
Yu-Gi-Oh System in One Piece

MagicParadise · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs


Hello Guys, this is not a chapter, but contains information about YuGiOh itself, just some basic knowledge to understand it better, I recommend reading it if you have not played yugioh at all or very little, since it explains the mechanics of some cards.

First off all, I am doing this for my personal enjoyment and as a hobby, so I will write when I have the time to, i have to still make a living outside the web.

Let's get right to it.

Yu-Gi-Oh is a card game, if you are not aware of it, do some simple searching of it on the web. In this novel, there will be at these cards available.

Normal Monster Cards

Effect Monster Cards

Fusion Monster Cards

Ritual Monster Cards

XYZ-Monster Cards

Spell Cards(and variants, ritual spells, quick spells, continuous spells, field spells and etc)

Trap Cards (and variants)

The reason I don't want to include Pendulum a d whatever came afterwards is because I stopped playing less after pendulum and when the new mechanic was introduced later, i stopped playing, the game was just not the same as it was before. It became harder to understand than League of Legends and Dota combined.

Not to mention that you need to know all relevant cards effects and there were just too many new cards to keep up with as a working man.

Before we go to explain the cards; the game mechanics that will be relevant to the story and not the game, obviously the game is different, for example you can draw 1 card every turn and normal summon 1 monster every turn unless a card specifies otherwise, so we will not include all game rules.

Let's start:

-Every monster card has a level.

Lv 1/4: they can be summoned to the field during the normal summon

Lv 5/6: Need to tribute 1 monster card to summon it

Lv 7+: Requires to tribute 2 monsters unless specified otherwise(Like the 3 Egyptian god cards that require 3 tributes.)

-Spell cards can be used whenever and where ever, unlike the game, where normal spell cards are useless during opponents turn, here, it does not matter as long the spell cards has no specific conditions. (Yea you will hear that a lot, many cards need conditions to be used xd)

-Trap cards, unlike spell cards, they need to be placed first. Now, depending on the trap cards; it can be used like a spell card, while some can't.

A good example for these 2 is the Spell card "A messenger of Peace." Where it restricts cards above 1500ATK to attack, so it will require to be used in spots, where strong enemies can't fight unless they destroy the card, each card will have it's real counterpart in the real world that can be destroyed. That simple. Same goes with trap cards, it all depends on the traps.

There are some cards that are simply over powered in the game, Like Harpies Feather duster, or Monster Reborn. There is no ban list, so everything can be drawn( I am doing a total random draw for each card; I might change the type it will be, but the card itself is random, so it will be more like, choose your own adventure for me to draw. XD.)

-Special Monsters, can be normal summoned like normal monsters, but each of them has an effect, for example Mystic Tomato, upon its destruction(death) it can summon a dark type monster under 1500ATK. Most of the cards are unique with their effects, though some similar, never the 'same'.

-Fusion Monster Cards are, well Fusion cards. They can't be normal summoned since they reside in the extra deck(in the game) so pretty much always they will be special summoned.

Depending on the card, you need to have 2 or more cards fuse into them, most if the time with the help of the spell card 'Polymorization'

For example, Elemental HERO Flamewingman(that's it's real name) who needs Elemental Hero Avian and Elemental Hero Burstinatrix(these names tho). There are many fusion monsters available and some are straight up broken, but I will have to prey those broken ones don't come, or the story might change the tags fk OP MC instead.

-Ritual Monster Cards

Unlike fusion Monsters, they don't reside in the extra deck. These cards are blue in color and need a ritual spell card for the specific monster, afterwards, when the ritual spell card is used, monsters need to be sacrificed based on their levels, until the combined levels sacrificed is equal or more than the ritual monsters( Some ritual cards require an EXACT amount of levels, while others don't, it is all written on the cards. Personally I think most ritual cards suck, except for Nekroz, who were ruling at one point and some stand alone ritual cards that are banned because of how broken they are/were.)

- XYZ Monster Cards

Just like fusion cards; these cards reside in the extra deck and can't be normal summoned, instead these cards require a specific condition or have to be special summoned from the extra deck by a card capable of doing it.

It's normal summoning condition is always written on the card; but it requires 2 or more(most of the time, idk there might be exceptions) monster cards of the same level, stacked up on each other.... in other words, sacrificed 2 monsters of the same level to summon a XYZ monster of the same level.

For example A level 4 XYZ Monster Card( A generic one that does not require specific types, attributes or archtypes) needs 2 (or more, depending on the card... there is a lot of reading in Yu-Gi-Oh...) as sacrifices to summon it, in return you cab active its special effect equal to the number of sacrificed monsters. To compensate, most of these monsters have great effects, tho limited in number. My personal favourite card type; so expect to see it more(am gonna be a bit biased here)

I don't know if I forgot anything, but if I did; I will probably explain anything during the novel; just not so in dept.

Now, some words before we start.

I know I did not Synchro monsters even though the came out before XYZ. The reason for that is simply because there will be too much for the casual reader that doesn't know yugioh much. Like, how you need a Tuner monster card, then a different monster card or more than 1 or a specific monster cards that requires their combined levels to be equal to the synchro monster(or more in some cases, idk, I might have forgotten some) then they get sacrificed for a synchro monster.

Who knows I might add them; Stardust Dragon was always one of my favourite cards.

Although I stated that the cards will be random, it obviously won't be 100% random. for example if I get a fusion monster card in the random draw, that needs Monster A and Monster B, I will OBVIOUSLY try to put those cards there, otherwise it will limit the story development. I want to have it a bit random, but still in control over its general directions.

An example would be go get a lv 4 monster card that is humanoid, or a lv 4 monster card that is a fish. Obviously each will have different uses, since; unlike the game, fishes can't fight outside water.

Not gonna lie, I am still figuring some things out, but I am really excited to start writing and stop explaining. so bear with me here. And if anyone has any suggestions; please say. If there is a specific card that you think would be great for the story, write it In the comments and I'll see if i can fit it somewhere.

Happy Reading!