
You complete Me

After Brittany and Shen dated 2 years has pass and they both adopted a puppy and name her Stella. That same year Brittany got into an accident and also found out Stella has a medical condition and she is only 7 month old. Due to Brittany accident can her relationship with Shen last and will she toss Stella aside?

brenda_xiong · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Chapter 1 A Bad first impression

Everything starts changing around Brittany after she broke up with her 3 year long boyfriends Andrew Morris. Brittany took it hard because Andrew Morris was her first boyfriends who she never thought that he would cheat on her to someone who is younger then her. Brittany never thought that she would reach rock bottom after her break up. She start working over time, and party every weekend just to forget her pain of losing someone she loved. She lives every day wishing that she never having to experience the pain of loving someone again.

Three year has pass after the break up with Andrew Morris and Brittany finally start treating herself better. Brittany Song waking up on a Friday morning getting coffee at Starbucks before heading to work. That same morning was also Brittany first at her new job with Amazon working in the human resource department. When Brittany walk into her office she was greeted by her good friends Ling Ling and people who she will be working with from that day on. After getting use to her surround and getting comfortable with her new work office Brittany finally start on her work that was given to her. Brittany work until lunch time, and since she was focusing on her work she didn't even realize it was lunch time. Ling Ling came up to Brittany reminding her that it was lunch time. Brittany finally got up from her sit and follow Ling Ling to lunch.

While both Ling Ling and Brittany was talking about where to go for lunch they were also talking about what to do since it is the weekend. They went to a taco shop near their work place to eat for lunch. Ling Ling ask Brittany if she was busy tonight, and if she isn't busy, does she want to go to the club downtown. Ling Ling also told Brittany it was a new club that barely open for about a month now only and she wants to check it out. Since Brittany haven't been going out for a while, she decided to go with Ling Ling to the club tonight. While Ling and Ling was Brittany was finishing their lunch, unknown to them that they will end up having a disaster night instead of having fun. Across town from where Brittany and Ling Ling having their conversations James and Shen was also talking about going to the club tonight to have some fun. Unknown to both party that they will interreact with each other the same night. It is will also become the beginning of a bond between two people.

After work both Brittany and Ling Ling went back to their house to get ready to the club. On the other side of town, James and Shen were also getting ready to go out but before they hit the club they decide to go to a house party before heading to the club. At around 8:30pm Ling Ling call Brittany if she is ready, and if she wants to drink a little before heading to the club. Brittany did not see any harm to have a couple of drinks so at the end Ling Ling came over to Brittany house with some alcohol and finish getting ready. By the time both the girls decided to head out to the club it was already 9:10pm. Since both girls has been drinking Brittany little sister Rose told her that it is better for her to drive them to the club and pick them up later. Both girls agree and got into Rose car heading to the club.

About 10 minutes driving they finally reach the club, Rose park at the corner of the club and both Ling Ling and Brittany got off of the car and headed to the club. Just a couple of minutes after the girls got off James and Shen was also drop off at the same corner that Brittany and Ling Ling was drop off. Unknown to both party that they will end up meeting at the same place and same times. When all of them finally got inside the club they all went straight to the bar to get a drink. James saw Ling Ling standing next to Brittany, then he told Shen to go talk to Brittany so he can talk to Ling Ling. Unknown to the mens that Ling Ling was also telling Brittany to drag Shen away so she can also talk to James. Finally when both group reach the front of the bar James and Shen approach both Ling Ling and Brittany and offer to buy them the first round of drink. The girls did not deny them and decided to let them get a drink for them.

Right when the drink was given out, James took that opperunity to approach Ling Ling while Brittany and Shen just stay still looking at the interaction between their friend. At one point Shen finally decided to approach Brittany and offer her a drink. Brittany thanks Shen for the drink but Shen then told Brittany that he will want a dance with her before the night ended. Brittany agree and took Ling Ling off to the dance floor to have fun alone without anyone around. By the time the night was coming to an end Brittany forgot about the dance she promise to Shen. Unknown to Brittany that Shen been trying to look for her the whole night but since he didn't want to look so clingy that he ended up getting drunk. Shen and James was able to bump into Brittany and Ling Ling outside the club while heading home. Shen finally saw Brittany and told her that she still owe him a dance and that he couldn't find her all night. Brittany told him that she will replay by taking him to lunch or dinner another time. Ling Ling and James exchange number to keep in touch, while Brittany turn around and ready to walk away.

Shen was so drunk that he did not hear Brittany when she say she will repay him another time. While Brittany started walking, Shen decided to hit Brittany butt and smile like he didn't do it. Brittany was sooo mad that Shen yell at James to take his friend away and tear start coming down without knowing it and walk off. Ling Ling ran up to catch to Brittany and ask if she was ok. Brittany told her that she feel like he assalted her for slappin her butt because they didn't know each other. Though it was Brittany first time seeing Shen, she already hate him because of what he did to her and Brittany a bad first impression of Shen that night. After going home Brittany decided to take a bath to clam down from what just happen. Brittany only wish she will never seen him again but unkown to her that he is the person she will end up falling in love with.