
The Cellar


As Ricky pulled up to the house Stephanie felt her bladder nag at her. She really did have to go to the bathroom. Ricky smiled with his crinkled wax face and opened his door. Stephanie opened her own door. As she stepped out she felt her legs where slightly numb from sitting so long. She put her hands above her head in a stretch and yawned widely.

"Let's go on inside doll face. Need to get the things and leave. " Ricky said as he started for the house. Even though Stephanie had a little ball of worries and caution in her head she followed Ricky up to the front door of the house.

The outside of the house had a bland and faded Brown colour. The front door had a knocker with the face of a lion on it. It's teeth where bared and Stephanie also noticed that behind the house was a field. It looked so abandoned, like even bug didn't dare go there. Ricky Pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the door with a twist of the key. Stephanie saw that the house had an okay interior. The furniture was nice mostly brown or black leather, Stephanie suspected it was fake. The walls where white with pictures of girls her age maybe a little older.

" You have daughters. How old are they?" Stephanie said casually. She began to assess the other aspects of the house.

" There sixteen, seventeen and twenty. Sadly when they went on a road trip with there mother... They never made it back. " Ricky said turning his face away. Stephanie gasped a little and put her fingertips on her mouth.

" Oh, Ricky I'm sorry I didn't know." She said patting his back a little. Ricky turned back round a look of sadness and glory on his face. This confused Stephanie. He was talking about his dead wife and kids yet his eyes where wild with a glory.

She brushed it off.

" It's fine. The bathroom is down the hall way. I'll be waiting outside." He said a little skip in his voice. Stephanie nodded slightly and walked down the hallway looking at the pictures. They had a weird way to them. Like they where strange in a way that she could not explain. As she reached the bathroom, she shot Ricky a glance that said, ' Sorry Ricky '.

The bathroom was all white. As she did her business and washed her hands she left. When she went out side she saw that there where many doors. She tried the first one. Locked. Second third forth fifth. All locked. Weird how much doors he has. Stephanie thought. Ricky appeared.

" Doll face you thirsty? " He asked as he handed her a glass of water. She nodded and smiled as she sipped the water she was about to ask why Ricky he had so much doors, but her brain was getting foggy like she had drank a whole bottle of wine. She opened her mouth and a yawn came. Little black spots came into the sides of her vision.

' Ricky what's in this water. ' She tried to ask but her mouth and brain didn't work. She tried to shake Ricky her hands came up in a useless manner. She realized what was happening to her. Ricky had tricked her and now she was being knocked out by some drug. She cried out in a sloppy way and more black spots came into view. Her cup clattered to the ground and shattered. The sound seemed so far away. Ricky took a few steps away and opened one of the Locked doors. That's when she slumped to the ground.


Ricky smiled. His work has been a success. He came over to Stephanie. What a moron. He picked her up with a groan of effort and practically the her down the stairs. She landed with a thump in the old cellar. It stinks down here. Ricky would leave as soon as doll face was chained up. He pulled at the chains and put her hand together. Her feet and chained her waist to a pole that held for stabilizing. He smiled inwardly. Everything was going well for his plan.

Hope you've been enjoying the novel!

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