
Yoriichi Tsugikuni In Bleach

Yoriichi after his passing, meets Yamamoto who takes him to the soul society who meets many future legends like Kenpachi, Shunsui, Gin and even Aizen. Will he be able to compete with such level fighters or will he die to Aizen's plan? If this is your art and you do not wish for it to be used, drop a comment and I will change it within an hour. I usually reply quickly to comments!

ZetzuSensei · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter.6 Missing members PT.2 and the Search

[A/N: Trying out a new style I write now, no longer saying who is speaking first and just stating who is talking after, like how all other fanfics are. Though I might just not do this anymore I wanna give it a try]


[Forgor abt this, but this is current Yoriichi]:

Running through the gray sand with a group of 33 along with me, I continue to try to sense the kido spell that linked me with my Lieutenant. But it cut off somewhere in the general direction north from my location. This means, A: He removed the kido himself. Or B: He was killed. I just hope he is still alive…

I look back to see Giyu swiftly taking down another hollow before continuing along with Shinobu who doesn't even have her Zanpakto drawn. I then turn as it seems the connection is still there, just unstable. Meaning that he is either alive, or only a part of him remains. I am banking my hopes on A. "Everyone, pick up the pace, we have 100,000 more kilometers to go! Think of this as your endurance training. And please don't get left behind, we are already looking for missing soul reapers already…" I say with a firm voice as everyone chores a solid "Yes sir!" before they start using their shunpo.

My eyes then sharpen as I quickly shunpo in front of everyone before drawing mysword and use the [Sun Breathing: Shakkotsu En'yō] to first defend the surprise strike the snake like hollow uses with its tail, which cuts it off with my passive effect allowing anything to be cut cleanly if it touches the blade. I then jump up and cut the mask in 2 with a solid and swift strike going across the hollow's mask, effectively killing it.

"Just because I said hurry up doesn't mean you can ignore your environment! That would have been your life! When we get back you get double combat training!" I say with a stern voice. Even though it sounds like I'm some villain that pushes training on those who make mistakes, I'm just trying to ensure I don't lose any of my members. Lives being carelessly taken was never a thing I enjoyed. They put their head down in shame while some groan about the extra training. I smile as they seem to get the point and we begin our Journey, occasionally running into hollows who just want a quick meal. But we reach the place in another hour of running.

And what we find…is nothing but a Lieutenant cape… and a trail of blood, most likely Muichiro's. There are also fallen Zanpakto's but Muichiro's and 3 others are missing. Meaning they were either disintegrated or the hollows took them, which is strange for a hollow…

But looking down at the blood splattered on the ground with torn clothes left behind left me in a sorrowful and angry mood. I, not only lost my Lieutenant but also 40 other members who was ready for combat. This had to be the work of at least 1 Adjuchas… possibly more seeing as Muichiro is fully capable of fighting one and killing it. "We will set up a base here, I'll investigate which hollow killed our fellow members and subjugate it, if not the specific hollow I will eradicate all of them nearby." I say with my voice with an unsettling calmness. Giyu looks at the bodies solemnly, as he has also fought along with these people once before before joining everyone to set up a base…

Kokushibo POV

(Extra info: After hollows become Adjuchas, they hold no memory of their past, or that's when they become an GIllian but they can reclaim their unique behavior if their will is strong enough, which I had forgotten. Not like it matters anymore as he was in the middle of both of them as when they do reclaim their unique behavior they only change in mind and appearances. Kokushibo and the other 3 Upper moons had already done this and even evolved so eh. But their memory will still be sealed until further notice)

'Hahahahahaa! Finally, those soul reapers that continuously harassed me got what they had coming! Me, Akaza, Doma, and Kaigaku all together decided to test our new strength on them and it was a bloodbath! With Akaza's ability to disrupt reiatsu and his immense physical strength he alone could have killed them all!

Except for that Lieutenant. Me and Douma had to come together to kill that freak. With Douma's ability to freeze that mist he kept using it was easier, but that freak kept breaking out of everything! But I finally got an opening to cut his stomach open and Douma right after froze him whole before I cut him in half!

Ah, and my new treasure, his sword. The same one that cut down our subordinates. He killed off 30 of my subordinates when I was a Gillian and 10 when I evolved into an Adjuchas. Tough bastard… Douma, Akaza and Kaigaku also took a sword for them after we split the dead bodies evenly. With this sword I can use my ability, Crescent moon of hell, to cut even the mountains of Hueco Mundo! When I become an Vasto Lorde nobody will be able to stop me!

"He is doing it again…" Said Akaza who is looking at me with a weary expression. "Its been becoming frequent ever since he evolved." Douma says with a playful tone. "I bet it's because that woman drove him insane…" Kaigaku says with a fearful tone, slowly backing away from me. Somehow I can feel my eyes twitch in annoyance before I fire a Cero at them which they dodge.

"Get back here you bastards! I'm perfectly normal!" I yell in annoyance as I repeatedly fire cero's "Yeah right! You keep staring at the moon with that weird expression! You have to be a maniac or a super villain!" Kaigaku says while easily dodging another cero.

"Tch. [Midnight Cero!]" I say as a pitch black cero forms with my miniature moons inside them which are the size of an ant but the number range of that of thousands. I created this move to beat Tier who kept overpowering my cero, which I took pride in.

Kaigaku once again dodges, but has to engulf himself in an armor of black lightning to do so. I then stop firing cero's as it's a waste of time trying to catch him now. Afterall he is the fastest in the group, even without his black lightning cloak. He is able to keep up with the speed of a cero, which is in fact lightspeed, not even mentioning my Midnight cero is faster than my usual cero which is faster than any normal cero. I sigh before continuing our walk to our base.

There is no day here so there isn't really any perception of time so none of us won't know when we will arrive, but along the way we met 39 hallows, which we all take 10…except Kaigaku as he is the fastest one. He can easily find another one if he pleases…

We get to our hideout and begin our mini training. All we do is kill all the other hollows around the area, which for some reason there is a lot. We do spare some of them to become our subordinates, but only the strong ones. We continue this for another month before we end up having to move locations. As not far from here I can sense a captain level reiatsu moving here fast. Extremely fast.

We would have to relocate another 14 times before he gave up… And on the way he was doing that, he killed all of our subordinates! I swear i'll get that bastard one day… "Akaza, you remember his reiatsu right? Once we turn into vasto lorde we will attack the soul society to enact our revenge!" I say full of confidence. Though we won't be a match if all the captains come together, we can atleast get revenge and escape.

But we will get our revenge some way or another! "And there it is again. I think he needs to get that check out…" Douma says with a gleeful tone before I fire a cero at him which freezes. Sigh…


Yoriichi POV

"Hah…hah… where did all these hollows come from? If this continues I might have to use my Bankai." I say with a solemn expression. While I was chasing a group of Adjuchas I was ambushed by a second group of 5 Adjuchas and 50 Gillians. It wasn't a problem at first as the Adjuchas weren't doing anything, but with the sheer number I had to use my Shikai. But they just kept on coming. While fighting another group of 100 Gillians also joined which explains my current state.

I sigh before pointing my Zanpakuto up towards the sky. Even though my bankai isn't complete, It is still enough to kill these hollows. My reiatsu spikes as the Gillians charge in mindlessly before being blasted away by my reiatsu."Bankai…" Dust rises clouding every hollow's vision before they start to randomly fire their ceros into the dust. I shunpo away while slicing some Hollows in half on the way. When I'm done I successfully made a path for my escape.

"Amaterasu no Okami…" I say while glaring at the 5 Adjuchas who have yet to join the battle. They don't seem fazed as they give out orders to continue. I then rush through the crowd of hollows, slashing them left and right but the Adjuchas see this and order them to surround me and fire their ceros at me. I smirk before getting into a stance and spiking up my reiatsu "[Hinokami no Bakuhatsu]!" I say as a whirlwind of flames leaves from my body before it turns into a whirlpool of flames that burn 20% of the remaining hollows. But the next part takes another 10% off guard as it explodes outward in a giant wave of heated slashes. Immediately after I use shunpo to appear in front of the first Adjuchas who is green with a goblin like mask. My reiatsu once agains spikes as I use [Hinokami no Taki] which creates a large amount of flames, reminiscent of a waterfall flowing down my blade as I slash down the center of the hollow before using the same flame of the attack to slash at the second hallow, splitting its mask diagonally. The other 3 looks at me shocked at not only my speed but my strength.

I then turn towards the large group of Gillians before extending my hand as I start the chant for my Bakudo. "Hesitant I unravel the threads of fate; an arrow hangs still in the air, the edge who fails to reach its mark -- seven steps an eternity, twenty more are infinity, a pendulum, a watch and sundial; at these antiquities, hold thy breath!" I say as I summon a large bubble that encases them, stopping them from moving. Well almost. They are just moving so slow you would think they are not moving. Now I can focus my attention on the other 3 Adjuchas, and get to test some of my favorite kido on them.

I then flash step behind a hollow as I place my hand on its back before using my next kido "Hado #63, Raikōhō" Lightning gathers on my hand and before the hollow can try to escape, I release it as it flows through it body, only injuring it. I smile at this before I use my next Kido.

"Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness! - Hado #90 Kurohitsugi." A miniature sphere gets released from my hand that goes around the confused and scared hollow as a black box forms around it. In its final moments I hear a final rawr before the box closes to once again open to a Hollow that has been diced in many places.

I then turn to the last 2 hollows before swiftly finishing them off with various Hado's. As Hado is for destruction I don't tend to have much practice with them, as to why I have to chant all Hado #65 and above. I am after all better in Bakudo…

End of chapter.

(2080 words)

Well well well. Look at this. I am here to offer up an escuse once again. But this time it is kind of valid. I have needs aswell, and today I washed my clothes, cleaned my room (was getting out of control) then went back to sleep. If I were to make a guess, id say Ive slept 12 hours today. So uh, sorry?

But in this chapter im showing off Yoriichi skill in kido as you rarely see kido in bleach fanfics nowadays. I was stumped for awhile as there are alot of missing kido, until I found a list of them all. Which was a good 20 minutes ago.

Also the 5 Hollows are not related to Kokushibo in any way, and I had to give all of the 4 hollows a new nature as they lose themselves when they turn into GIllians, though they kept their clear mind and was stronger than the rest so its kinda balanced. Right? Well thats enough talking from me, Hope you had a good day/night and stay safe! I love you guys!