
Chapter 4


  Yeah... yeah.... the fate wasn't with them... Well... no matter what is your fate... you have to accept it whether you like it or not.


    This is all the part of life circle.


    It was the same guy from yesterday, the black suit guy to whom melissa slapped in his face. What a fate.....


       Jenny introduced their new boss to everyone "He is our new boss, Sizan lama, president lama."


      Everyone clapped their hand with a smile.


    "Hello... From today on, I'll be taking over this company, hope we will work together." President lama said without any emotions on his face and walked towards the boss office room.


      Sizu felt so relieved that today Melissa didn't come to the company for work otherwise no one had any idea what would happen...


       She started to think in her mind "Today Melissa didn't come to company but it doesn't mean she won't come tomorrow. What if she came tomorrow and she knew about our new boss is the person from yesterday... and on the other hand, what if our new boss knows that... melissa is one of the employees in his company who slapped him yesterday."


       She closed her mouth with both hands "Oh... no... the disaster is coming very soon. I wonder how will I survive from this disaster."


      ~At melissa apartment- 8: 47 P.M~


      Melissa bought some noodles and bring them to her room and started to have her night meal.


      While she was having her night meal, her cell phone rang.


       She stood up from her chair and walk towards her bedroom.


     She looked at the call and saw the name of the caller I'd.


    After looking at the caller I'd... she didn't pick up the call for a second and keep looking at it as if she was looking at the depth of the sea.


      After some second she picked up the incoming call.


       When she picked up the call, the worried voice rang from the phone of a mid-aged woman "Melissa... Dear, Are you okay? Why didn't you tell me you were admitted to the hospital yesterday? It's good that sizu told me. Do you even know how much I was worried about you... I've been trying to reach you since day time... I'm so worried... Are you alright?"


        Melissa kept silent for a moment and finally, she spoke in a low voice "I am fine. There is no need for you to worry... I'm absolutely alright. The doctor has given me medicine... after taking medicine... I'll be alright."


       "Are you sure... Dear?" A caring voice came from another side of the phone.


      "I'm sure... aunt," Melissa speak in a low voice.


      "Aunt? I told you to call me mom... didn't I?" Mid-aged women said in a low and soft voice.


       Melissa looked at the phone for a second and replied "I... I'm sorry... mom... How are you? How is dad doing?"


       "I am doing alright... your dad is also fine. He also has been worried about you for a whole day. We were even thinking about coming tomorrow to check you out whether you were doing alright or not?" Melissa aunt told in low voice.


     Melissa gave a heavy sigh "I told you, I'm absolutely fine. You have your tons of works to do so please you don't have to worry about me. If there is any problem then I'll be sure to call you... alright? I promise."


     As she said being afraid that, they might come and know her condition as she had been hospitalized many times.


    It's just... she didn't want them to worry about her.


       Melissa aunt didn't say a word for a few seconds "You better keep your promise... Okay, dear?"


     After listening to her concern for her, somewhere in her heart, she felt sad. She clench her fist tightly and took a deep breath


     "Okay!" She replied and hang up her phone and put the phone on the table in her bedroom.


       "At company- 9:17 A.M~


     Melissa was doing her work carefully with full of her focus and sizu came running towards her.


      "Have you eaten your dinner today?" Sizu asked her with concern.


    Melissa nodded her head and continue to do her work.


      "Really? And about medicine?" Sizu asked looking at her.


       Melissa replied without looking at her "Yeah! I've taken a medicine on time."


     Sizu rubbed at melissa head gently "That's like a good girl."


     Sizu suddenly remembers about something "Well... aunt had called me yesterday since you didn't reply to her call, she was really worried so she called me and asked what happen to you, I told her the truth but I didn't tell her about your condition."


     "You better not." Melissa replied as a warning.


     "Oh... of course! By the way, why didn't you replied to her call? Do you even know how worried she was... at least you would have texted her message." Sizu said putting the file on her table.


      Without looking at sizu, melissa replied while still doing her work "You might have forgotten, but the medicine you've given to me was a sleeping tablet... right? After having one tablet I fall asleep for a whole day..."


        A cold sweat fell from her chin "Oh... yeah.. of course. Well... uh... that..." she pointed out at the file "Check this file... Okay? I will be going now... bye!!"


      After saying that sizu ran away as fast as she could, from melissa.


       Jenny came to the table where melissa was working "Melissa... our new boss is calling you to check some files which he is going to provide you. It is really important for company progress and profit... as your very hard working employees in our company... you've chosen to do this work."


      Melissa nodded her head quietly  "When do I have to go?"


   "Right now!" Jenny replied with a kind smile. "Be sure to complete your work nicely. I'm counting on you."


       Melissa stands from her chair and walks towards the boss room.


      Sizu saw melissa moving towards the elevator. "Where is she going?" She thought on her mind.


      Sizu called jenny and asked her about melisha "Where is she going?"


      "Our boss is calling her at his office for work, to check the file which is really important for our company," Jenny replied with a smile.


      Sizu suddenly felt like being struck by lightning in her body "Oh... bullsh*t..."


      Actually she had totally forgotten about their new boss. Now she was in deep problem.


      "Why did our boss had to choose melissa to check those important files among all of us?" Sizu said putting her hand on her forehead being so worried.


      "Why? Of course... she is a really hardworking employee among all of us. On top of that, she was chosen by our retired boss, our new boss father."


    Jenny replied looking at her with confusion. "Is there any problem?"


        "Problem? A new big disaster is coming soon... i... I have to stop her." Sizu went running towards the elevator as soon as possible.


      Jenny was still in confusion about what just happened...


      Sizu went to the top of the building with the help of the elevator, where the boss office was. She saw melissa in front of the boss office door waiting for the boss to let her in.


      She was just going to stop her, but melissa step inside the boss office and it was too late for her to stop now.


       She felt like whether to cry or laugh at such a situation.