
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
153 Chs

139th Adversary: Dragna Vs Everybody!

*BAM!* *BAM!*


Thunderous sounds rang out as Miko continued to attack the ocean floor. The number of people surrounding him had long passed an uncountable amount. They all watched him with wonder at first, but eventually people started to become curious.

"What is this creature?"

"It seems pretty strong if it can continuously force back the ocean waters like that."

"I want to tame it. It might become a great asset to my country."

"I was just thinking the same thing."

"We came here originally for revenge, but capturing this powerful beast could be seen as a bonus."

"It looks like some kind of Divine Beast, so the weak should let the strong handle this!"

Countless people started rushing towards Miko.


Miko sensed them and turned around.

"Monster, bow down to your master!"

A warrior closest to him roared and unleashed a powerful attack.


Mik was forced into the ground by a punch. The other attacks followed soon after. A bombard of attacks mercilessly fell on Miko.

"You idiots! What if you killed it?!"

Some more sensible people were dissatisfied with how the matter was handled.


A voice that was filled with rage stood out. Everyone turned around and saw a woman dressed in a black and pink cloak floating in the air with an aura of death around her. Everyone there recognized her.

"Kimiko Mors!"

Kimiko's eyes had a look of immense anger which terrified those who saw it.

"Just whose grandson do you think you're attacking?!"


A black wave burst from out of her body and spread through the surroundings.


The strong ones blocked the wave with all of their strength, while the weaker ones were instantly reduced to dust.

"It's the Mors Clan's death magic! The goddess of death has taken the stage!"

"Oh, Lady Kimiko! You're so beautiful!"

"Dude, This isn't the time-Ekk?!"

Some people turned around to see who was making ridiculous remarks at a time like this, only to get pale from fright.



Nero greeted those around him with a smile.

"So this many people came for grandson. I must say, I'm touched."

He folded his arms in front of him and nodded.

"You're all dead."


Crimson flames erupted in the crowd and shrieks of agony soon followed.

"Attacking those with my blood. You fools have guts, I'll give you that."

Markus appeared with hundreds of crimson-haired soldiers behind him. A massive shadow covered the area and caused everyone to look up. They saw the gigantic dragon-shaped ship and with thousands of people jumping down from it.

"It's the Dragna Empire!"

"We're here to say hello."

Nero lifted his hand in front of him. People started exploding one after the other without anyone knowing why.

"Don't flatter! We came here expecting to fight them anyway."

Those with grudges towards the empire didn't cower when they showed up. Instead, they looked like they were ready for war.

"This is how it should be."

Nero removed his coat.

"A war should be fought with both parties gunning for each other's heads with all their might. Cowards should just die!"


Nero rushed forward and countless went to meet his charge. It resulted in a violent clash of blood and powers. The other members of the empire started clashing with the sea of enemies. Despite being severely outnumbered, the Dragna empire showed no signs of backing down. Despite being out-powered, the sea of enemies didn't back down either. The two sides clashed fearlessly, determined to destroy the other.


A deafening roared rung out and drew everyone's attention. They all looked and saw Miko holding dozens of heads by the hair. He threw them to the side and then took a step forward.


He shot into the sea of people without hesitation. He slammed into a group of people and caused their bodies to burst upon impact. He opened his mouth and light gathered in there.


The beam fired from his mouth ripped through the sea of people, causing countless explosions in its wake. He turned while firing his beam to target as much people as possible.

"The hell?! That thing is extremely powerful!"

"Whether its or the Dragna clan, it doesn't matter! Kill them both!"

The sea of people parted and moved in two separate parts targeting Miko and the Dragna empire.

"Get out of my way!"

Sasha shot out of the airship and started sending people packing with a barrage of punches. Leon, Momo, Aeon, Kirika, and Alec soon followed.

"Black Dragon Twister!"


Kirika's quick draw ripped dozens to shreds. She charged forward while swinging her sword without pause. For every swing she made, a dozen would be cut down. In mere minutes, her entire body was dyed in blood and flesh, yet she showed no sign of stopping.


She roared while trying to cut down everything in her path.


A wave of scarlet flames erupted in front of her. She saw Alec with blood-colored flames pouring out of his body in droplets. These flames devoured everything that was in their path.

"We'll create a path!"

Leon rushed forward surrounded by a crimson aura. Crimson tribal marks started appearing on his face.

"War Face Activate!"

The look in eyes became savage and beastly. His teeth changed into fangs and his nails turned into claws.


He started laughing maniacally as he fearlessly plunged into a sea of enemies.

"Crimson Murder!"

His crimson aura turned into claws that surrounded him. These claws started tearing through everything around him. It was as if he was surrounded by a pack of savage beasts.


Sasha stretched her hand out. Dozens of ice spears, the size of cars, were fired at her enemies tearing them apart.

"A-Amazing…It's a war-zone out there."

Inside the airship, Luka, the trio, the twins, and Renacido core members were in awe by the level of the battle in front of them.

"Are you guys not going to participate?"

Luka asked the leaders who remained. They were Darwin, Alexus, Ecko, Nova, and Rouge.

"We are to stay and observe the situation. There's a chance that stronger enemies might slip in. We're keeping an eye out for them."

Rouge answered.

"Where's Andreas?"

Darwin asked.

"There's a war going on in front of him. There's no way the empire's military chief wouldn't participate."

Ecko answered.

*BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*

As if to prove her point, thunderous sounds reached their ears. They looked and saw Andreas standing on a giant rifle. Around him, dozens of giant rifles were firing at enemies from all angles on their own. Andreas just stood there with his arms crossed as he watched his enemies get slaughtered.

"I gotta admit, that's badass."

Ecko said with a laugh.


The ship shook after Miko roared at the top of his lungs.

"Such power….Is this Miko's strength?"

They saw Miko being attacked for every direction. He tanked a lightning attack and beheaded dozens of people with a swing of his hand. Tentacles then burst from his back and clashed with his enemies strangling them to death and then tore them apart. His black tongue stretched and ripped out the hearts of three people who were lined off in rows and then devour them.

His finger extended and pierced through the heads of everyone that came close to him. The numbers of people he killed started piling up underneath as he continued to increase his kill count by the dozens, even hundreds.

"Big bro….He's in so much pain."

Tessa said while looking at the monitor.

"He's crying and there's nothing we can do for him."

Kristen placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. He'll return to normal, I just know it."

All of Miko's friends and family started to hate their own weakness.


After killing her way through, Sasha finally reached a point where she could see her son. Despite seeing the monster that he had become, she only saw her child crying his eyes out. As his mother she couldn't ignore this, so she rushed towards him.


Miko heard her and turned his head at her. And then-

He fired a beam at her.

"Look out!"

Kimiko pushed Sasha out of the way. Hundreds behind her were disintegrated by the beam.

"Sasha, it's no use. I tried to talk to him but it doesn't seem like he can understand us."

"But Mama, Miko's…Miko's crying! He's in pain! We have to save him!"

"I know that! Currently Miko's strength rivals that of the most powerful higher beings, however, suddenly gaining that strength must come at a great price! If we don't stop ,him he might end up destroying himself!"

"Then….What do we do?"

Sasha was at lost. Her child was now nearby but she couldn't do anything to help him without being killed.

"You see that?!"

She pointed at something that was floating near Miko. It was Layla who was inside the golden orb.

"If we can retrieve her, then we can probably stop Miko's rampage."


"Miko's lost himself in grief and anger then we just need to show him that there's nothing to grieve about."

"Mama…You don't mean.."

Kimiko nodded.

"I'm gonna revive Layla Song."

"But you'll be breaking a great taboo for the clan."

"I know. I made it forbidden in the first place. There's nothing good about reviving the dead after all. However, it's the only way to stop this madness."

"Lady Kimiko, is that true?! You can revive Layla!"

Jason voice came from the earpiece in kimiko's ear.

"I can but it will be costly."

"No matter what you need I'll provide it."

Jason spoke with determination.

"Do you know what you're saying?"

"…I pretty much have an idea."

Kimiko reminded quiet for a while before nodded.

"Then we must retrieve Layla. However, since he's dead set on protecting her, it's obvious that he'll go berserk if we try to take her. In other words, we need to battle Miko which is pretty dangerous. Do you understand what I'm saying?"


Something crashed into Miko and forced him into the ground. Everyone stood in shock at the person who was standing on his chest with a bold smile.

"Loud and clear."

Nero smiled and looked down on Miko who was struggling to break free from under his foot.

"So basically I just need to play around with my grandson for a bit."

Kimiko smiled and nodded.

"Don't kill him now."



Nero leaped back and terrifying power burst out of Miko's body. He landed on a piece of reef and smiled.

"I don't think I could, even if I wanted to."

Miko looked in his direction and spread his arms open. Two objects burst out of the water and rushed towards Miko. He grasped them and Nero saw what they were.

"Even in that form you still won't abandon your beloved swords, huh?"

Regis and Ishma started transforming in Miko's hands. They turned into two sinister 6ft blades.

"I guess you're ready to go."

Nero took a fighting stance.

"Show me what you're made of, Miko. I hope you'll make me proud."