me."

While speaking, suddenly a loud cry came from the sky, but an eagle, from the tree tops outside the small yard, quickly disappeared into the sky.

'Not good! The old man's face changed: "It is the eagle, negligent!"

Jiang Fan also frowned: "This is completely exposed, can not delay, must go at once!"

The flames burst into the sky, and huts and courtyards were quickly reduced to ashes in the flames.

"What a pity... " "Sighed the old fellow.

"What, a cottage?" Jiang Fan is actually a little sorry.

The old guy shook his head: "No, the hind mountain Zhang hunter hit a deer, roast the deer leg, stew the deer whip, about to drink with me, can't go..."

Jiang Fan:...

"The old rules." The old guy took over two horses: "The boat target is too obvious, it is not easy to avoid, these horses are good, you ride it, convenient, but also can run faster." Grey Wolf, follow me. You name a place to meet me."

White Xiaocui a leng: "You don't go with us?"

Jiang Fan said: "Don't worry about him, which time is, if there is something, he will run separately with me, saying that it is a big chance to run separately, in fact, is afraid of being implicated."

The old guy scratched his head and laughed: "No, a piece of action is easy to be a pot, it is good to separate, no matter which side of the accident, at least someone can try to save."

Jiang Fan curled his mouth: "Come on, believe you a ghost, bad old man is very bad." Ok, let's go ahead and meet you at Qingyun Mountain."

"Qingyun Mountain?" The old guy froze: "Where are you going?"

Jiang Fan said, "I haven't been anywhere for such a long time. I should go and have a look."

The old man looked at him thoughtfully.

Jiang Fan did not say anything more, but turned his head to white Xiaocui: "This is not far away from Qingyun Mountain, you have to work harder..."

White Xiaocui did not look at him, just looked directly at the horse, and said: "Marry chicken with chicken, marry dog with dog, go is..." But can I ride?"

This question let Jiang Fan leng down, indeed, not very good answer, he also do not know will ah, said wrong how round?

But the next thing he knows, he's overthinking it.

The woman directly turned on the horse, holding the REINS only slightly let the horse walk two steps, suddenly accelerated, threw the horse out hundreds of meters, and turned back in a beautiful turn, reined in the REINS, the horse man stood up, heroic.

"Oh... I can do that, too, since I always run away, I should be able to..."

Jiang Fan, old guy:...

An hour later, outside the little embers, more than twenty knights surrounded the place.

A woman with a pair of half-moon curved knives crossed behind her back and dozens of braids on her head rode to a female knight in black tights to report.

"Miss, it has been confirmed that the original residents of this place are one old and one young, and recently a woman has been added out of thin air, and the woman is said to have a red birthmark on her face, which is very ugly, and only her body shape and body shape are similar to the portrait!"

Black tights woman look cold said: "Whether it is with or without, kill us so many good hands, the enemy has been settled, kill it, notify all hands, find out where to hunt, once found immediately start, do not live!"

"This time it was just an accident, why do you always run away?"

White small Cui eyes cold, looking at is playing campfire Jiang fan asked.

This question is really not good to answer, Jiang Fan turned over the rabbit, mused for a moment, suddenly looked at the white Xiaocui some guilty and said: "You are not my mother, I picked up the drowning person by the river, the old man nonsense." So, you can always leave."

The woman did not budge: "I know."

"Do you know? Jiang Fan froze.

The woman calmly said, "Although I have lost my memory, I am not an idiot."

This time it was Jiang Fan's turn to wonder: "Then why don't you ask, but also cooperate with us in acting?"

The woman said, "I don't know where it came from. I have nowhere to go."

"It's that simple?"

The woman looked at him: "Things in the world, originally simple."

Jiang Fan stayed, the woman spoke actually very reasonable. Things in the world are really simple, but people think complicated.

"And what are you going to do next?"

"Accident together, run away together."

Jiang Fan said, "Follow me for fear of being involved..."

The woman replied, "When you came back from the Linjiang Pavilion, you mentioned that bandits had killed young women along the river, so you may not have brought me into trouble."

Jiang Fan is not impressed by the big, the woman's thinking is clear, dealing with the problem is simple and direct, really do not know what kind of character before.

"So we'll run away together. But..." He scratched his head. "What shall I call you?"

The woman looked at him with the same eyes as an idiot: "Ma 'am, Xiao Cui, which can't?"

Jiang Fan language jam, indeed, anyway, what also can not come, what can not be called?

"Well, in the future, if you remember who you are, you can leave."

The woman said, "Let's talk about the future."

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment and said, "Don't you want to ask me who I am?"

The woman said, "Now you don't care who I am, why should I care about you." Who we are to each other will matter."

Jiang Fan could not help but scratch his head, and the corners of his mouth began to smile: "Madam, have a meal, if nothing else, even in the wild, my craft is also an absolute."

The woman took a rabbit's leg and held out her other hand: "Wine."

Jiang Fan threw the gourd over: "Not much, save some drink."

The Pavilion of Linjiang.

"No good, no good! Little Dutch girl rushed into the room, see the brocade woman convenient way: "Miss! Something big has happened!"

Pei Yunjin holding a shower is tending to an orchid, look at her slightly frowning: "Xiao He ah, you are not small, always so hairy, and what is so loud."

'Alas! The little river girl stomped her feet: "That little Lang... Xiao Lang, he's in trouble!"

Pei Yunjin hands a meal, quickly put down the shower: "Xiao Lang what?"

Xiao He eagerly said: "Just someone came into the building to inquire about Xiao Lang, I saw the man with a vicious face and a knife at his waist, looking at it is not a good person, and casually dealt with that Xiao Lang just came to eat and sell fish." The man said that Xiao Lang had killed more than a dozen of their brothers and had fled, and told us not to hide it, otherwise the Linjiang Pavilion would be bloodied."