
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasy
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153 Chs

140th Adversary: Satan Miko!

"Miko's going to fight gramps?!"

Momo along with rest of the Dragna forces were shocked by the sudden match up.

"Gamiko, remember you just need to distract him long enough for us to get Layla away from him."

Kimiko reminded Nero.

"Don't worry. I remember."


Miko roared and caused his surroundings to tremble. He gripped his swords and shot forward towards Nero, who happily welcomed his charge.


Nero blocked Miko's swords strike with his arm which was covered with red aura. He clenched his fist and slammed it into Miko's stomach. The punch forced Miko back so hard, he parted the sea even further. He crashed through a few underwater formations and only stopped after he dug his feet in the ground. But by that time, Nero was already in front of him.

"Clench your teeth, Miko."

Nero slammed his fist in Miko's mouth and forced his head and upper body into the floor, leaving his legs sticking out.


People who saw the exchange couldn't help but to exclaim.

"Daddy, you're going too far!"

Sasha shouted.

"Actually, I believe I was too soft just now."

As if to prove Nero right, the floor started cracking open.


Miko burst out of the ground causing huge pieces of earth to fly about. He silently looked around and cracked his neck by leaning his head from side to side. He grew a second pair of arms from his back and rushed at Nero again.

"See? He's still full of energy!"

Nero jumped and kicked Miko in the chest before he could attack him and forced him back. He charged at him threw a punch aiming at his face. Miko blocked that attack with his swords and attacked Nero with his extra pair of hands. Nero leaped back to avoid the attacks. He jumped over Miko slashing his swords at him. He twisted his body and slammed his fist in the center of Miko's head planting him into the ground once again. Nero landed on his feet and then stomped the ground.


A gigantic blade burst out of the earth while stabbing into Miko and erected him into the air. Nero swung his left hand to the right. A similar sword appeared out of nowhere and stabbed Miko from his left. Nero then swung his right hand to the left and another sword stabbed Miko from the right. Finally, he lifted both arms up and then swung them down. This time a gigantic sword stabbed into Miko from above. The four swords formed a crucifix with Miko trapped in the middle.

"Crucifix Impalement Trap."

"He did it. He trapped that monster just like that."

The crowd was in awe by how easily Nero had immobilized Miko. Especially if you consider the fact that a true god like Erebus couldn't even hold him back. It was a feat fitting of the Demon Dragon God.

"As expected of him, I guess."

Kimiko said while she moved closer to Miko.

"Listen up, Miko. Your kind grandfather is gonna explain to you why you lost even though you have such godly strength."

Nero spoke to Miko who was struggling to break free.


"Don't understand what you're saying, but listen. You have strength and power on the level of the strongest of Gods, however, the current you is nothing but a beast swinging its strength around. That is preventing you from reaching your true potential."

Nero pointed at himself.

"A veteran like myself would never lose to someone like that even if they were far more stronger than myself."


Suddenly, Miko stopped struggling. This caught the attention of Nero and Kimiko.

"I see. So that's how it is."


Hearing him speak shocked everyone there but for different reasons.

"That monster can speak?!"

"Then it has intelligence!"

"Miko, he's conscious?"

"What's going on here?"

The expression on Nero's face changed to a serious one.

"Do you know who you are?"

He asked.

"What a foolish question. I'm a Satan, this world's adversary."

Miko's answer caused everyone's eyes to widen. Of course it would, he proclaimed himself as Satan.

"Human, you said that I, an apex existence, is nothing but a wild beast which is why I can never defeat you."

"…That's right."

Nero started to get a bad feeling.

"I've accepted your statement as the truth. You may feel overwhelmed with joy to the point that you want to kill yourself, but don't , that is my job."

"Damn, your ego is almost as big as mine."

Nero said.


The area started to shake. It seemed as if the sky itself was shaking.

"I'm supposed to be a perfect being that looks down on all existences, but I've just learnt that wasn't the case. That's right, I too have the ability to learn and grow. I'm imperfect so that means I just need to grow closer to perfection."

Cracks started appearing on his body. Light started seeping out of these cracks.

"This is bad. This is really bad."

Nero mumbled.

Cracks started appearing on the swords that trapped Miko as well.

"Watch me, Hunan, as I grow from a mere beast to my true self."


Miko exploded along with the swords that trapped him. Giant shards pierced through those nearby, killing most of them. When the explosion faded an entirely new entity stood there.

It had burgundy skin, long flowing azure neon hair, and golden eyes. It had a perfect warrior body. It was without a hint of clothing but was sexless. One had the feeling of seeing multiple forms in one entity. Some saw a muscular man, others saw an enchanting woman, others saw an innocent child, while some saw a wise elder. Just looking at the entity felt like it could drive one mad.

The entity looked at its hands and clenched them.

"It seems I'm still imperfect but this should do."

Ishma and Regis flew back into his hands and immediately returned to their normal sword forms. The only difference was that they now had a red hue to them.

"Since I was just born, I think I need a name to differentiate myself from the rest of the Satan Kin."

He looked at Sasha.

"You, you called me Miko, didn't you? I like it. From now on, I'm Satan Miko."

"Well, it was kinda originally your name."

Nero said.

"But more importantly, can't you see that your body is falling apart?"

He pointed at Miko's nose that had blood flowing down from it.

"Believe it or not, you're human; and the human body can't contain that much power without breaking down. So Mr.Satan, it's in your best interest you back down and allow yourself to return to normal. Or you'll die."

Satan Miko looked at Nero and then swung his sword to the right.


A single wave of his sword resulted in a powerful force which caused the ocean to recede.


Those around him were blown away with their bodies either broken or bursting into pieces.

"I'll take that as a no."

Nero said. He blinked and Miko was suddenly standing in front of him.

"I take orders from no one."

Nero clenched his fist and threw a punch.


But before his hand could even extend fully, he was swat away to the side with three fist marks in his body.


Blood spurt out of his mouth and nose as he was propelled back.


He crashed through a sea mountain and completely destroyed it.


A single movement from Miko caused everyone to become pale. A world renown beast like Nero was sent flying with one hit. A lot of people couldn't believe their eyes.


Miko silently lifted his sword and swung it down.


Thousands of screams resounded as people started being divided into two and fall onto the ground. It was as if the world was split into two.

"Hey, pops."

Nova stood over Nero who looked like he was choking on his own blood.

"Do you want any help?"

"D-Don't be ridiculous."

Nero sat up and spat out the blood that was gathering in his mouth.

"You think I'll share this chance of having some fun just like that?"

He sprung to his feet seemly full of energy.

"No one interferes, got it!"

He pointed at the Dragna airship and shouted.

"This is a fun game between me and my grandson!"

The leaders who were inside all relaxed.

"If he's that hyper than it should be fine."

Alexus said.

"He's too hyper if you ask me. I just hope he don't overdo it."

Rouge said.

"It's fine isn't it? If he enjoys himself now, he'll be mellow for awhile. It's a win win for us."

Ecko laughed.

"How can you guys be this calm? The current Miko is unbelievably strong."

Luka said.

"Don't worry, Lulu."

Darwin answered.

"That man is someone who's defied logic so much that nothing seems impossible for him. Just sit back and witness the Nero from the legends in action."

Nero tore off his shirt and used it to wipe the blood from his face. He then handed it Nova and started walking forward.

"Stand back, Junior. It's time for your old man to have some fun."

"Looks like your switch has been flipped."

Nero grinned.

"It's been broken."

He rushed forward creating hurricane winds in his path. Miko saw him and swung his swords. Nero jumped over it and kneed him in the face. Miko was forced to take a step back. Nero stooped down and clench his fists.

*BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*

Nero started raining down punches on Miko's body. Every punch sounded like a thunderclap. Miko's body rocked side to side in the face of the onslaught.


Miko swung his leg up and kicked Nero in the chin. He forced him off the ground like a rocket blasting off. He leaped into the air and appeared above Nero. He twist his body, gripped his swords tight, and then swung them down on Nero.


Like a ball being hit with a racket, Nero was swat down towards the earth. He caused a massive explosion when he made contact with the ground. The shockwaves it created caused the Dragna airship to almost be blown out of the sky despite being dozens of miles away.

"We should get back before they get serious."

Andreas appeared on monitor and said.

"That's not them being serious?!"

Sora asked in shock. The airship and the countless people who came for Miko moved back. Some even started running for the hills after realizing that they'll die if they stay here.

Meanwhile, Nero leaped back into the sky. Miko saw that and dove to meet his charge. Miko swung his swords while Nero threw a punch.


Nero's fist clashed with Miko's sword creating more powerful shockwaves. They moved back and then charged at each other again.


Miko blocked Nero's fist with one of his swords. He swung his free sword at Nero's neck. Nero parried the sword with his bare arm and then kicked Miko in the chest. Miko's body bent forward. Nero clasped his hands together and slammed his hands on the back of Miko's head, forcing him into the ground. Nero descended while aiming a stomp at Miko. He came down with so much force that flames started appearing at the sole of his foot.

"Meteor Stomp!"


Nero stomped Miko through the seabed until they both were underground. Nero continued to force Miko underground until they hit a black metal rock.


Above, everyone saw magma burst out of the ground like a volcano erupted. Lava started pouring out and quickly covered the entire ocean floor.


Nero was seen being forced out of the lava while blocking Miko's sword with his bare hands. Miko clenched his other sword and swung upwards. Nero flew back to avoid it but a red slash flew out of the sword and hit him in the chest. He was forced into the air with a long cut across his chest.


Miko roared and an Asura with six giant swords appeared behind him. The Asura clenched its swords and swung them at Nero. Six, mile-long slashes rushed out them one after the other. Nero's eyes started glowing as they turned draconic. An image of a purple, azure, and black dragon appeared behind him.

"Demon Dragon God's Breath!"

He released a storm of flames from out of his mouth. The flames covered the sky. It was as if the clouds themselves were on fire. The fire that was like a Divine punishment clashed with the slashes and created a chaotic storm in the sky.



Miko and Nero roared and charged at each other with the dragon and Asura behind them. They fearless charged into the storm of flames and slashes.


The very heavens shook when they collided. The dragon ripped the Asura to pieces while the Asura chopped the dragon to an oblivion.

*BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*

Miko and Nero resumed their chaotic melee. Swords clash with fists. Flesh clashed with metal. The thunderous sounds of their clash along with their godly power made countless people believe that they were seeing a scene out of the war for supremacy.They could now imagine what the era of eternal war was like from watching these god-like beings going at it.

*Flash!* *BAM!*

The sky became overcast and crimson lightning started flashing in the sky along with thunder. The sea, that had now once again covered the ocean floor, had become rough and black. Even the air itself felt like it was shaking.

"It's the end of the world…."

Someone couldn't help but mutter.


Miko was punched out of the sky by a bloodied Nero. He crashed into the sea before flying out of it with an enraged expression. And then-


Blood started spraying out of his mouth like a hose. He stopped, released his swords, and held his stomach.


He started vomiting blood of various colors. Red, black, green, azure, and purple.

"Kimiko now!"

Nero shouted.

"I'm already on it."

Kimiko appeared behind Miko and grabbed the orb that was following him around. Kimiko clenched her fist and shattered it with a punch and took Layla.

"Don't touch that!"

Miko's turned his attention to Kimiko and stared at her with hatred.


Before he could move towards her, Nero crashed into him and forced him into ocean. Kimiko took that chance to move towards the Dragna airship.


She could hear Miko roaring behind her. Kimiko clenched her teeth and ignored him. She made it to the airship.

"We have no time to lose. The longer she's dead the harder it'll be to bring her back."

She looked at Jason.

"If you have any last words say them now."

Jason nodded and stooped next to Layla.

"Layla, do you remember the first time we've met? It was when I was captured by your family after I snuck into Gael. You, who was just a little girl, cried when you saw me chained up and vowed to free me."

He smiled and rubbed her pale cheek.

"At the time, I never took you seriously and wasn't surprised when you didn't come see me for years, but then one day you came with Darius and freed me from that place."

Jason remembered the scene of Darius with Layla breaking down the door that he had stared at for so many years.

"To me, it was like a pair of gods had come to my rescue. That's what you two were me. You were my gods, the only thing that I believed in. So that's why I stuck with the two of you no matter what happened."

He remembered one conversation he had with Darius.

"Say Jason, isn't there anything you want to do?"

"I want to make the two of you dreams come true."

"Isn't there anything else?"

Jason became quiet for a while before answering.

"As long as I'm with the two of you I'm content. I have no desires more than that."

Jason smiled after recalling those memories.

"To be honest, when Darius was killed by Miko, just like you I had lost my purpose but I still carried out his wishes to aid Miko….That's when I acquired a new god, a new family member in him."

He touched Layla's hair.

"Just like you, I came to look at Miko the same way I looked at Darius. But also just like you, I didn't treat him like a replacement and came to admire him as his own person. Which is why I can't afford for him to destroy himself."

He stood up.

"Miko's feelings towards you are superior to his feelings towards me. Which is why your life is more valuable than mine. My death will sadden him but it's something he can handle. His feelings that he inherited from Darius and his own towards you won't allow him to accept losing you. That's why I must take your place in the world of the dead."

He faced Kimiko.

"I'm ready."

"I must make this clear. If you exchange your life for Layla's you'll never be able to be revived or reincarnated again. You will be forever bounded to the underworld."

"It doesn't matter. If it saves my two gods then I'm willing to burn in Hell for all eternity."


Everyone looked at Jason with sadness and respect. He was willing sacrificing himself to save his comrades. Not many would be able to do that.

"Oden, you raised me as your own. For that, I'm forever grateful. Please take care of those two for me."

Oden nodded.

"I promise."

Jason nodded and faced Kimiko again.

"Do it."

"I'm forever in your debt."

Kimiko placed her hands on the ground. A huge magic circle appeared under under Layla and Jason. The magic circle had some strange markings on it that not even a spell master like Momo could recognize.

"With the authority of my Mother, Hel, I demand that these two souls be exchanged!"

The magic circle opened up and revealed a dark foggy world.


Two chains shot out of the dark world and stabbed into Jason and Layla.

"The exchange has been authorized."

Kimiko spoke with a heavy tone. Exchanging one life with another was never easy for her.

Jason looked around at everyone and smiled.

"Please take care of my gods."


The chain connected to Layla started being dragged into her body. Before long everyone saw Layla get dragged out of the dark world and into this one. She looked around confused until her eyes landed on Jason who had a chain inside him.

"No! Jason don't do this!"

Seeing her, Jason smiled.

"Goodbye, Layla. It was fun."


The chain connected to Jason started being pulled. Everyone saw Jason's soul get dragged out of his body and into the dark world.


At the same time Layla's soul was dragged into her own body. The magic circle then disappeared along with the chains.


Jason's body hit the floor never to move again.


Meanwhile, a cough came from Layla. She opened her eyes and sat up.


She looked and saw Jason's body. She crawled over to it and started shaking it.

"Jason, Jason! Wake up!"

Everyone watched her with painful expressions as Layla shook his body. Some even had to turn away to prevent themselves from crying.

"This can't be happening! I won't accept this Jason! First, Darius and now you! Why are you two so quick to leave me behind to bare the pain?! Do you two love to torment me so much?!"

"Layla Song."

Layla looked at Kimiko after hearing her call her. Kimiko looked at her in silence for a while.

And then-

She went on her knees and l bowed down until her forehead touched the ground.


"Lady Kimiko! You mustn't!"

Kimiko ignored everyone's shock and kept bowing in front of Layla.

"Layla Song, I was the one who asked your comrade Jason to give his life for yours, so I have no problem if you hold a grudge against me forever! But I beg you, please help me save my grandson! It's because of my error that he's suffering at the moment, so I beg you!"


Seeing her mother, Sasha silently got on her knees and bowed as well.

"I'm begging you too! Please help save my son!"

Soon people started bowing one by one. Before long other than the leaders everyone was bowing in front of Layla.

"…..What the hell? I can't even get mad with you all like this."

She looked at Jason and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"If it's to save Miko then the answer is obvious. I've already died for him after all."


*BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*

The battle between Satan Miko and Nero got even more intense after Layla was snatched from Miko. Thunderous sound could be heard as they continuously clashed against each other.

"Gamiko, it's done."

Kimiko's reached Nero's ears.

"I see. And I was just getting warmed up too."

Nero started retreating causing Miko to chase after him. He chased Nero until they were near the Dragna airship. That's when a door lowered with Layla on it.


Seeing it, Miko halted. Layla had a smile on her face while her eyes were watery. Yet she tried her best not to cry and spoke with a clear voice.

"Miko, I'm fine. So you don't need to be mad anymore. Please return to your senses."

Miko looked at her with wide eyes for a while and mumbled.


His p body shattered like glass and Miko's normal form appeared underneath it. He lost consciousness and then started falling out of the sky. Nero caught him before he hit the water and smiled.

"You sure caused us a lot of trouble, you damn brat."