
You complete Me

After Brittany and Shen dated 2 years has pass and they both adopted a puppy and name her Stella. That same year Brittany got into an accident and also found out Stella has a medical condition and she is only 7 month old. Due to Brittany accident can her relationship with Shen last and will she toss Stella aside?

brenda_xiong · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Chapter 3 First date

The week feels like it was passing so fast for Brittany and Shen movie date. They didn't even realize it was Friday already until that day when they were getting off work and Shen message Brittany if the movie date was still happening. Brittany was so excited that she call her best friend Pete to talk to him about Shen. Brittany ask Pete if he is busy because she wants to talk about someone. Pete told Brittany that he isn't busy but will come over to talk since she sound so happy.

About half an hour later Pete arrive to Brittany house. Knock Knock. Brittany ran from her bathroom to open the door for Pete. Hello beautiful, Pete say when Brittany open the door. Brittany had a big smile that reach her eye and was getting ready for her dinner date. Come inside Pete say Brittany, I'm still getting ready to go out so thanks for coming by. Pete gave Brittany the look of a girl in love and sigh. Who is the person that you will be meeting ask Pete. Brittany stop what she was doing and reply to Pete. His name is Shen Yen and I just meet him not to long ago. I haven't gone on a date for a long time so I'm nervous say Brittany. How does the guy look like answer Pete. Brittany then grab her phone and show Pete a picture of Shen. Brittany saw Pete face change from shock to surprised when he saw the picture. Brittany thought something was off with Pete reaction and ask Pete, do you know Shen, say Brittany.

Pete gave a big sigh and look at Brittany and told her, yes I know Shen he is friend with my brother say Pete. Pete answer gave Brittany a real shock and she had nothing to say for a while. When Brittany finally came back to her sense she say, Pete can you tell me what you know about Shen. Pete gave Brittany a look that Brittany isn't going to like his answer. Pete say Brittany I don't know much about Shen but what I do know is he has 2 girlfriend. But if you want to know more about him then you need to hear it from him since you seem interest in him. Brittany look surprise and let the conversation as it is and not push for more information. Pete stay with Brittany for a while and they talk about work and other things until it was almost time for the dinner date so Pete left home before Shen arrive to the house.

As time was ticking slowly Shen reach Brittany house at 8:30pm to pick her up to go to dinner. Ding Dong, Brittany hear the door bell and walk over to the door to open the door. Well hello beautiful lady, may I have the pleasure to take you out tonight for some fun, say Shen. Brittany giggle and told Shen to stop teasing her. Please hold on for a while while I finish getting ready and cleaning my mess, Brittany say to Shen. Okay, I will sit in the living room, reply Shen. It was 9 o'clock when Brittany finally finish everything. Sorry for the wait Shen, hopefully I didn't take too long and we aren't late for anything Brittany say while walking out of her bedroom. Shen reply no we are just in time for the movie and I will take you to dinner later if you are fine with it. Of course I would love to go to dinner with you too say Brittany.

Both Brittany and Shen finally left for their date for the night in Shen car. Brittany what kind of movie do you prefer to watch say Shen. Well I'm not so picky when it comes to movie but I would like to watch the new Transformer "The last knight" that just came out of the theatre reply Brittany. Okay that was the movie I was also hoping to see to say Shen. As they approach the theatre Shen went and got the ticket and also some snack before heading to their seat.

About two and a half hour later they finally came out of the theatre and heading to Shen car. Shen has a 2019 Miata and on their way to dinner he put his top down and drove to their destination topless with the wind blowing in their face. Brittany has long brunet hair that was below her waste and with the top down her hair was flying everywhere. As they were approaching their destination Shen ask, have you ever ate at Teppanyaki before and Brittany look at him confuse. Shen look over for a second and realize that Brittany has never been there before so he explain, Teppanyaki is a restaurant that the chief cook in front of you. Oh really that sounds like we're going to enjoy watching the show the chief will give us during our dinner say Brittany.

Would you like to have a couple of drink ask Shen? Sure Shen I would like a drink but not to much because you will be driving home Brittany answer back. When they finally got their table for dinner Shen ask the waiter if they have happy hours and can they get the drink menu. A couple of minutes later the waiter came back to take their orders. Miss what would you like to have for dinner ask the waiter. Can I get combination 5 and I would like to get my steak median rare say Brittany. I would like the same as her reply Shen and also a blue moon for my drink. What about you Brittany, what kind of drink would you like ask Shen. Oh I forgot about my drink, I would like a sex on the beach mix drink say Brittany.

As the order was being handle one by one from everyone present at the table Brittany and She both started talking again about life until the chef brought out the dishes. As the Chef greet everyone and read back their order he started to cook in front of them which amaze Brittany because she never seen someone cook in front of her before. Brittany took a zip of her drink and say Shen it's so fun to watch them cook in front of us. I think I'm going to be full before we get to the main course of our dinner. Shen smile and laugh at Brittany. It kind of part of the show is to eat and watch them work, we can pack home the food if we don't finish. Are you enjoying your night so far say Shen. Yes I am but I think I am feeling tipsy say Brittany. I can take you home to go and rest. Brittany shook her head and say can we continue drinking more at your place. Are you sure Brittany, you don't look so good reply Shen and at the end he decided to do as her wish.

Dinner finally came to an end Shen and Brittany walk back to his car. Shen walk to the passenger side and open the door for her as a gentlemen he appear. Shen decided to put his top down so they can drive with the wind and sunlight on the, While driving to his house Shen stop by a corner store to buy a 12 case of Michelob Ultra. Finally they reach Shen house but unexpectedly his ex-girlfriend show up at his door step, which surprise both Shen and Brittany. Brittany thought to herself about how many girlfriends he has before and she feel awkward getting caught with Shen.

Do you want me to go back home since you have visitor. I don't want to be in your way say Brittany. Shen walk pass Amy to open the door and say no please go inside first while I talk to her first. Brittany follow him inside the house and close the door so she wouldn't hear their conversation. About 10 minutes has pass Brittany finally hear Shen open the door and when she turn around from the sofa their eye met each other.