
Chapter 2


  From far away, Sizu saw the worst scenario. The guy in black just stepped on Melissa's precious book which she even never allows anyone to touch.


      She rushed hastily to them, cause she knew that Melissa, at the moment has lost her sense like a madman.


     Sizu knew that the situation was really dangerous for both of them.


        At this moment, she wanted to save both Melissa and that black suit guy who committed horrible mistake, as if he has committed a sin.


      Melissa was slowly struggling to get up with her weak body. She then took her precious book without having at him in her hand and remove the dust carefully so that, even a tiny bit of dust doesn't stay there.


        "Are you o—" Before he could finish his word, Melissa gave a big and loud slap right at his face "Paaaaa!!"


        The black suit gentleman was stunned like, What just happen? His right face was totally swollen and red by just one slap of her.


     ~Did she just slapped me?~ He muse as his cold gaze falls at her.


        "Who the hell are you to step on my book?! Huh...." Melissa moved forward with her weak body which she was barely holding to stand straight. Her voice was cold full of outrage "How dare you to step on my book?"


       Melissa clenched her fist, she could feel her blood boiling at the top of her head. Hen she was about to give another slap on his left face, at that moment, fortunately, Sizu prevented her hand at the right time from giving another slap by gripping her hand tightly.


        Melissa who was exclusively insane, glared at Sizu with a cold face with a warning.


      When Melissa's cold gaze falls on Sizu, she felt chill running through her spine and cold on her feet, she was scared of her but this time there was no time of being scared, cause Melissa health come first which was truly in danger state. Being this much angry was really not good for her health.


       "Melissa, I have bought your medicine... let's take that first, Okay?" Sizu tried to calm her down while forcing a smile on her face.


       "I said... leave my... hand..." Melissa warned with a cold face. She was insanely pissed of.


      People were starting to gather, all of them were really shocked to see the appearance of Melissa. It was like a beautiful fairy turning into a wild beast.


      "Please... people are also gathering here, and on the top of that, you're not in good condition... and you have already slapped him, so I don't think there is any need to give another slap right? So... let's go for now... please, I beg you." Sizu begged holding Melissa's hand no intent of letting go.


       "I... said... lea—" Melissa's head was honestly hurting, she hold her head in pain and fall to the ground on her knee. "Ahhhh!!"


      "T-T-Take this medicine... fast... fast..." Sizu's hand was trembling cause she was extremely afraid by observing Melissa's state who was suffering a lot but before she could give that medicine to her, She was already faint with her pale face.


      "Oh crap!!" Sizu was extremely afraid and panicked seeing her "Melissa... Melissa... Her up... W-What happened? D-Doctor... Is there any doctor...? Please help her out." Tears started to drip from her eyes.


        The black suit guy came forward and carried Melissa on his strong arm.


     Sizu was surprised by this scene "What are you doing?"


       "Isn't it obvious... I'm going to take her to the hospital." He said and strolled towards the exit.


      Sizu was even more surprise... How could he help someone who just slapped in front of everyone? but it wasn't time to be surprised. After all, Melissa came first.


      Sizu then left with him towards the exit and looked around her.


       More than five big people who were wearing black glasses and suit... started to gather around that black suit guy. Any idiots could tell that they were bodyguards.


     Those people who were watching Melissa and that gentleman, were feeling like they were watching some kind of romantic movie.


      The guy in black suit was really handsome like prince charming and so was Melissa, she was like a fairy princess. The scene was like, A prince carrying her princess, many people were even clicking their photo with excitement.


      Sizu didn't had any chance to look at his face cause she was really worried about Melissa and she actually wanted to look at his face.


      He went towards the car, and one of the bodyguards opened the door of the back sit respectfully.


       Sizu eye plus mouth was wide open, the car wasn't ordinary, it was luxurious which cost nearly around 200 million.


       A thought crossed her mind "If only, I had this luxurious car, I would have sold and didn't had to worry about work, money, rent, anything... for many years."


      When that black suit guy put Melissa in the back seat, he called sizu "Aren't you her friend? Come and help her."


       This time, Sizu clearly saw his face, he was really damn handsome, like a famous celebrity, his sexy lip which can make any woman horny, his phoenix eye where every people want to sink deeply... he was clearly an idol for people.


       ~How could anyone be so handsome?~ Sizu wondered in her mind feeling familiar ~But... why do I feel like... I know him... Is he— No! No! No! It's not possible.~


       "Hey! Aren't you coming?" The black suit guy again asked to Sizu.


       Sizu nodded her head twice "Of course! Of course! I'm coming."


      She walked forward glancing at his delicate and handsome face and she suddenly recall the scene between him and Melissa.


       "I'm very very sorry." She apologized to him.


     "Sorry? Why?" He was confused "Well... let it be. Get in the car, fast!"


      Sizu nodded her head and get in the car. She put melissa head on her lap and hold her tightly yet gently so she won't fall "Okay, let's go... now."


       The black suit guy sit in the passenger seat and his driver drove the car very fast.


      Within fifteen-minute, the car reach the regular hospital where Melissa always get treated.


        Melissa was taken inside the hospital by again him holding her on his arm like a prince.


        Nurse came and took her for check up in emergency room immediately.


     Sizu came forward "Thank you for your kind help, if it weren't for you then...."


          "It's not a problem, after all at some point it was my fault." The black guy said and glanced at the door where melissa was being taken. The corner of his lips slightly curved up but it disappeared within another second.


      "I'm sorry from her side for slapping you..." Sizu apologise to him again by lowering her head.


       "It's not a problem. Well... I'll get going now." He walked out of the hospital shortly.


     After waiting outside the emergency room, the doctor came out and Sizu hastily asked "Doctor... How is her condition now? Is she alright? Nothing is wrong right?"


      The doctor takes out the mask from his face "Well... For now, she is alright. It's not good for her health to take so much medicine. Even this medicine gives pleasure and calm her down for some moment, it's not good, and she is even taking high dose medicine which has a high negative effect on her health. It will be good if she will stop taking those medicine even if it is hard. She should try to fight with her body on her own will, that's the best solution."


     After saying that, the doctor went in his way.


       She went inside the ward and gazed at Melissa quietly who was in lying on the bed. She took out the book from her bag and put it beside her head gently.


       Sizu stared at melissa with an sadly, she knew that melissa was taking high dose, she even tried to stop her but she couldn't.


      She felt really guilty "If only, I was success to stop you from having those medicine, you wouldn't have to end up in hospital many times. Don't worry, I'll try my best to stop you from taking those high dose medicine." She clenched her fist as her tears started to drip to her chin.


    Melissa started to mumble in her sleep sweating all over her body "Don't go... please... please... Don't... Don't leave me... please." Her tear stated to flow down in agony.


      Sizu hold Melissa's hand gently "Don't worry... I won't leave you... okay..." she bit her lower tremblung lips to control her tears.


      "Hayun!!!!" Melissa started to scream and looked around and breathing heavily "Hayun... Hayun...."


       "Melissa... calm down... okay... It's okay...." sizu was trying to calm down her but she wasn't able to calm down her.


      "Hayun... Where are you? Hayun! hayun!" melissa was going mad.


      Sizu hugged melissa tightly and her tear was coming down in sadness "It's okay... calm down... calm down." Sizu gently rubs melissa head.


      Melissa started to cry and scream loudly "Hayun!! Hayun!! Where are you? Hayun... come out... please... don't leave me alone..."


     The doctor and nurse came, two nurses hold her hand and leg and the doctor gave her an injection and slowly she started to calm down and fall into a deep sleep.


       "It's better if you will let her rest for now." The doctor said to sizu with pity in his eye.


      Sizu quietly nodded her head while still, her tear was flowing down in sadness looking at melissa who was suffering a lot. She went outside from the ward with a pain in her heart.


    She wiped out her tear but still, she wasn't able to control her tear from flowing down "Melissa... you're still suffering a lot from that painful incident which took everything from you, your smile, your emotion, your soul, everything..."


     she started to cry "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I couldn't do anything for you... I'm so useless... I'm so sorry... Melissa."