
You complete Me

After Brittany and Shen dated 2 years has pass and they both adopted a puppy and name her Stella. That same year Brittany got into an accident and also found out Stella has a medical condition and she is only 7 month old. Due to Brittany accident can her relationship with Shen last and will she toss Stella aside?

brenda_xiong · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Chapter 2 Faithed to met again.

Brittany woke up from after her night from drinking and had a bad hangover. Brittany call Ling Ling to ask how she is feeling. Ling Ling pick up the phone and told Brittany that she feels fine since she didn't drink too much and also ask if Brittany want to go out for lunch. They set up a time to met up at Saigon Resturant. Brittany finally got up to get ready for her lunch date with Ling Ling.

On the other side of town Shen woke up from the worst hangover he has ever had before. Shen had run back and forth from the bathroom and his bed all morning and wish he never drink so much the night before. Shen didn't realize that James was sleeping in his bed. James woke up after a while and when he saw Shen still throwing up in the bathroom he went up to Shen and ask if he was fine and also does he remember what happen last night. In the middle of Shen throwing up he got scared when James touch his back becasue he thought he was home alone. Shen almost choke on his own throw up and turn around and yell at James for not making now noise and scarying him. He say to James what happen last night because all he remember was getting the girls drinks only. After Shen got out of the bathroom, James ask Shen if he wants to go out and eat at Saigon Resturant. Shen reply yes to James and told James to drive since he having a bad hangover.

Brittany and Ling Ling pull up to Sagion Resturant at the same time as Shen and James. When walking to the door Brittany saw Shen and ignore him while walking into the resturant. while waiting for the waitress to come seat them. When the waitress finally set them Ling Ling and James both ask the waitress for a table of 4 instead of a table for 2. Brittany wasn't so happy but she still follow Ling Ling and James to their seat. Brittany was force to seat with Shen for lunch and she has a face that shows that it was her worst day already for meeting him again. In Brittany head she was thinking why did he met him again was this bad omen or faithed to met each other again. Brittany gave Shen a look of being disguisted for him sitting next to her.

Brittany did her best to ignore Shen and when her food came she ate in silents without talking to Shen. While on the other side of the table both Ling Ling and Jame was flirting with each other and exchanging number. After Brittany finish her food, Ling Ling was still giggling about something Jame said. Brittany got annoy and told Ling Ling that she is going to uber home and Ling Ling can spend more time with James. Shen finally realize that Brittany is leaving so he told James to give him the car keys and ran after Brittany.

Brittany was outside about to order an uber car to pick her up and did not realize that Shen has follow her outside. Shen went up to Brittany and by accident he scared her when he put his arm on her shoulder. He then told Brittany that if she doesn't have a ride back home he dont mind taking her home. Brittany told him no and started walking away. Shen then follow her again and told her that it is a free ride, and she doesn't have to even pay him to go home. Brittany was started to get annoy of Shen so she say if she goes will he learn to shut his mouth and not talk too much. Shen has a big smile on his face that it looks like it was touching his eye and he nodd to Brittany as his anaswer.

Shen open the door for Brittany and leet her into the car and ran to the driver side and started the car, he then ask for Brittany address and stay quiet. The ride was about a 20min drive due to a car accident that was in front. Shen couldn't stay quiet anymore so he open his mouth to say sorry to Brittany. Brittany look at him to see if he was sincera and he seems to be so she say to him that it ok since they were both under the inflence. When Shen was approaching Brittany house he decided to ask for Brittany number so he can do her a favorite for what happen last night. Brittany was debating for a while then ask for Shen phone so she can put her number in his phone. When they reach her house she got off and went inside.

That same night Shen decided to call Brittany and talk to her about random things and they both ended talking all night about stuff they dont even know. Unknown to the both of them that the longer they talk the more they started developing feeling for each other they didn't know existed. About 2 weeks has pass and both Shen and Brittany started to talk more while Ling Ling and James started dating on their 3rd date. Shen decided to invite Brittany to go watch a movie with him next friday after work. Brittany agree to the invite that Shen ask her and it ended up being their first date since they start talking to each other.