
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 10:What Is It for

Pei Yunjin and persuade some, see his heart has been set, although unclear so, but also helpless.

"By the way, Chancellor Zhang left something for you."

He got up and took a yellow wooden box from the shelf.

"For me?" Jiang Fan curious to open a look, I saw in the wooden box was actually a brush a inkstone.

Blue and yellow pen, white and flawless inkstone.

"Spring and Autumn brush, black and white inkstone?" Jiang Fan snacks a surprise.

These two are the signs of the prime minister of the five countries, and they are the greatest treasure in the minds of scholars all over the world, even if Jinshan and Yinshan can not be changed.

"This is Zhang's favorite thing, why give it to me?"

Pei Yunjin said with envy: "Zhang said, this time to retire, get a word of small Lang, more than willing to be enough, these two things will be left to small Lang as a memorial, is a gift of small Lang feelings."

Jiang Fan took in the hand to play, for a moment, two eyes thief Xi Xi looked at Pei Yunjin: "Sister, these two things are very valuable..."

... Pei Yunjin speechless, you do not regard money as dirt?

Jiang Fan smiled and said, "I am still very greedy for money, mainly because I really can't use it, otherwise my younger brother will let my sister know what is the first wealth fan in ancient and modern times."

I heard you make it up!

Pei Yunjin rolled his eyes, but beauty is beauty, and a roll of eyes is also charming.

"You can fool around, this is just a piece of bamboo." This inkstone is only white stone carving, but the material is ordinary, but because of the extraordinary people used, so in the eyes of the world this is a real treasure, a good collection of it. If anyone knew that you wanted to exchange spring and autumn pens and black and white inkstones for money, I am afraid that saliva could wash your little broken boat over."

"Oh... Well, I thought it was really made of some rare treasure..." Jiang Fan could not help but curl his mouth, disappointed.

Jiang Fan's interest waned, played a few times and asked: "Sister, this inkstone is white and flawless, why is it called black and white inkstone?" And this spring and autumn brush, how did you get the name?"

Bae Yunjin said, "You don't even know that? Sometimes I don't know if you're a pedant or you don't know anything. The Spring and Autumn brush, originally made by a section of bamboo on the Qianhuangling mountain of Taihuashan, has been used for a long time, half green and half yellow, people cloud implies the meaning of spring and Autumn, and the prime Minister adults write the spring and Autumn brush, so it is called the Spring and Autumn brush. The black and white inkstone is a piece of white stone that Zhang Master picked up under the Kunlun Mountains, but after studying the ink, it is said that Zhang Zhifu's life is open and upright, right and wrong, just like this white inkstone black ink, black and white, so it is called black and white inkstone."

"So, it's not the two things themselves that are special, but the person who gives them value."

After playing with it for a while, Jiang Fan put the inkstone into the box and pushed it to Pei Yunjin: "Sister Pei, it is not convenient for me to carry this thing, so I can put it here with you."

Pei Yunjin is also a blank: "You stupid? Something so precious is left here with me?"

Jiang Fan does not care to shake his head: "With very heavy, I have no place to put." Anyway, I also have no knowledge, more lazy to read and write, what is the use of keeping? Someday, if my sister likes a romantic scholar, she can give him a gift."

Pei Yunjin slapped him on the forehead: "Nonsense! Do you just give away Zhang's treasures? The old gentleman is very special to you, this thing is very heritage, you dare not dare to give me."

Jiang Fan said: "Anyway, I don't care, there are a lot of goods to take it, sister don't help me save it, my broken hut can not afford this literary treasures, the old man is really, net to me a problem, this thing gave me what is called?" Errrm... Yes, the pearls are shining."

Pei Yunjin stroked the forehead speechless, the younger brother's lazy temper is rare, how not like a sixteen or seventeen year old young man. This is Zhang Zhifu's spring and autumn pen, black and white inkstone ah, for anyone is a dream can not get things, he is so indifferent to push 25, 56, it seems very dislike.

"What are you... Hey! My sister doesn't know what to say about you."

"Then stop talking, the noodles... Can I have another bowl?"


"Xiao Lang is such a strange person..." Pei Yunjin leaned against the window and resumed her lazy appearance.

"Who says it is not, it is a gift from Zhang, who is famous all over the world, and he turned it upside down and abandoned it as if I were in my shoes." Little Dutch girl also wondered.

"They are all strange people, and how is it that Xiao Lang gave that one word? I don't think even heaven can do it. It's really hard for him to have such an understanding of life at his young age, like..."

"Like an old man." Xiao He said.

Pei Yunjin said: "If you have not experienced the stormy waves, if you have countless years of life experience, how can you do such poems, but he is clearly just a young man."

Xiaoqing's face has always been cold, but also some wonder: "Perhaps the fisherman on the Longjiang River is also him, or how can you write at a young age that you do not see the water of the Longjiang River sky that heroic and free and easy verses."

"One side is free and easy, one side is indifferent to vicissitudes of life, and one side is happy young, which one is really Xiao Lang?"

All three were somewhat silent. For a long time, Xiaoqing took the lead: "Small Lang Qi people act, unpredictable, but for us, a Linjiang fairy came out, Linjiang Pavilion promotion eight people are just around the corner, miss, we should make some preparations."

Pei Yunjin nodded, but his eyes were looking out the window at the river gushing, and his eyes were a little obsessed.

... So what kind of person is he?


"Old man! I'm back! Come out and give me a hand..."

Jiang Fan shouted in the direction of the hut as he unloaded.

"Ow ow ow! First came the shaggy dog. Wagging his tail, happily ran to Jiang Fan side, with his head constantly rubbing his pants.

"Ha ha, gray Wolf, or you clever, is this cry always run away ah." Jiang Fan kneaded the dog's head, but the dog was not barking barking, but barking barking as always.

A moment later, a tall woman in sackcloth came out of the hut.

"You're back, have you bought everything?"

"... Ah, mother, mother... I've bought you two more suits."

Call maiden Gugu strange, Jiang Fan these days did not smooth mouth.

I don't know why, every time I call her mother will think of her first wake up, phoenix eyes containing fury, looking at the momentum of the eight sides.

This woman must have a special background, which day the eight achievements of the miserable... You're an old man. You're full of shit. You wait. No one's gonna get away anyway.

"What a fool! Move the things, Grandpa is going up the hill, just you and me."

"Oh, oh..."

This woman, despite her amnesia, still speaks in a crisp, irrefutable manner. Jiang Fan estimate may be used to give orders.

It took quite a while before things were sorted out.

"Rice, flour, grain and oil condiments, clothes and fishing gear are all together, as many." Jiang Fan hands and fingers to calculate said.

White Xiaocui said: "Dinner I want to eat fish head bubble cake, you do."