
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 11:The thing of bai Xiaocui kill chicken

"Boy, when did you sleep with someone? It is not a thing to squeeze with my old man every day."

The old man was half lying on the bed and kicked him in disgust.

"You, I tell you, don't blame me for causing trouble in the future, I'll send you out as a shield!" Jiang Fan said angrily.

The old guy picked his nose with disdain: "Boy, aren't you bold?" What, a woman scares you like this, and makes up an excuse that you are not able to have sex because you are developing, you little son of a bitch, you are only 16 years old this year, and according to what you said, you will have to rub my old man's bed board for two years?"

Jiang Fan said, "Do you think I am willing?" It's dirty and stinky, and tomorrow I'm gonna build another room. I warn you, you'd better think about what happens when they remember who they are."

"What should I do?" The old guy didn't care: "Cold sauce! Don't pretend, boy, you didn't find out?"

He smiled with a wretched smile: "The red spots on the face of that girl go down, but a big beauty, the old man I have lived for more than a hundred years and never seen such a beautiful female child, cheap you boy, still have the courage to be poor with me?" In the future, I will tell you, thank me too late. Even if the girl shouts and kills, I will run faster than you, so please be blessed."

"I thank you, a ghost, people say less than I am seven or eight years older, it is not reliable! Old man, sometimes I wonder, what was it about your childhood that made you so shameless? Have you been trafficked or bullied?"

"Go away! It's true I abducted you. Go to sleep! Tomorrow, I want to clean up your hairy dog, and tear my shoes to shreds, just like you, not a good thing..."


If you don't look at the face, white Xiaocui really gave Jiang Fan amazing.

Put on a well-fitting white dress, although it is still ordinary coarse cloth, but the tall and graceful figure is very conspicuous, especially she with a certain noble cold and proud temperament, so that Jiang Fan quite a little sense of self-shame.

The problem is, what she's doing is not so detached.

White Xiaocui is killing chickens.

The unlucky chicken had been chased three times by him, and the chickens were flying and dogs were jumping, and the scene was once very chaotic. Jiang Fan looked at her several times as if she wanted to sacrifice the kitchen knife in her hand, and her eyes trembled.

After a long time to grab the hand, a knife cut the throat, the chicken is not dead, the yard is full of feathers and blood everywhere.

The woman's sword eyebrows raised, as if angry from the heart, readily copy a three-meter-long stick, up is a force to split Huashan, stick broken basin broken, chicken did not hit.

Looking at the eyes and aimed at the spade, Jiang Fan quickly threw down the work in his hands: "Xiao Cui ah, you still go to wash clothes first, this I come, I come..."

White Xiaocui two eyes stared at the chicken, mouth side said: "What do you mean?" Can't I kill the beast?"

"No, no, no, no." Jiang Fan quickly waved his hand: "This work is dirty, your new clothes, or I will do it."

This seems to say to the bottom of the woman's heart, looked at his white cloth, um, before leaving, do not forget to give the half-dead chicken a murderous look.

Jiang Fan just beat the chest chanting Buddha.

The old guy was swaying on the recliner, drinking a little wine, seeing Jiang Fan that way could not help but joke: "Boy, you can, a small age will hurt his wife."

Jiang Fan white him at a glance, sympathetically look at the chicken that is still dying, the heart said you do not know what evil you have made in your previous life, and even die in this life. With a snap of the fingers, the shaggy dog gray too Wolf will rub up, only one will finish the chicken.

Just then it was terrified, the broken half of the stick did not give it to the smashing, squealing into the pile of firewood shivering, see the woman into the room, only scared to drill out.

"The dog is awake, but looks a little ugly." The pie is not in tune, crying, like a Wolf, it is worthy of you to take this name, "the old guy drank wine.

"No tune is better than you, Huri eight to let you recruit a red Wolf."

Jiang Fan handling chicken hemp.

"What is this red Wolf?" The old man was interested. The stuff that comes out of this kid's mouth is always something, mostly funny.

"It means the queen, a strong woman, bother you, boil the water, and then pluck the hair."

'The Queen? Oh, that's interesting. You really have that look."

There was an unmatched exchange of words. Suddenly, the gray Wolf, who was licking chicken blood on the ground, jerked up, stared into the distance, and made a whine sound.

Jiang Fan immediately stopped his work. He knew the Grey Wolf trick, and there must be something dangerous approaching.

The old man also got down from the deck chair, and before he could say anything, he saw a group of people running along the river.

"Not officers and soldiers." The old man looked and said.

"Is to our side, go in and tell Xiao Cui not to come out."

As soon as the old man entered, a line of dozens of horses rushed to the little courtyard gate like a whirlwind, and the knight strangled the horse and gave a sound.

These guys have tough faces, different weapons, all kinds of things, but they're all real knives.

At the head was a bald man with one eye and a sharp trident in his hand.

The man sat high on his horse, looked around the courtyard, and finally fixed his eyes on Jiang Fan.

"Boy, come here!"

"What is your order, dear Master?" Jiang Fan knew that the wooden fence would not be able to stop others, and he would push the door and come out.

"Have you seen any strange young women lately?"

Jiang Fan quickly shook his head: "Good man, the boy lives here fishing for a living, only the old man and my daughter-in-law in the family, the others have not seen for a long time, who came to this wild mountains to do what."

'Dismount! Bald head said: "Boy, grandpa is hungry, go to prepare food."

"All right, all right, please in the yard, I just killed the chicken here, let's stew it for the heroes." The teenager accompanied the invitation with a smile.

"Ha-ha-ha, boy, very clever." Bald head laughed and led someone into the yard. "Let your wife out."

"This... The women are not very nice..."

"Bullshit! Bald head a riding crop on the shoulder of Jiang Fan.

"Do as you are told. Hurry up if you don't want to die."

Jiang Fan had no choice but to rub his shoulders and shout inside: "Xiao Cui, hurry out to burn some water for you grandpa."

White Xiaocui walked out of the house, a few people is a light.

Although it is Jing hairpin cloth skirt, the woman in front of her is tall, long hair like a waterfall, like a beauty.

But white small Cui just took a few steps, the leader will frown. Pointing to white Xiaocui said: "Your wife?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "It is, my daughter-in-law white Xiaocui."

"Bad luck! I thought she was a pretty woman, but the poor are ugly." A fat black man with a hatchet spat.

Jiang Fan accompanied with a smile: "There is no way, fishing for a living, but any girl with better conditions can not marry me."

Black fat man turned to look bald: "Boss, this is definitely not."

Bald head but a little cold eyes: "Kill, would rather kill ten thousand wrong."