
Yu-Gi-Oh System in One Piece

MagicParadise · Anime & Comics
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Heya, I am glad so many people like the story, be sure to have some popcorn ready.

Anyway, here is info dump 2, mostly about the system and not Yu-Gi-Oh itself. No spoilers will be made here so feel free to read first.

So the monster cards, to start it off. If you have read already, you will realise that some cards got Nerfed like crazy, while others are better than before. This is all because of the simple fact that the game and the world are not the same. I will try my best to keep the cards core effects and functions as similar as possible, but I can't just make it over powered.

Summons, aka Monster Cards.

Monster cards from lv 1 to 4 can be summoned and put back into the deck whenever as long a card does not have specific conditions written on it. This stops once a card goes beyond level 5. For it requires Tributes to summon it, once it is summoned, the tributes monster is considered dead and is in the graveyard.

What does this mean? simple, it means that if you want to take the summoned monster back into a card form, you will have to tribute another monster if you want to summon it again. This is to make it so that he can't just abuse it. Same goes for cards from the extra deck.

Next up ATK and DEF, I had to think about these two quite a bit and decided to make attack and DEF the abilities of the said monster card, whichever is higher will count as its body strength. Here is an Example.

Gogogo Giant has 2000 ATK and 0 DEF.

This means it's body's strength is at 2000 and is very strong when attacking, but I can't defend for shit. See it from a games point of few, The DEF is the armor of the card, without any armor it will take true damage, no matter how high the HP, it will still take true damage.

So you can count the highest Number as the 'HP/Body Strength' and whether it is ATK or DEF, it depends on how much damage it can deal or how much it can negate.

Spell cards, Spell cards can not on influence the monster cards, but the world and its inhabitants itself. For example and equip spell card that that Grant's 500 ATK, like a pendant, it can be used by the worlds inhabitants and it will strengthen their body and they attacking capabilities, other equip spells that come in the form of swords, guns and other armaments will have different effects depending on what it is. All will be explained later.

Field spells will influence the world for a limited amount of time, am still debating on having it for 10 days or a month for its effect to stay. I don't think it should be permanent unless a card specifies otherwise.

Trap cards are the same as spells, they influence the world, a good example is Mirror Force, it will be heavily nerfed as it will otherwise straight up kill all attackers and we don't want that. There are many other cards with unique effects that I will have to think about once I get them from the draw.

Oh btw if anyone is interested as how I do the drawing of the cards, here is the link xd


Random draw for stand alone cards and booster packs for the packs.

As I said before, it is not completely random, but I try to make it as random as I can, to make it more interesting for myself. If anyone has ideas for cards i can use, please do say it. there are too many cards and i can't remember all of them.

Do remember that it goes until XYZ, as for synchro monsters, i am not sure, still thinking if i should add them.

So anything after XYZ will not be added. Such as pendulum and other mechanics that may have been out now.