
I Will Obey Big Brother

The atmosphere became fierce as the little cat and little fox silhouette appeared behind the two girls. Both were not backing down. The two were ready to pounce at each other.

"Alright, that's enough." Ciel placed his hands on the shoulder of both girls to prevent them from coming to blows. "It's just a kiss, it's not a big deal."

"But, Big Brother. She's taking advantage of you." Chloe was adamant. She would not stand aside and allow this girl that crawled up from who knows where to wrap her claws around her precious Big Brother. "We've been together for so long, and we still haven't kissed. How come she gets to kiss you so easily?"

"Hum, the early bird gets the early worm."

"But I saw him first!"

"It's not my fault that you're slow." Kate said matter of factly. Although it was Stella who sneak attacked Ciel, she had already kissed him a few times when he was sleeping. The only difference was that Ciel was sleeping during the first time, but now he was awake.

Although Kate appears calm, she was sweating buckets and flailing her arms inside the mindscape. Stella chuckled from the side. She watched Kate's antics with amusement. Obviously, she was not feeling guilty about what she did. In fact, she was even looking forward to the chaos that would follow the aftermath.

Chloe was still fuming when she felt something soft pressed on her lip. Her eyes widened as she saw Ciel backed away with his eyes closed.

"Better?" Ciel asked.

"Fue~" Chloe made a silly noise as she slowly raised her hand until it touched her lips. 'D-Did Big Brother just kiss me?'

'W-Wha-" Kate gasped from the side. She didn't expect Ciel to make this move. She felt a mild ache in her heart when she saw Ciel kissing Chloe on his own accord. Resentment welled up inside her. She pursed her lips and pouted.

Like Chloe said, they had been together for many years already. Compared to her, the time she spent together with Ciel was only a few months. Ciel even admitted that Chloe was precious to her. Although he said that his feelings for her was that of a little sister, Kate was unable to push away the bitterness that was bubbling in her heart. Do brothers kiss their sisters on the lips? I don't think so!

(A/N: Actually some brothers do that. *cough* Don't look at me.)

It was now Stella's turn to wipe the imaginary sweat that appeared on her forehead. She too was surprised with how Ciel handled the situation. It seems that her darling was not a herbivore.

[Looked like my plan backfired. I should reflect on this, so that it won't happen again in the future.]


'What is this low-budgeted telenovela that I am watching? Who was the director and producer of this show? Come here! I demand a refund!' Elizabeth clicked her tongue as she watched the children from afar using a binocular. Her poor baby's first kiss was stolen so easily, and Ciel did it so naturally.

She glared at the woman by her side who was also peeping at the children. Feeling someone glaring at her, Andrea turned her head and smiled sweetly. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that Ciel takes responsibility. How about we set the date for that double wedding?"

Elizabeth snorted and continued to glare at this shameless woman in front of her. Although she was also secretly happy for her daughter, she still felt a slight pain in her heart. Is this the feeling when your daughter was about to be taken away by another man? Elizabeth was torn. On one side, she wanted her daughter to be happy. On the other, she wanted to keep her daughter by her side even after she became an adult.

She would not allow her daughter to marry a guy with another wife. Although she really liked Ciel to be her son-in-law, she had a bottom line. If she had to use force to separate the two of them she would do it. Even if her daughter were to hate her. For now, she would just watch and see how their relationship developed.

'Perhaps, this is just one of those first love (puppy love) phases that girls experience when they are young,' Eliza thought. 'Yes, this too will come to pass.'

She too experienced this when she was younger. Elizabeth understood that nothing was set in stone. Although Chloe and Ciel had a good relationship right now, no one could predict what would happen in the future.

Andrea saw the conflicted emotions in Elizabeth's eyes and didn't pursue the topic. She resumed her 'peeking activity' and waited for the next turn of events. Although she couldn't hear what the kids were saying, she was an expert when it came to lip reading and understanding body language. Right now, she was also worried because her son was too popular for his own good.

Although she kept on saying that she didn't mind if Ciel married both girls, she was a stout believer of "one man, one woman marriage."

She understood that the children were still young and sincerely hoped that both Kate and Chloe would find someone who would love them. Whether that man would be her son or not, she didn't care as long as both girls would be able to live happy lives.

'I worry about the future. Ciel, please, don't disappoint me.' Andrea wished that her son would grow up to be a just and proper man.


"B-Big Brother?" Chloe was shocked. Her dearest big brother kissed her. But, it was too sudden. She was not prepared! She had waited for this moment for a long time. However, her first kiss was gone just like that. Big Brother, could you kiss me one more time? This time with feelings please!

Chloe was looking at Ciel with starry eyes. She was very tempted to ask for another kiss, but she held back. She read in a story before that the female protagonist would be surrounded by antagonists who want to steal her man. She gazed at Kate and labeled the thieving cat as the antagonist in her story. Her expression became smug and it annoyed the hell out of Kate.

"Please, get along with Kate. It is my wish for the two of you to become good friends."

"Understood! I will obey Big Brother."



The two people in the mindscape were in awe on how fast Chloe shifted gears. One second she was on full throttle wanting to hit them. The other, she acted like a delicate girl who couldn't even hurt an ant. Kate felt a looming crisis, while Stella was just going with the flow.

Ciel was about to ask the two girls to reconcile when he felt a sudden tingling sensation inside his head. His eyes widened for a brief moment before returning to their usual calmness.

"Let's go back inside the manor." Ciel said as he casually grasped the hands of Kate and Chloe.

"Mmm!" Chloe readily agreed without any questions.

Kate was still feeling resentful. She wanted to free her hand from Ciel's grasp when Stella gave her a warning.

[Go with him.]

'Why? I don't want to!'

[Someone is spying on us.]

'It's only Mama Andrea and Chloe's mommy. You already told me that.'

[No, this one is different.] Stella suddenly became serious. [Someone is observing us from a long distance. It could be a sniper. For now, follow darling!]


[Don't ask questions! Just go with him and act naturally!]


The children made their way back to the manor, but Ciel chose a route that gave them some cover. Only when they were back safely inside his room was he able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Stay here. I'm going to look for Heinz and ask what's for dinner," Ciel instructed the two girls. "Don't go out, I'll come back to get the two of you when dinner is ready."

"I will listen to Big Brother!"

"I'll stay here, don't worry."


Ciel didn't waste any more time and left the room. He needed to find Heinz as soon as possible. The moment the door closed, the expressions of the two girls changed in a heartbeat.



Chloe decided to ignore Kate and seated herself on the couch. She placed her walking stick over her knees and closed her eyes. Kate sat on the opposite couch and observed the girl in front of her. She had no intention of talking to Chloe. Since she had nothing better to do, she decided to take a short nap. Her head was just about to hit the soft cushion on the couch when Chloe suddenly broke the silence of the room.

"I hate you. Don't even think that I plan to get along with you." Chloe said with her eyes still closed.

"Heh~ what happened to that obedient little girl that said, I will obey Big Brother!" Kate sneered. "Your acting skills are top notch. Are you perhaps planning to become an actress when you grow up?"

Chloe didn't reply. She didn't want to argue with Kate. All she wanted to do was tell the girl in front of her that she had no intention of getting along with her. Of course, she would endure it if her Big Brother was around, but if not, she would not even acknowledge her existence!

The thing that was bothering her right now was her Big Brother. They had been together for many years, so how could Chloe not understand what happened? This was not the first time Ciel reacted this way.

Her Big Brother once told her that he sometimes sensed when there was danger. There had been similar situations in the past. Whenever it happened, Ciel would have that kind of expression on his face.

'The bad guys are here again.'

Chloe gripped her walking stick in anger.

'Why don't they just leave us alone? What more do they want? When will our suffering end?'

So many questions, and yet there were no answers. The little girl sighed and prayed. Prayed that nothing bad happened to her family. Prayed that a time would come when she no longer had to feel afraid.

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