
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasy
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153 Chs

138th Adversary: Satan

After they found out where Miko was, the three clans of the Dragna Empire immediately set off to reach him before anyone could. They were currently inside a gigantic dragon-shaped airship which was as huge as a town. This is the Dragna-X airship created by the Tertitus Branch. Inside, over 10,000 soldiers from the three royal clans were preparing for the expected battle to retrieve Miko. They knew it wouldn't be surprising to see a sea of enemies waiting for them.

In the head of this airship, the leaders of the three clans, Miko's family and Apostles were all present.

"We got word from Krox. They've successfully formed a defensive net 200 miles near the island Miko is on."

Andreas reported.

"Then they're certain that Miko will be safe until we arrived there?"

Kimiko asked.

"No. While they were able to keep people out they can't guarantee that someone didn't slip in before they got there."

"How's the Crest?"

Sasha asked Hina who was next to her. Sasha looked a lot better compared to before. It looked like she might be at full strength by the time they reached Miko. It was strange really.

"There's no change to Miko's condition."

Hina reported.

"Alec, what about your end?"

Alexus asked Alec.

"I still haven't gotten word back from Layla and the others yet."

After Miko's location was shared and everyone was on the move, Alec told everyone about his countermeasure he had set up using Layla and the others. The others were shocked at first but after he explained himself no one could get mad and only feel grateful for his smart thinking.

"If they encountered a strong opponent, then Layla and the others won't be able to hold out long. We need to hurry."

Said Darwin.

"What about Uncle Joey?"

Nero asked.

"Like we agreed, he'll stay back and protect the empire while we're gone."

"That's good. With him and the Five Guardian Beasts there, we can focus on Miko."

"The number of enemies will be a crazy amount."

Kirika drew her sword and looked at it with a fierce gaze.

"If needed I'll kill my way through a sea of enemies."

"I'm sure we're all prepared to do that."

Momo said.

"We just got word. People are already trying to break through to reach Miko."

One of the soldiers operating the airship reported.

"Tell our allies close by to aid Krox and his men. We'll surely repay the favor."

Andreas reported.

"What about our members that are on their individual journeys? They would be great help right now."

Leon said.

"It's sudden so we couldn't contact them all in time. Those who were nearby promised to meet us there."

Rouge responded.

"So, isn't anyone gonna ask where the hell is Krow?"

Nova asked.

"Do you really think he would help out in this situation?"

"No, but I want to know if he has any hand in this. I can't shake the feeling that there's someone hidden in the background that we don't know about."

"That might be true but we'll deal with that later."


"What's wrong?!"

Everyone turned their attention to Hina who was holding her hand while grimacing.

"My hand…It burns!"

"Mine too!"

"God dammit!"

She wasn't the only one. Ace and Sora also seemed to be in pain.

"Show us your Apostle Crest!"

Nero shouted and they all extended their hands for them to see. They looked at the Crest, more specifically the crown that represented Miko's life.

"It's full!"

They were all surprised to see the crown fully restored.

"Then Miko's fine?"

"But why are they in pain?

Everyone stared at the crests on their hands. And then-

"The Crest is bleeding?"

The crests suddenly looked like they were wounds craved into Hina and the boys' hands.

"This is first time I've seen something like this, but it can't be good."


The trio screamed out in pain which caused the others to look at the Crest more closely. It was then that they saw something unbelievable. The mark of a dragon emerging from the sea started being covered by a new Crest that looked like it was being burnt over it. Smoke started coming off the trio's hands as the Tiamat's Crest was overwritten.

What replace it was an ominous word that they all knew very well.


On the uncharted island off the coast of the Night Continent.


Night King Nox looked at the entity in front of him in shock. It released a deafening shriek from its large mouth that had four rows of fangs and a long black tongue.


He looked at the ground and saw large cracks stretching across the entire island. He then saw water rush out of those cracks causing the island to start sinking. Pieces of the island started lifting up in the air while the water level rose. It was like the island was capsizing. Nox formed dark wings behind him and took to the skies along with Erebus. Meanwhile Arlan allowed Oden and Acacia to ride on her back while Aiden took Kris, Barak, and Jason took to skies.

"Wait! Layla's over there!"

Jason shouted.

"We can't get close to her! She's too close to Miko!"

Aiden responded.

"Besides….She's already…."

They watched as Layla's body started sinking into to the ocean with the rest of island with tears in their eyes.


Her body suddenly started floating back up before hovering in the sky.

"What's happening?"

Layla's body floated towards the shrieking Miko, where it was then surrounded by a gray light. That gray light formed a orb which turned into a physical orb with Layla's body inside it. The orb then dropped onto the water surface and started floating like a ball.

"Amazing, he destroyed that island with a single roar."

Nox looked down on Miko while floating in the air.

"Erebus, What is that thing?"

"You fool. I told you that you should've kill him immediately."

"Hmph. I'm not you're servant. I won't just jump when you tell me to."

Nox replied.

"Besides, I can still kill him now."

"….You better go all out. I don't know the extent of his strength."

"Thanks for the advice!"

Nox dove down towards Miko like a lightning bolt striking down from the heavens.


A thunderous sound resulted from him crashing head first into Miko. They were forced into the ocean causing massive waves in the water. Nox continued to push Miko with a godly force until they crashed into the ocean floor.


Cracks appeared in the floor from them crashing into it. Nox flew back up and formed a bus-sized black spear and threw it at Miko. The spear hit Miko and forced him hundreds of feet into the ocean floor.

Nox looked at where Miko was with anticipation. As if waiting for him to make his move. He soon saw his black spear tremble.


His spear was suddenly blown back and shot pass him so fast that he couldn't react.


Above the ocean Erebus saw a familiar black spear shot pass him. He looked up to see it disappear in the sky in an instant. His pupils trembled as he slowly turned back to the ocean. A bright light was in seen in the water. Soon the entire ocean started glowing.


A gigantic beam shot out of the ocean with Nox on the end of it. He was trying his best to stop it with his bare hands. In the end, he had to move out of the way to avoid it.

"Nox, what happened?!"

Erebus asked.

"I don't know….Everything happened so fast."

Nox's answered while staring at his hands that were smoking. He looked down and saw several whirlpools forming in the ocean. Miko slowly emerged from the center of the largest whirlpool.


He silently lifted his hand in the air and clenched his fist.


The sky shattered like it was glass and it's fragments rained down while a new crimson sky replaced it.

"- !@#$%^&"

Miko spoke in an incomprehensible language and then sky changed again. This time it was filled with glaring eyeballs that were moving around like they're dancing.

"What the hell?!"

Nox shouted. His shout had seemingly attracted their attention because they all glared at him


All the eyes glowed and fired beams at Nox. When he saw this, Nox had a single thought.

"Is this divine retribution or a devil's anger?"

It was as if the world was moving at snail pace. He could see clearly every single beam was aimed at him and that his escape route was cut off. He didn't know if it was because he was pushed into a corner, but his mind was processing at a speed he never thought was possible. Right when he was going to be hit by the cluster of beams, he came up with a solution.

He stretched his hand out and a black scythe, a physical one unlike the one he used earlier, appeared in his hand. He gripped it and swung it with all of his strength.

"Eternal Night!"

Darkness spread out in front of him and devoured the beams before spreading across the sky and brought Night onto the world. The night slowly faded away and the sky returned back to its true form.

"Good thinking, Nox. You devoured everything that he created and returned it to nothing."

Erebus praised.

"One attack from him and I was forced to draw my regalia."

Nox said. The scythe in his hand was jet black to the point wherever it went the area would dim. It had an evil look and made you feel like it was a black void.

"You freak, I'll reap your soul right now."

Nox charged towards Miko while forming massive tentacles behind him, each the size of a bus. He thrust his tentacles at Miko.


The tentacles exploded before they touched Miko, but that didn't stop Nox from swinging his scythe at Miko's neck.The scythe hit with so much force that it caused a massive wave beside Miko.


However, his scythe stopped at Miko's skin without being able to leave a mark, much less cut it.


Miko turned his head at him and casually swung his arm.


Nox was sent flying with so much force the ocean had parted. In seconds, he had already travel dozens of miles with no sign of slowing down. His body kept spinning so fast that it left afterimages of him in awkward positions.


Erebus appeared and stopped Nox with his body. He held Nox up who was limped in his arms but still conscious.

"I'm alive…."

That was the first thing he muttered.

Meanwhile, Miko was standing on the ocean surface alone. He looked in the direction he sent Nox flying and then started walking towards it. He walked on the water without causing a single ripple.


He started growling and increased the pace he was walking. The more he walked the angrier his growls became and the faster he walked. And then-


He roared and broke out in a sprint. He moved so fast that hurricane like winds run rampant where he passed.


Nox heard Miko's roar and flinched in Erebus arms.

"Did my attack just pissed it off?!"

"Let's retreat. You can't take that thing-"

Before Erebus could finish, Miko already popped up in front him. Erebus threw Nox up in the air and crossed his arms in front of him.


Miko threw a punch which caused a thunderous sound when it connected with Erebus. However, held his ground.


"Nox, I'm fine! I'll hold him off while you run for it! I might can't fight back because of the peace treaty and my powers may be sealed, but I'm still a god! I can stop a brat from kill my proxy!"


"Stop being stubborn and go!"

Hearing Erebus shout, Nox took off without a second thought. Seeing that, Erebus smiled.

"Sorry, Monster. But you won't get him today."

Miko silently cocked his head to the side.

"Oh, my bad. A monster like you can't understand speech huh?"

He pushed his arms and forced Miko back.

"I can't fight you but I sure can use my body and block you!"


Miko's responded by kicking Erebus in the stomach.


Erebus groan out in pain. He dodged a punch only to get another kick the side of the face. This kick made his body spin a couple times before falling onto the water surface. Miko then walked passed him, until his feet was grabbed.

"I'm not letting-"

Miko didn't wait for Erebus to finish speaking before kicking him away and continue his journey after Nox.

Meanwhile, Nox was running for his life like Erebus said. Despite not fighting for long, he could tell after Miko got a single clean hit on him; he can't defeat that entity. Despite being as strong as a Higher Being and reaching the Divine Realm of power, he didn't stand a chance. That's why he had to escape. Even if it was disgraceful, even this humiliation would haunt him forever, he had to escape.


He looked up when he heard something cutting throw the air.


There he saw Miko flying through the air without any wings or anything. He was so fast that he'll catch up in mere seconds.


Nox drew his regalia again and turned to face him.

"Don't stop! Keep running!"

Erebus was moving across the ocean with a speed comparably to Miko's. He leaped into the air and blocked Miko with his body.


He was immediately swatted away like he was a fly. Miko dove down at Nox.


Erebus burst out of the ocean between Miko and Nox and once again stopped Miko with his body. But this time he could be seen struggling to keep him back.


He shouted again to make Nox start running.

"What's going on here? It's like he's getting stronger as time goes on."

Erebus said while his body was being forced back.

"My powers are sealed because of the proxy contract but my physical strength should be the same. And yet…"

His feet was being forced off the water surface and he had to struggle to prevent himself from being thrown.

"And yet, I'm being overpowered! Me, a true god!"

He gritted his teeth.

"Don't fuck with me! I'm a God!"



Erebus looked up at Miko.

"Did he speak just now?"


Erebus eyes widened because he was certain that he heard Miko speak. Miko turned his head at him.

"What is a god to me?"


Miko's drew his head closer to Erebus, forcing him to look directly into his terrifying mouth.

"All that exists in this world is me. Gods are nothing but insects made to be devoured by me."

He grabbed Erebus's face and slammed him into the water. He then walked past him and headed in Nox's direction.

"My name is Satan. Remember it, Little God%#£&!"

He speech became incomprehensible again. He stopped and pointed his palm in Nox's direction. Various colors started gathering at the center of his palm. Black, Azure, green, white, and red. They all formed into a ball of light.


Erebus emerged from out of the water and roared but it was too late. Miko fired a gray beam in Nox's direction.

Nox, who was hundreds of miles away sensed a cold chill in his heart. He turned around only to see a bright light rushing towards him. At that moment his body froze, his heart stopped racing, and his breath became calm.

He smiled and had a tranquil look in his eyes.

"I see….So this is what makes him special."

The light devoured his everything and he ceased to exist.


Erebus saw a massive explosion that stretched for several miles. He immediately knew of his Proxy's status.


He screamed at the top of his lungs as tears flowed out of his eyes nonstop. He pointed at Miko and glared at him in hatred.

"You'll pay for this, You Abomination! I won't rest until you're dead! All of the heavens will work together to send you to deepest depths of hell! I promise you!"

Erebus started turning into particles of light. Even when disappearing his hatred was clear. In response Miko-


A mad laugh came out of his mouth. This laugh sounded like someone was scratching a chalkboard. A madding sound that could make ears bleed. He laughed until Erebus disappeared and was left alone.


Once alone, it was as if he was like a balloon that deflated. He stood in silence with his head down. And then-


Depressing sounds started coming out of his mouth as he started weeping. His body trembled and he started looking pathetic despite just beating down a god.


He released another screech and then clenched his fists. He lifted his fists and then slammed them down on the water surface.


All the water was forced away and Miko fell on the now exposed ocean floor.




He started pounding the ocean floor until it cracked. Even when magma started pouring out he continued to beat his fists on the ground ignoring the burns to his body.

"What's that?"

Not too far away, people searching for the island where Miko was, spotted him.

"What is that thing doing?"

The number of people kept doubling and didn't take long before it numbered in the thousands.

Meanwhile, the Dragna airship was also closing in.

"The defensive net has been breach. It just couldn't stop so many people."

Andreas said. Even now they could see more and more people pouring into the area. The place was already flooded with enemies but the Dragna empire had more pressing matters.

"Is this where he is?"

Nero asked Jason. He and rest had escaped from Miko and Nox's battle and ran into the Dragna empire after contacting Alec.

"Yes…After Layla died in front of him, Miko…He snapped and became something I've never seen before."


The news of Layla's death had saddened those who knew her.

"That woman…..Being too passionate was her only flaw."

Oden spoke with a regretful tone.

"We got footage."

One the soldiers said.

"Bring up."

A live feed of Miko destroying the sea floor came up.


They were all shocked to see what he had become.

"What is he doing?"

"He's trying to reach the underworld."

Momo said.

"What? Why do you think that?"

Ecko asked.

"To be honest, I would probably snap. I would curse everything and then rip open the underworld and bring you back to the world of the living…That was Miko's reply when I asked him how he would react to losing someone he cared about."

"So you're saying that he's actually trying to rip open the underworld and bring Layla back?"

"Either way, he can't stay like this. It's obvious that this new form is harmful for him."

Nero stood up.

"Plus he's surrounded by a sea of people who came here just to kill him. So to reach him and help him return to normal, we must be prepared to take them on and him as well since I doubt he's in his right state of mind."

He cracked his fingers. While everyone else prepared for battle. Nero showed and bloodthirsty smile.

"Dragna Empire, the Target is Miko. Kill anyone that tries to harm him while also be prepared to fight him as well. It's a tough job but we have to do it."

He put on a serious face.

"Everyone, move out!"