
Chapter 3


  ~At night- 9: 27 P.M~


      Melissa woke up from her deep sleep as she glanced around. She saw Sizu doozing beside her bed.

     After a while, Sizu awoke and noticed that Melissa had already awaken "Oh... your already awake?" She rub her eye with yawn and stretches her hand back "Do you prefer some water?" She pour water on the glass "Drink it."


      Melissa drink the water quietly and gave the glass back to Sizu.


     "I assume you're hungry. I will buy some nourishing food." Sizu smiled "Wait here, Okay?" She then got up on her feet and was about to turn away, Just then Melissa instantly reached her hand to stop her.


      Sizu gazed down at Melissa who was quietly staring ar her. She knock at her forehead "What happened?" Not getting a response from her, she smiled as she bend down, close to her "Don't worry... The doctor has already permitted that you can be discharged by tomorrow morning."


       Melissa didn't let out a single word and still kept quiet looking down.


     "I told you, don't worry, Okay? You are absolutely fine. Now, I'll go and get some foods for you, so stay right here, okay?" Sizu said with a warm smile on her face.


      Melissa's quite gaze fall at her, as she eventually let go of her hand. Sizu carresed her head gently with a smile and left to buy some food at the hospital canteen.


       Melissa glance around with a panic and finally saw her book on her pillow safely. She seized her precious book on her chest delicately. She hold onto her chest gently as if it was priceless treasure; chesrishing it within from her heart.

  She gently closed her eyes letting out a relief sign as if she had fetched her lost soul back to her body.

      After five minutes, Sizu appeared with two boxes filled with nutritious food.


       They both ate and then Melissa rested and as well sizu slept on the chair looking after melissa.


     ~At morning- 7: 13 A.M~


     Melissa was discharged from the hospital, both melissa and sizu went directly to melissa apartment.


       After they reach melissa apartment, sizu told melissa "Well... your sick so... there is no need for you to go to the office. I have already taken a day off for you... so take rest for today.. okay?"


       Melissa looked at sizu "Day off? Why?"


     "Of course... cause your sick." Sizu replied frankly.


       "I am not sick. I'll go to work with you... I have tons of work to do." Melissa replied while washing her face.


       Sizu gave a heavy sigh "I knew it, your answer would be this. So that is why... I took a day off without telling you... now.. please doctor had told you to take a rest and... yeah I won't let you go for work today."


         Melissa didn't give any reply to her.


    "Please... please... aren't we friends from high school. We have been friends for seven years and today you won't even listen to my one single request." Sizu started to blackmail her in the name of friendship.


     Melissa had no choice but to stay at home.


     Sizu felt relief "Okay... I have bought some medicine, be sure to take this in time okay?" Sizu gave medicine to melissa.


      Melissa nodded her head and took the medicine in her hand and looked at it.


      Sizu hold melissa hand and looked at her "Melissa... Don't take those high dose medicine okay? It has really high side effects on your body, and I don't want that. As much as you can, try to avoid that medicine, yeah... of course it hurts a lot... but..."


       Melissa lowered her head and looked at medicine "I will try."


      Sizu felt relief in her heart when she heard the answer "I am not saying, not to eat at all, eat but try to avoid its number okay, try to take as little as you can. I'm sure... one day you don't need this medicine at all."


      Melissa lowered her head and didn't say anything for a moment and finally opened her mouth "There is no such day."


      Sizu knew what melissa mean so she didn't say anything about this topic, she didn't want to talk about those sad things "Well, I'm going to be late and yeah be sure to remember my word okay? Take that medicine in time."


      After saying that she closed the door and went to her work.


       Melissa looked at the medicine sadly "Sizu... There won't be such a day when I won't need this medicine."


      She took her precious book on her arm "Do you think, such a day would come when I don't need this medicine?"


       She remembers the day when she was just eight years old.


       Her father and mother always used to discuss her topic. Her father hated her so much cause she was a daughter and he wanted to have a son.


       He always used to blame her mother for having birth to a daughter. Her mother always used to cry because of this.


      Melissa always just used to sit in the corner being quiet and looked at her mother and father who were quarrelling.


       On that day, her father leave the house and never came back. Her mother always used to cry. Melissa was already used to such an environment.


      "Mom... Are you okay?" She asked her mother who was crying.


       Her mother slapped on her face "Go away! Only cause of you... your father left me... if it weren't for you, your father would have been still been with me. Go away! And die... Don't show me your face." she started to scream like a mad man and even slapped her two, three times.


      This kind of slap, scold, scream... melissa was already used to it. At such a moment she didn't know whether she should cry or laugh.


        It was always the same but she knew what her mother told her isn't what she really mean, she knew that her mother loves her.


        Her emotion was slowly fading away, she didn't have any idea "When should she laugh? In which condition should she cry? In which condition should she be angry?" She had no idea.


      She was like a puppet who had no emotion.


    Her mother slowly started to have the same sickness as Melissa is suffering now. She started to take medicine to reduce the pain in her body.


         For six years she took medicine, slowly she even started to take high does medicine and she was really addicted towards those medicines.


       After six years she died due to taking a high dose of medicine. In those six years, there has not been even such a single day when she didn't need medicine until the day she died.


        Melissa put her book on the table and walked towards the window. Her apartment was at the top of the tenth building. She opened the window and cold and fresh air, touch her body.


      She took a deep breath and turn back towards her bed. She falls into a sound sleep.


         ~ At company.~


       One beautiful woman came into employ office one by one step in the office. Everyone's gaze fall on her who was working in the office.


         Her beautiful face was attracting everyone's attention, both male and female employees.


      All of the employees started to talk about her.


       "Who is she?"


     "Yeah... She is really beautiful."


     "Why is she here? Is she a new employee here?"


     All of the employees started to have discussions about her topic in a low voice.


    That beautiful women stand at the front and looked straight.


      Suddenly the sound of clapping came from behind which attract everyone's attention.


      It was jenny. In this company, she was a senior staff manager.


      "Everyone, listen to me." Jenny's voice came from behind and she walked forward with that beautiful lady and she introduced her with a smile.


       Sizu was also looking at that beautiful lady who was standing at the front.


     "She is our new boss secretary... Miss Alex, who has been working with our new boss for three years since our new boss started to work." Jenny introduced Alex "Now, Our new boss is taking over his father's company from today onwards. He will be coming within five minutes so let's welcome him warmly, Okay?"


   Sizu thought in her mind."Today? I thought our new boss is coming in three, four days.  Anyway... it doesn't matter. I want to see our new boss face and I'm feeling really excited after all it's been really many years since I last saw him."


       Sizu called jenny "Today is our new boss coming... Did you brought flowers?"


    "Yeah of course... How could I forget that." Jenny said with a smile.


       Sizu felt relief in her heart "Can I give a flower to him... please?"


      "No... Only senior is allowed to give flower... I'm sorry." Jenny apologized to her.


    Sizu felt down "It's okay."


     Jenny looked back "Looks like the boss is here. I'll go and welcome him. You stay here okay."


     After saying that she hurriedly went to welcome their new boss.


        The new boss entry made every girl's eye and mouth wide open.


      The new boss was wearing a white suit with a blue tie which made him look really handsome and dashing.


  He was more like a model and famous celebrity.


      His walking style was same like of those top model, even his body gesture was so hot.


        Every girl was looking at him with a smile and excitement. Every girl wanted to hug him, shake hands with him.


      They all were feeling so jealous of Alex cause she was his personal secretary.


      A handsome guy is a boss and a beautiful lady is his secretary. How could anyone one be so jealous.


      Where every girl was looking at him with excitement, only one girl was looking at him with full of shock.


     The only girl was sizu.


      "Oh crap!! So... It's him." Sizu fell in silence and looked at her new boss with full of shock.